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Hopelessness was something that had consumed Dallas inside and out. It had been exactly two and a half weeks since the break up, but he had not kept track. Time passed him by unnoticed, left him day by day, picked at pieces of his soul, his personality. Was he still the strong, caring warrior wolf Oliver had once fallen for? He was not sure.

He had not done much else, except Dirat, for the past couple of weeks. Ashton had taken it upon himself to stay with him during this time. He could tell his mate was ecstatic to be with Dallas like this, to be sharing his bed, to be high with him most hours of the day. Dallas only ate if Ashton brought him food, only showered if Ashton reminded him to. Otherwise, he had no motivation.

He missed his daughter.

He thought of her most of the time. Her bubbly laugh, her blonde hair when she first woke up, her toothy smile, her rosy cheeks. She made him feel warm when most of the time he felt nothing.

He missed Oliver, too.

He missed the smell of his hair when he came up to him from behind. He missed his snide comments, he missed their romance together. Was it possible to feel so broken after someone who was not your mate left you? Dallas would say yes. Even though he was getting physical pleasure from Ashton, narcotic pleasure as well, he felt like he was an unfeeling robot, simply functioning as it was his wolfs desire to keep going.

The human in him seemed to leave with his husband and daughter.

He had not heard from them. He checked his phone a couple of days ago, to see no missed calls, nothing. He was too high to process it properly, and had thrown his phone against the wall in petulance. It was still there. He did not care enough to get it.

Oliver clearly wanted nothing to do with him. Oliver wanted Vince. They would be a happy family without Dallas. All he had now was Ashton.

The thought of Lucy viewing Vince as a father figure made Dallas's headache form into a migraine as he turned his body away from Ashton's sleeping, naked form. The sex was a pleasant distraction, and he knew his wolf was dying to perform the mating ritual, to please the spirits, but for now his grief was winning, and he was resisting any hint from Ashton to complete it. Good thing they were both high most of the time, except when Ashton left to get more, to buy food, then Dallas would allow himself to wear a crew neck or something of Oliver's he left behind.

He had left a lot. It hurt more to think about. He would rather live off the few items he took then retrieve them. He hated Dallas that much. He had been stupid to use the words just a kiss. He knew Oliver must have wanted to leave, and was waiting for an opportunity, and Dallas served it up on a silver platter.

He sighed as he sat up. He could no longer pretend he was sleeping. Standing and leaving the bed, with his mate in it, he pulled on a pair of probably unclean tracksuit pants to cover his naked bottom half and made his way downstairs.

Breakfast, like most days, was a line of Dirat, and a stiff drink.

Dallas could barely handle his grief when he was sober and the only remedy to that was to lean down, line up his coping mechanism, and sniff it quickly, coughing slightly as he let it him, his eyes shutting as he let the initial hit invigorate him.

"Good morning," he smirked to himself. He went to the downstairs bathroom, using the toilet before he caught his reflection in the mirror.

He had lost weight. He still had his muscular shoulders and arms, and his abs, but he had lost his healthy fat surrounding them, as well as his healthy, tanned glow. He was slightly pale now. His cheeks were hollow. He maybe ate one meal a day with Ashton, they truly spent most of the time drinking, doing Dirat, and having sex. His black hair was slightly oil from the lack of attention, under his eyes were dark.

What caught his attention was the drip of red blood trailing from his nose. It wasn't unusual when that was how he ingested Dirat, but it was something that had happened a lot more often after two weeks of abuse of the drug. It usually ended up fatal for humans, he was not sure how wolves faired, as most did not abuse it like humans did.

In a way Dallas wished it would harm him. Maybe then he would have something else to focus on that wasn't how miserable he was. He washed his face with water to rid himself of the idea, rinsing the blood away with it. He brushed his teeth, trying to rid the taste of vodka, leaving once he was finished only to see Ashton making his way down the stairs.

"Hey babe," Ashton smiled tiredly as he walked up to Dallas, looking up at him as he kissed his cheek and cuddled into his chest.

Silently, he wrapped an arm around Ashton and rested his head on top of the other male's. The warmth of the embrace alleviated some of his misery, his wolf was certainly itching to shift and interact with his mates wolf as well, but Dallas wasn't ready.

"Should we eat? I'm actually starving." His mate muttered, pulling away from Dallas, moving freely towards the kitchen as if he had lived here as long as his ex husband.

"I already had some Dirat." Dallas replied, following him into the kitchen despite his words, sitting at the table. He watched as Ashton smirked and sat opposite him.

"Well thanks for sharing," he teased before he paused and reached out, holding Dallas's hand across the table. "I have an idea."


"Come with me to New York. You need a change of pace, this place is dead weight with bad memories. Stay with me and my pack. We can truly be ourselves there, we can complete the mating ritual, you will forget Oliver, and we can help you see your daughter again." Ashton explained, smiling excitedly.

"I can't forget Oliver." Dallas mumbled, pulling his hand away from his mate and crossing his arms as he stared at the table, "How could you possible help me see Lucy again?"

He ignored the flash of hurt that flooded across Ashton's features. "Well," he recovered himself, "Our pack had access to some of the best lawyers in the country. We can fight for custody. All we need is proof he left you without just cause, or is unfairly keeping her from you."

Dallas frowned, "But he isn't. I'm sure if I-, If I apologise, he would let me see her-,"

Ashton scoffed, "Oh Dallas, don't be stupid. He's with Vince now. He couldn't care less if you saw her or not. As far as he's concerned, she has a perfectly good replacement father figure. He's already changed his Facebook status to single."

"What?" Dallas choked out, lifting his head to look at Ashton who nodded matter-of-fact-ly. He felt his lungs collapse at that. Sure. Social media was stupid, but they had not even discussed legal divorce or anything. As far as Dallas was concerned, this break up still wasn't real, but apparently it was to Oliver. He did not even know if what Ashton was saying was true. His mate had taken the liberty of blocking Oliver on all social media for him, even maybe his number, he was not sure, maybe that's why Oliver hadn't called. He probably would not even if he wasn't blocked. If he had not even shown up to get his stuff, he wanted nothing to do with Dallas, and Dallas had to accept that.

"Right? What an asshole, thank God he's gone." Ashton rolled his eyes and stood up as he reached for the sliced bread to begin making them toast, "So, what do you say, come with me?"

Dallas felt hollow as he stared at the table. Oliver really was gone. He hated Dallas. He did not want him. He took Lucy as well. He would teach Lucy to hate him.

All he had now was Ashton.

"Sure. Let's go to New York."

(I know it's shorter than normally, I usually like them to be around 2000 words but I wanted to end it there, and next chapter I can focus on Oliver. Let me know what you think! And don't forget to vote! PLEASE! We are almost at 1k reads too. I CANT BELIEVE IT!)

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