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Vince knew that he would be happy with Oliver, but the extent of which surprised him. He had never left for work excited before; excited to work hard, excited to earn money. It was the sense of providing for someone else that was motivating for him, providing for his mate and his mate's daughter. He was looking after the person he was destined to be with, he could be rewarded with his daily work by simply seeing Oliver, and everything was worth it.

It had been about a month since Dallas had gone to New York, and whilst he noticed Oliver really struggling with the separation from time to time, Vince tried his best to help him, and he was very careful about his boundaries with Lucy. He was not her father, and even though Dallas visited weekly, Oliver told his mate that Dallas would spend the whole weekend with Lucy, and she would be ecstatic, but he refused to update Oliver on his life.

It hurt Vince to see Oliver worry about his ex-husband, they had not legally divorced yet but this did not bother Vince, their mating ceremony would be a million times more authentic to him, it was just in terms of legal rights they would need to discuss it; but now was not the time. He knew it was not the time because he knew exactly what was happening to Dallas, and it was because it had once happened to him.

Ashton was a manipulative, powerful werewolf. His job was one that allowed him to exert influence over both humans and other werewolves. His relationship with his pack leader Luke was one that would enhance his power even more; Vince knew if Ashton wanted Dallas to do something, or punish him for something else; Luke could make it happen. It only worried him for his mate's sake, the red-headed male was worried sick about Dallas as he was not communicating with anyone, all of his social media accounts were deleted, and the only contact Oliver had with him was via a text letting him know when he would come and get Lucy.

Vince had seen Dallas once when he had come to get Lucy. They were living in the house Dallas left behind. When the male had come to pick up his daughter he was wearing all black, black jeans, expensive black shoes, a black button-up shirt with a black leather jacket. This was definitely Ashtons' doing, as now Dallas almost looked like his mate, he had grown his hair out and styled it similar, he had left his life behind, and yet, he looked miserable. He did not know the male very well, but he had seen photos of when he was happy, his smile was radiant, and even if he wasn't smiling, he simply looked focus; now he looked like he was a shell of the man he had once been. The guilt churned his stomach. Oliver believed the reason Dallas was like this was because of the separation, and that may have started it, but Ashton would have taken advantage and manipulated Dallas, and now he was beyond lost. Vince felt it was not his place to save Dallas, especially since if he did it would provide another threat to his relationship, but it was seeing Lucy that made him question his position.

He wanted them all to have a fresh start, he wanted to take Oliver away to his pack house with Lucy so he would not have to be reminded about Dallas every day by the photos on the walls he refused to take down. He is still her father, His mate would say, and he swore he understood, but it made his life harder when at this point in time, he and Oliver shared a bed, but he noticed Oliver's things were in the drawer on Vince's side of the bed. He must be sleeping on what was once Oliver's side of the bed, which meant Oliver was uncomfortable with him completely replacing Dallas. Despite this, Vince still was finishing up work with an excited smile on his face. He had managed to snag some cake that hadn't sold today to take back for his mate and Lucy. Lucy now referred to him as 'Vin', and it made Vince's heart sore.

I've made dinner, when will you get to the house? The text made a shot of sadness run through Vince. The house. This wording implied something different to him; not home.

I'll be home in ten. His response was purposeful. He wanted Oliver to start accepting that this was the reality. Dallas was gone, and he was not coming back. He was Ashton's now.

Choose Me (BoyxBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora