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Dallas felt a little bit lighter walking into the Reign pack meeting. He felt for the first time in a long time a glimmer of hope. He never thought he'd be happy to see Oliver unhappy, and he truly wasn't, but he felt something akin to happiness at knowing his first love truly wanted him back. After reading the book about exceptions, he could only hope Vince was feeling the same so perhaps they could mutually break the bond; Dallas had yet to tell him what he had found out, but he would after he was free from Ashton. He knew their wolves felt a connection, and the sex was good enough, but Dallas felt nothing more than the mating bond for Ashton, but even he had been powerless against him before as he had been without hope. Now that he had that faith in him and Oliver potentially being reunited, Dallas felt a resistance within him, a need to escape Ashton's manipulative hold, a need to rid himself of the reliance of Dirat, it was where to start that he was stuck on.

"Dallas, hey." A voice struck him out of his daze and he looked next to him to see a tall, conventionally attractive blonde woman leaning against the wall of the conference room that was filled tot he brim with about one hundred pack members and leaders.

"Sophie." He greeted in a friendly manner as he decided to stand next to her. Whilst he wouldn't call them friends, Sophie was one of the people within the pack he believed did not have the same ill intentions, the same black, evil heart. She was the Alpha's little sister, although she was in her mid-twenties with a mate of her own and two children. 

"You alright?" She asked, crossing her arms as she glanced across to the front of the room where Luke and Ashton were stood on the podium, talking amongst themselves whilst people got themselves settled. "I've heard you've been working well. Good on you. Ashton seemed pleased."

He couldn't help but scoff. "Don't know if I would classify it as work." 

Sophie grinned, revealing perfectly aligned, white teeth. "Not many people would. Can't say I can relate."

Sophie didn't do the dirty work for the pack that Dallas often found himself doing, she was a carer and her job was mainly to ensure the wellbeing of the children and the pack members. "I'd take your job any day. I love kids." Dallas laughed gently. 

"You can always adopt with Ashton." She suggested, to which Dallas's smile dropped, but he coughed to recover his obvious disdain. 

"We have lots of steps to cover before that, I think." The dark-haired male forced laughter from his lips.

"Oh yeah, the ceremony! You have to do it at the Yule Fair, it would be so romantic!" She gushed, nudging him gently as the bell rang to signal the beginning of the meeting. He sighed in relief at the pleasant distraction and easy passage from the conversation as he watched Ashton take his seat next to where Luke stood, surveying the room until his eyes fell on his mate and he smiled arrogantly, leaning back comfortably.

"Alright everyone," Luke called out, leaning against the speech podium, confidence oozing off him in waves. "Your transportation to the Yule fair in the coming week has been organized. If you don't like who you're sitting next to on the bus, drive." He drawled, triggering a few humourous laughs from the pack. "The lists have been emailed to you. We will leave at four pm the day before Christmas Eve to arrive there the night before the first day and will leave the last day at five pm. We will wait for fifteen minutes. If you are not there, bad luck."

Dallas raised an eyebrow at Sophie who snickered gently, leaning over to whisper, "It's almost like he doesn't want to go." 

"Why? It's fun." He muttered back, to which she nodded in agreement.

"For us, yes, but for the pack leaders, there is a lot of diplomatic relations that needs to happen. Luke hates pretty much everyone outside of Reign."

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