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Dallas had almost forgotten who he truly was.

After years of being a warrior wolf of a small pack, of which he had to defend his relationship to for years and years, he much preferred the company of humans. The way they respected privacy, personal autonomy, relationship choices (for the most part). He understood that he glorified them, but he couldn't help it after choosing Oliver, having to put up with every member of his pack accusing him of giving up, of sinning in the name of their spirits, of condemning himself and his soul.

Most werewolves, spare a few smaller packs, believed that werewolves were created from the hands of the spirits that created the Earth and the life within it, of which there were three; D'abat, Urd, and Qamer. Responsible for all living things and their natural orders, the spirits then created werewolves to act as custodians to the circles of life within nature and to live alongside but hidden from humanity.

Humanity having often separated themselves from nature and raised themselves above needed, according to the spirits D'abat, Urd and Qamer to protect and ensure the survival of the Earths flora and fauna. Dallas sometimes felt that wolves had failed, having succumbed to human temptations of modernity and technology like himself, only maintaining small pack traditions.

There were few packs who still practiced the land conservation, acquiring large properties and advocating for environmentalism under the guise of activism in the human world, packs like Zalhab, Slikha, Rokheil would not be caught dead living alongside human suburbs.

However on the opposite spectrum, due to the deterioration of the environment and absolute abuse of resources by humans, many wolves had almost become 'secular', believing the spirits had abandoned them, and that they now held no purpose in the world.

These wolves often formed gang-like packs, often pushing harmful drugs to humans, believing they were truly assisting the Earth by ridding it of humans entirely whilst profiting off it. They believed werewolves were an entirely superior species.

Dallas and Oliver didn't identify with either extreme, as despite the more traditional believing werewolves attracted to other males were more of a 'defect' it was preferable to remain in the centre of their 'political' spectrum, as the violence on the other side was too hostile towards humans.

Dallas did believe, but he was complacent. He didn't perform any prayer rituals, he often forgot to go to pack meetings, and Oliver shared this behavioural patterns. They were more human in some ways, than werewolves.

In this moment, however, Dallas found himself thanking D'abat, Urd and Qamer for creating Oliver.

His husbands wolf was smaller than his slightly, but his fur was a light, brown with tinges of rust coloured red throughout. His eyes shone brightly with amusement as he looked at Dallas, cocking his head as he waited, letting out a grow of impatience.

"Down, boy," Dallas teased as he removed his clothing, not wanting it to get torn or caught before he muttered the small incantation that initiated his change.

His wolf was a deep shade of black, significantly larger than Oliver's naturally due to his hierarchical position in the pack. His eyes glowed to adjust to the slightly darker surroundings as the sun set.

Let's go. Dallas projected to Oliver. The other wolf let out a noise of excitement as they began to run through the forest surrounding the property.

It wasn't extensive but after pushing through a few fences, they found themselves deep within nature, freeing themselves with every jump, narrow miss of a tree and playful push of each other.

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