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"Where's my fucking money?"

"I-I don't have it, but I promise you I'm good for it, Ashton knows it, you can ask him!"

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Dallas drawled monotonously, glancing as his phone nonchalantly, his lean body leaned against the brick wall outside one of the clubs he pushed Dirat on behalf of his mate, Ashton, for. "Do you think that I don't know, just as well as Ashton does, that your word isn't worth shit?"

The human opposite him was barely twenty-one, he was awfully skinny, a natural result of Dirat use. It suppressed appetite, made humans believe all they needed to survive was Dirat, when in reality, if they wanted to survive, they should never take it. The kid's blonde hair was now stringy, brassy, long and unkempt, his face was gaunt, his clothes were clean; at least.

"I swear, you just need to ask Ashton, I've known him for years! You're new, you don't get it-,"

"Oh, he trusts me." Dallas mumbled, raising his eyebrow at the kid, "In fact, even if you were his best friend I didn't know about and I say, taught you a lesson, he would still praise me." His tone was almost bragging, but it was materialist, it held no life, no love, yet Dallas still seemed to thrive off the mention of Ashton's praise. He had grown to rely on him, grown to think about him, grown to need his attention, his praise, his presence to feel a reason to keep on living when he wasn't around Lucy. Lucy and their weekends they had were completely different, that was Dallas truly remembered what happiness was, what it meant to truly live. With Ashton, it was about waking up the next day, and trying not to regret it.

"Please, I'll give you the money next time, I swear. I just, I need it." He begged Dallas, stepping one step closer, which made Dallas smirk as he stepped forward until their faces were mere centimeters apart. It had grown colder, so Dallas wore a thick black crewneck under his leather jacket, with thick black timberlands allowing him to lift his leg and stamp hard enough on the kid's sneaker covered feet that he let out a noise of pain.

"Ashton told me to let you have your fix, but if you don't pay up next week, he told me to tell you something." Dallas lifted his foot, watched the kid sigh in relief and reach down to grip onto his thigh, his teeth clenched as he tried not to make more noise, as not to draw attention.

"What? What does he want? Tell him I get paid in two days, I can have the money by next Friday, so exactly one week from now," He rambled before Dallas stepped back and lifted a tiny ziplock bag filled with the devilish drug.

"He said that if you don't pay up next time, he'll be more than happy to catch up at Amy's birthday brunch," Dallas grinned, his smile malicious as he handed it over to the kid whose jaw dropped at his words, "And that he loves a mimosa just as much as any basic bitch on a Sunday morning." He turned and left the younger man stood in the alleyway, a panicked expression on his face. He did not feel one ounce of guilt, because he had completed his task for today. Ashton would be proud of him, and that would keep Dallas going until his next task until he was one step closer to seeing Lucy.

Not a moment after he had stepped into his car, a sleek black Mercedes G Wagon, one of the packs many cars he now had access to as Ashton's mate, did his phone ring, flashing Oliver's number. They only ever called now to discuss Lucy. He felt his stomach drop, his body freezing with anxiety at having to experience the pain of hearing Oliver's voice. He slid the call button to open the call, trying to calm himself through the process by promising himself at least this meant he was closer to seeing Lucy.

"Hi." He stated.

"Hey, Dallas, how are you?" Oliver asked gently, the other male shifted in his car seat and lifted his hand to rub his forehead that had not begun to ache. He hated hearing his ex-husbands voice. It hurt too much.

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