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"He is so cute." Seventeen-year-old Oliver mumbled to his friend at the time, Adam in the hallway of their high school. It was almost as plain as the town it was in, but the difference of this particular high school was the presence of a small, werewolf population. The Dusk pack had the majority of werewolf students here, but there were students from other, nearby packs whose schools were far too crowded to accommodate anyone not entirely in the zone. However, since Dusk was the majority, the students from the Dusk pack ran the school. Naturally, the humans didn't know, nor did they suspect, but Oliver knew, and he knew it all too well because the boy who ran the school was Dallas Riha. It was the latter boy's senior year, and Oliver was in the year below.

He naturally was sporty, his height gave him a place on the basketball team but despite the popularity that came with being attractive, fit and 'cool', Dallas was only ever genuinely kind and nice to those around him, especially those within his pack, especially Oliver.

"I wouldn't call him cute." Adam snorted as he shut his locker after grabbing his Chemistry textbook, leaning against the metal door and smirking at Oliver, who was watching Dallas at the other end of the hallway with a dazed look on his face. Dallas was in the school's tracksuit, the maroon red tracksuit pants and hoodie complimenting his dark features, but his warm smile seemed to light up his whole face as he joked with friends.

"You're not gay," Oliver whined, rolling his eyes as he shifted his stance to get a more subtle look at the king of the school, but not sacrificing his clear view. "Okay fine, he's not cute, he's dreamy." A sigh of desire left his lips. "I saw him at the pack meeting the other day. He is so amazing. I still can't believe he has almost been a warrior wolf for a year now. That's so amazing."

"Careful, you're drooling." Adam teased, then shrugged, "You never know, he could be your mate. If you feel that strongly for him already, it could mean it's the spirits giving you an early birthday gift."

"Don't get my hopes up. I wish." The red-haired male shoved his hands into his pockets. He currently wore a black crewneck jumper, blue 'boyfriend' style jeans, and black vans. "I don't even know if he knows who I am. I mean- of course he does but, wait, doesn't he turn eighteen soon?" Hope bubbled in his chest.

His friend nodded, grinning as he pushed off the locker. "Yep. One month from now. Wonder who his mate will be?" He winked, "Alright, I better go to class. Why don't you talk to him? You have a break, don't you?"

"No freaking way. I mean, yes I have a break, but no, I will not talk to  him, no way." Oliver muttered, "Go away now, your class wants you more than I do." He huffed as he watched Adam jokingly blow him a kiss as he left before he turned himself, heading in the opposite direction towards the library. Finals week was approaching and as most students do, Oliver had procrastinated and knew the best course of action was to force himself to consume information. He could not help but steal a glance at the most beautiful male in school as he passed, however, but felt a shock of electricity run through his eyes met Dallas's. 

About half an hour later, young Oliver still couldn't get the older boy out of his head. When their eyes met, something felt so utterly peaceful. It felt like that an early summer morning when all is quiet except the sounds of the wind hitting the tree branches. It felt like a playlist with all of his favourite songs. As such, Oliver could not absorb any sort of literary analysis and closed his books, holding his head in his hands. 

Is Dallas my mate? He thought to himself, sighing as he rubbed his eyes in frustration.

"Is someone sitting here?" Oliver looked up to see Dallas standing there in all his glory. An eyebrow was raised in question, his books in his hand at his side. The younger male glanced around the library. It was fairly empty. He chose to sit there.

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