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Dallas dropped his phone like it burned him as soon as he sent that text. Why the hell did he do that? As soon as he sent that text, he acknowledged that Ashton was his mate. As soon as that thought crossed his mind, a deep yearning rushed through him. He had just suggested that his and Oliver's mate meet to discuss what to do... which he knew would not end with him and Oliver still married. The thought made him frown as he drove to pick up his daughter.

His daughter, Lucy. His sweet, innocent and beautiful princess. What would happen to her? A deep protectiveness settled over him. If Oliver's mate showed any sort of fatherly behaviour to Lucy, he would skin him alive. Lucy was Oliver's and his . Oliver was his, he was Oliver's. How could this happen to them? Dallas felt that deep emotion that promised tears and he quickly pushed it down as he arrived to pick up Lucy. Immediately seeing her gentle smile and her squeak as he picked her up and kissed her cheek, almost everything seemed to disappear. All of his problems, all of it. Lucy helped him breathe, and watching her smile at him as he placed her in the baby seat made everything just a little bit easier until the shrill ringtone of his phone shattered the atmosphere. He glanced at the ringtone and saw it was Oliver, that fearful feeling flooded his nerves and he took a deep breath. "Oli-"

"What do you mean you met your mate?!" Oliver cried, his voice shaking. "You couldn't have bothered to tell me when I was sobbing to you! Now I know we can figure this out because we both have one I-I- what does he look like?" Dallas rolled his eyes at the last question.

"What he looks like doesn't matter, Oliver, I'm sorry for not telling you. The reason I didn't is simply because I told him from the straight up I didn't want a mate and I already had you and Lucy...I want to meet your mate to tell him that. To figure something else out because honestly Oliver, I'm not giving up you, and I'm especially not letting any man, your mate or not, get near my daughter." Every single word he spoke was the utter truth, and there was a stretch of silence from Oliver as Dallas climbed into the car, his bulky frame less than graceful. "Baby?" Dallas asked after a while, the silence worried him.

"I love you so much." Oliver sobbed, "I wish you were my mate. I wish I never met Vince, or you never met whoever your mate is-"

"Ashton." Dallas filled in and he heard Oliver sob.

"That's a hot guys name!" He cried and Dallas laughed slightly at the ridiculous reason Oliver got more upset at. "Oliver, I'd be happy to tell you how beautiful you are but I have a daughter to get home and a situation to figure out with you so I'll see you soon."

Oliver sniffed but let out a little laugh. "Okay Dallas, see you soon." He hung up. "Home!" Lucy giggled and Dallas smiled as he nodded and headed right to where she wanted and where his own heart was, at home with Oliver.

Dallas arrived to see Oliver on the doorstep ready and waiting as he grabbed Lucy from his arms and gave her a big kiss. "How's my baby girl?" He cooed as he cuddled her before he offered Dallas a small smile. Oliver looked ruffled, his eyes red and his face blotchy, but to Dallas he looked beautiful. At the back of his mind, Ashton flashed, but it was so brief and subconscious, Dallas barely noticed. "Let's go inside and talk properly after Lucy's put to a nap." He suggested, Oliver accepted the idea and they set to it before Dallas's phone buzzed, it was a text from the gym.

WORK: A client of yours requested your number for session purposes. We have given it to them and are letting you know. Don't forget you have six clients tomorrow from 8:00am-4:00pm.

Dallas guessed immediately who that client was and almost a second later his phone buzzed with an 'unknown' number and reluctantly he answered it. If this was going to work, Oliver and Dallas had to meet each other's mates and then explain to them what they wanted.

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