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"You're almost done," Oliver mumbled to himself as he cleaned up the classroom after all the kids had left, except for his own daughter, Lucy, who was colouring in at one of the tables.

Oliver was truly exhausted. The past two weeks had gone by in a blur, a painful, stressful blur. He had no clue what he was doing. He had barely been able to dress himself coming to work, he had resorted to borrowing one of Vince's polo tops with the same pair of chinos he had packed for himself. It was large, and was not as flattering as his own clothing, but he was petrified to go back to his house and get this.

He had tried to contact Dallas a couple of days after he left. Dallas had blocked him on everything. That had hurt a lot more than Oliver was willing to admit. He knew realistically Dallas still wanted to see Lucy. He knew Dallas loved her, but he could not fathom why he would block their contact together. He must be very angry, or upset with Oliver.

He didn't blame his husband either. Oliver was upset with himself with how he left things. He was upset that it had been more than two weeks and he had not even attempted to speak to Dallas. He had told Lucy that her father was away with his family, but she was too young to fully understand. She cried for him about once a day, and it killed Oliver, but every call to Dallas was rejected, every social media message undelivered.

The red haired male often wondered how if he did not have Lucy or Vince, he would not be coping with the break up. Dallas was, and still is, one of the most important people to him, in the world. They had spent ten years together, of course that would not just dissipate in a matter of weeks. Yet, it practically did.

"Come on baby," He muttered as he picked him his satchel bag, slung it over his shoulder and picked up Lucy, resting her on his hips as he turned off the lights and locked the door behind them.

"Want Daddy." Lucy whined as she rested her head against Oliver's shoulders. He felt his heart break a little further, guilt rushing over him as he made his way out of the practically empty preschool.

"We will see Daddy soon I promise." He reassured her, but it did little to no good as her eyes welled with tears whilst he buckled her into her child seat. "Please baby don't cry. We will see him soon."

"I want Daddy!" She wailed, kicking at Oliver's hands as she sobbed, but it didn't hurt, so he managed to buckle her up. She began to hiccup from the efforts of her sobs and Oliver leaned forward to kiss her cheek.

Maybe it was time.

"If we quickly see Daddy now will you be a good girl? He just got back from his trip but he might need to leave again, he's a very important man your daddy." He spoke to her clearly so she understood and watched as she pouted but nodded.

"I can do this." He whispered to himself as he shut the door and got into the front seat, driving away from the school and down the familiar streets towards the house he once lived in.

Whether Dallas wanted Oliver in his life or not, Lucy needed to see him, and he would take the chance to apologise for his harsh words. Their problems had been pushed to a solution maybe too quickly, too harshly, but the transition was bound to come eventually. He just needed to try and make it better. He needed to be on good terms with Dallas. They had never not spoken for this long throughout the entirety of their relationship and marriage.

Despite him struggling with the separation, Oliver had to admit he got lucky with his mate. Vince was so good to him and Lucy. He had given Oliver the bed and slept on the couch so Lucy could sleep beside her dad. He tried his best to get them the food they liked, and asked for nothing in return. He had even given Oliver a key because his shifts at work were getting longer, even though Oliver had a feeling that Vince wanted this job, this place to be temporary. He knew Vince wanted to go back to his pack house. He knew this, but he wasn't ready for it, and he was thankful the other male understood the sensitive situation between his husband and their daughter.

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