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"So... you're going to work?" Oliver asked, wringing his hands together as he sat at their round table, watching Dallas put together his work lunch. Their kitchen was a humble one, as was their whole house, but it was cozy, and Oliver loved the country modern decor it had.

Just another thing they'd have to split between them.

Dallas nodded, grabbing his protein shaker and putting in a scoop of chocolate protein, a scoop of caramel protein, and his favourite oat milk. "Are you?" He replied, raising his eyebrow at his husband, glancing at the clock. It was seven am. Two hours until Oliver had to teach, one hour until Dallas started work.

"I want to," Oliver admitted, "I have to take Luce anyway, but I was thinking after maybe I should go and see... you know," he trailed off, and after seeing Dallas's expression darken he added on, "Just to talk! Baby, of course just to talk. But I'm not stupid, I know Ashton is going to seek you out today, and the more we talk, the more we can figure this all out."

His reasoning wasn't falling on deaf ears, but Dallas still couldn't fight the jealousy that tore itself through his heart. Even though his wolf craved Ashton naturally, him and Oliver had been together nearly ten years, and they had a child.

Just another thing we'd have to figure out. Dallas thought, his entire mood changing from average to downright abysmal at the thought of Lucy and where she lied in the equation.

In silence he began to drank his shake after mixing it together in the cup, pretending not to notice Oliver staring at him anxiously. "Never-mind," his husband began to ramble, "I didn't mean to upset you Dal, I'm just as worried I just, we can't just wish it away, otherwise it would have been gone by now!"

Dallas swallowed the last mouthful of his shake and put the cup in the sink, leaning his arms against the bench. He suddenly felt like he was the only one fighting. "Okay." He said quietly, feeling no point in fighting Oli, it was better that he knew his husband was going to see his mate than if he didn't know, but it happened anyway.

Oliver frowned, "Dallas-,"

"Where's Lucy?" He interjected, leaving the kitchen without another word as hurt burned in his chest, moving up the stairs to see Lucy on the ground of her nursery floor, playing with her monster truck toy. Her blonde hair was still messy from sleep but she was in a fresh change of clothes, a double denim combo.

Just the sight of her made Dallas smile as the world suddenly lifted off his shoulder. "Lulu!" He yelled, picking her up as she squealed, burying her head into his neck as he lifted her on his hip and took her into the bathroom, gently sitting her on the bench as he brushed her blonde hair into two tiny ponytails.

Dallas kissed her forehead, "I love you princess," he mumbled, nuzzling their noses together as he savoured this moment a little longer, picking her up again, and her small bag and taking them downstairs so she would be ready to go with Oliver later.

Speaking of, said male was in the lounge room now, biting his nails as he watched his family come down the stairs slowly. "Dallas," he began, standing up to take Lucy off him, watching him run a hand through his medium length dark hair as he avoided his eyes.

"Dallas I don't want to upset you." He whispered, quickly setting Lucy on her play carpet and walking to interfere with Dallas's pathway to a door, reaching out to put his hands on his biceps, looking up at him through his deep red lashes.

Dallas sighed, "I'm fine. You should go get ready. Got a busy day now, more than just Luce and I in the schedule huh?" He muttered bitterly, picking up his bag and chucking it over his shoulder. "You can take the car, I'll walk to work." Oliver protested as he held the door open after his husband had walked through and watched him go down the steps towards the footpath.

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