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Oliver enjoyed work. It was rewarding, but it was also a pleasant distraction from relentless thoughts. Thoughts of insecurity. Thoughts of anger. Thoughts of anxiety.

What happened last night?

He so desperately wanted to know. Yet, he had to feign indifference. If he displayed indifference, Dallas would realise very soon he had to explain and apologised. At least, Oliver hoped he would. He wasn't an expert in passive aggressiveness and yet, he wasn't an expert on how to react when your husband comes home at three in the morning from a date with another man, either.

It wasn't a date.

He was in vehement denial. It made his day slightly more bearable as he taught the abc's to children. In fact, it was therapeutic to ignore the reality of his situation through teaching. A for another man. B for broken marriage. C for cheating.

He didn't cheat.

Oliver hoped Dallas had respected their promise. Despite craving Vince's lips, Oliver had not pushed passed that boundary. He definitely wanted to.

Maybe his anxiety about a potential Dallas-Ashton kiss was because something inside of him knew something had happened. A gut feeling.

"I want more blue paper!" Little Julie asked, a bubbly toddler with curly black hair, fair skin, peppered with freckles. Oliver blinked as he was snapped from his thoughts, standing up from his desk to offer her a small smile.

"Only if you can tell me what letter blue starts with." He grinned as he already made his way over. After she recited the letter 'b' he gave her the reward, returning to his desk, surveying the kids to make sure no paper cuts were had before he picked up his phone.

No new messages.

Was Dallas even awake? Did he stay home? Did he go to work and not have time? Oliver ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath. How to distract himself was the question. He had never had this type of anxiety around Dallas. Never once had he been unsure of them, before the issue of their mates arrivals. Never once had he felt insecure about their relationship, about Dallas with other men, despite others trying to instigate these feelings.

Maybe they were right all along.


"Oliver, there's no way he's going to be faithful to you," His now ex friend, Adam had told him as they sat in Oliver's kitchen. His parents were on an anniversary trip, so he had invited Adam over to hang out, although he had been bursting with excitement for his alone time with Dallas that was soon to arrive.

Oliver rolled his eyes, "Seriously? I just asked you if I should ask him to go on a trip with me somewhere. Also, we've been together for three years now, are you kidding me?" He frowned as he moved away from Adam towards the fridge, searching for something sweet to eat as he felt his mood spiral downward.

Dallas was usually the solution to that.

"Okay I know, and you know I support you guys-,"

"Oh do you?"

"It's just that... sooner or later, he will meet his mate, and so will you, and he won't be faithful, even before then. His wolf will realise you're not enough." Adam reasoned, his expression gentle with reason, and yet Oliver had expected more from his so-called-friend, after having to repeat many times the last thing he ever wanted to talk about with anyone was his 'forbidden' relationship.

Could no one mind their business?

"Okay well, tell his wolf to call me when that happens, or should I let you take the message since you seem to know everything?" Oliver spat out in anger, watching Adam frown as he stood up and grabbed his jacket. He moved towards the door, Oliver didn't try to stop him.

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