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"Do we have a plan?" 

"Do I look like I have a plan?"

"If anyone was going to, I would assume it would be the alpha of the pack."

"Bold of you to assume," Noah muttered bitterly, leaning back against his regal wooden desk, facing Daniel and Vince who sat in vintage leather armchairs opposite. All three of them were within the Zalhab alpha office, a large, heirloom-filled room that looked as if it belonged in a European parliament. There were various, expensive paintings lining the walls and each bit of furniture was handcrafted. It screamed wealth, tradition and elegancy. Noah looked like he belonged here, currently in a pair of beige chinos with a white suit shirt, wearing expensive white sneakers that were so clean Vince wondered if he only wore them for a few minutes at a time. He looked like a leader, and he had always naturally fit that position. Vince vaguely wondered why so many leaders in this world looked like Noah; white, blonde, privileged. He brushed it off after a moment, as there were more urgent thoughts at hand.

"I'd say it was normal to assume you would have one. What have you been doing the past few days?" Daniel mused, crossing his legs in the armchair as he glanced over in amusement at Vince who returned the look, both of them surveying Noah as he groaned, running a hand through his hair. 

"I've been occupied with Hanna." He muttered in response, referring to his mate. 

"Your brain is powered by your dick, how are you alpha again?" Vince mused, smirking. 

"First of all, like most rich white guys, I got my position from my dad." Noah laughed, "Second of all, you guys are jealous because of the regular sex I am able to engage in, thanks to my beautiful wife. Speaking of, when was the last time you had sex, huh Vince? I sense trouble in paradise and well, Daniel, sorry but I know exactly when the last time for you was."

Daniel, a man of genuinely good intentions and humour laughed at the joke between friends. "I've actually reclaimed my virginity, and am very empowered." He drawled, making his close friend Vince burst into laughter, unbothered by Noah's previous comment. Daniel's eyes shone with pure happiness, all of his walls down, he was comfortable.

"And I can't even deny the fact that you're right about Oliver." The other male said, shrugging. Slowly he had come to accept it, and after Oliver's confession that he was still struggling, Vince had found solace in distance between them. That didn't mean distance between him and Lucy, as he was still the closest of friends with her, but Vince found himself thinking about the male sitting in the chair next to him more often than he was yearning to improve his bond with Oliver. He had no idea what it meant, but he was curious, and whilst he had no choice but to not act on it due to his mating bond with Oliver, he still imagined perhaps what his life would have been like if the Spirits had chosen Daniel for him, years ago. 

"Isn't Oliver's ex in the Reign pack?" Noah suddenly asked the other male, who nodded.

"Dallas, yeah. He is mated to their beta."

"That could be useful." The alpha hummed as he went to sit in his own leather office chair behind his desk, "We could use that."

"Uh, I don't know if Oliver will agree, he is still finding it difficult to process his feelings for Dallas and I don't-,"

"Okay well, I just messaged him to come here." He interrupted, putting his phone away, "Sorry Vince, but this is really important."

"Fuck my love life then." Vince muttered, looking over at Daniel with a 'help' look who simply offered him a warm smile, his green eyes glinting with amusement. 

"What's the worse that could happen?" Daniel asked. 

"Uh, he could leave me for his ex husband?" Vince replied, making Daniel shrug. 

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