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Dallas stared at Ashton, willing his mind to erase what it had just heard. His inner wolf had heard it, but Dallas was so used to his love for Oliver, his loyalty, he ignored his wolf. "Well that's dandy, ain't it? Too bad I'm taken." He responded to the other male, his voice blank as he grabbed his things. He stopped once again when Ashton reached for him. Dallas sighed, turned and faced him, but he wasn't expecting the pure agony on the other male's face.

"So, that's it then, huh?" He choked out, and Dallas felt his eyes widen. "I came all this way for you and you're not even going to talk to me? You're just gonna run off back to your...your whatever! Who isn't even your mate! God that's just so selfish!" He cried and the taller male scoffed.

"Maybe it is selfish!" Dallas argued back, "Maybe I was tired of waiting around whilst everyone around me was happy so I took matters into my own hands and I'm happy about that!" Ashton's jaw dropped.

"Did you ever consider maybe you weren't meant to be happy without me? Maybe you should have just waited!"

"Are you kidding me? 'Oh Dallas, by the way, stay depressed and alone until I show up years later' shut up! You can't just walk into my life and expect me to fall into your arms."

"Oh I can't?" The other male scoffed, moving forward. "Why does everyone else get to have a mate that's all love at first sight and I don't? Why? Huh, why?! We should be planning our lives together right now."

Dallas ignored every instinct to do just that. His loyalty was his best trait, so he wasn't even remotely paying attention to the inner self- which was begging him to just embrace his mate. "We don't get that because I'm. Married. Get that through your head, I have a daughter, and yeah maybe if I was just married- maybe this would be something that could be discussed, but I'm not leaving my daughter." He growled dangerously, "She is my world, and no one is going to even taint her life, not me, not Oliver, and especially not you."

Ashton was about to respond before another guy entered the change rooms, glancing at them without much concern before moving to the showers. Dallas took this as his cue to leave. "This isn't over, Dallas. You can't ignore fate."

"Well I can sure as hell try."


Oliver smiled gently as he pulled some glue from the crying boy's fingers. "It's okay Lachlan." He cooed as he reached out to wipe his tears. His heart always ached when kids cried, it would forever be his weakness. There was just something about children that made him want to crumble and protect them from any sadness or harmful emotions.

He glanced at the time before he nodded gratefully as his co worker Daisy took over comforting the poor boy. Oliver would have to take Lucy to his parents place now if he wanted to get home and be able to spend as much time with his husband tonight as possible. Usually at least once a week it would be just them to reconnect, spend time just alone involving things from cooking together to countless hours in the bedroom. Oliver wouldn't trade Lucy for anything, but he cherished the moments he had with Dallas more than most things in this world.

He briefly wondered if this was how he felt with Dallas, what would it feel like with his actual mate? He shook his head from the thought. He didn't want to think that way, it was hurtful and it made him feel like he was betraying the man who gave him nothing but love.

Once he had dropped Lucy off at his parents place he was heading back to the path, as they lived quite close, before he heard his name called out and he turned towards his mother who held out his jacket he had forgotten when he was previously there. "Oh thanks mum." He smiled.

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