crash landing

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Some people come to Vegas for a good time, to party and gamble, where as i work here.

"Fuck come on move faster." I cursed at the car in front. Who just cut me off.

I was going to be late for work. My job at the hotel paid better then my other job. I can not get fired because of some dick cheese thinking he owns the road.

10 minutes later...

Seeing work in sight i sigh. ' I'm late and bitch face will make me stay 10 more minutes to make up for it'. Slipping out of my old car that has seen better day, i chuck my keys to my friend who is the hotels valla and start to run.

Trying to pull on my dress over my clothes was a mission and a half. I had a lot of hate towards my uniform, a stupid red and white maids dress. Getting it stuck on my tits was a common problem and not one i wanted to deal with today.

Running with a dress half on my head was not a good idea as it led to me sadly running into a guest then flopping on the floor like a fish out of water. Standing up wiggling into my dress i breakout into a sprint "shit i'm so sorry." I yelled over my shoulder as I clumsily changed my shoes while passing reception.
"Indy you are late." Bitch tits warned from behind the counter like i didn't know.

Tossing my bag in the direction of my locker and grabbing my cart, I head for floor 35.
Even tho I am late most of the time I am good at what i do. Therefor clean the top 5 floors was my job. Room after room I dust, vacuum, polish, scrub everything perfectly. Even the beds are fluffed and left with perfect corners. About half way through my shift I put my head phones in. I'm not meant to but it is so boring. When I enter the room they are normally empty allowing me to sing and dance while cleaning. Which i am pretty good at. 11 hours later 21 rooms and the time reads 8 pm. Knock off time. Well kind of i got 1 hour before i start my second job.

Advantages of working as a maid in a posh hotel free shampoo and a hot shower, which is much needed to get rid of the smell of the toilets i've cleaned. Walking towards the shower i get stopped.
An ugly cake face stares at me. "A message was left at the front counter for you." Resting bitch face croaked  handing me a folded piece of paper and trotting off all high and mighty. snob. unfolding the paper it read.

"to the girl i ran into today who i saw dancing across my room, have a drink with me so i can apologies at dark night club."

That's great i don't even know what he looks like and he has seen me dance and get stuck in a dress. I'll be there but i'll be serving his drink. Whats the chances that he will be at both my jobs today. Throwing the note in the bin i jump in the shower and quickly wash. Doing my hair and makeup in 20 minutes become easier over the last year.

my second job was like a grunge/ rock club. I could wear what ever i wanted. pulling on my rose pattern fishnet stockings attaching them to my grader belt, which matched my bra and thong. Black lacy and hella sexy. The one thing about working in Vegas is the hotter you look the more you get tipped. My secret was a corset that made my curvy body even more.... perfect. pulling on a band tee tucking it into a tight high waist skirt that finished halfway up my thigh. Finishing off with a pair of high top high heels that make me look kick ass.

I hope the man doesn't notice me I mean I look totally different.

Making my way to my car i'm lucky i only have to go 2 blocks. Walking in the door the bouncer greets me with a smile. "Heard one of your bands are doing a surprise gig tonight." he said looking down at me. His ripped arms crossed over his chest.

"Who?" I asked worried about how i look now tonight. even though i will most likely never meet them as i'm stuck behind the bar. "ummm Black veil brides. i think." he mocked me knowing i was a total groupy and wanted to scream. "Oh Jamie is looking for you i think he is in his office." knowing not to keep king sleaze waiting i scooted into his office.

"Ah just the girl i'm looking for. my VIP girls are sick i need you to do VIP lounge tonight." Something about the way he talked reminded me of the old mafia movies. His hand holding out a dress. I thought i would never have to wear this piece of materiel that is sadly called a dress. His dirty mouth turns to a greasy smile. "Go get ready love and don't forget to smile."copping a feel of my ass as he shoed me out. This is stupid i'm a bartender not a vip floozy. Why cant i be back stage crew.

Now i know i definitely wont meet them, i'm at the other end of the building to where they are.

Annoyed i head to the change rooms pulling off my cute outfit and pulling on basically a slutty black version of Marilyn Monroe's dress. its so revealing i couldn't even wear a bra. My boobs are spilling out and im pretty sure my ass is out for the world to see too. Man i better get tipped well tonight.

Never wearing something so short i became paranoid as i made my way to prepare the VIP area. The crowds where starting to came in and soon you could not here the music over everyone talking about Black Veil Brides. Finding a place where i can just see the stage i waited. Moments passed before the curtains open and the music began. squealing like a little girl as they played rebel love song one of my favourite. I must have listened to it 1 million times when it came out.
Unfortunately i was caught by my boss and had to return to my spot. What an ass.

Sitting in a small lounge area waiting is the most boring job ever. It seemed to be forever before i got the message they are on there way. I sure hope its not a group of old seedy guys.

"You came." hearing a deep voice from behind me. Jumping out of the seat i turned. "OMG Andy.... wait did i trip over you?" a heat rising in my cheeks. He smiled a perfect Andy smile and nodded as a soft chuckle left his lips making me want to scream. This is amazing and horrifying at the same time. "Are you going to join us?" he questioned. How embarrassing i cant believe it. Im in a slut dress and Andy thinks im here to hang.

"ummm no i'm you waitress." I whispered with my head down. To embarrassed to make eye contact.

"Well hello sexy.... Andy you got me someone." Jinx announced jumping the back of the seat and pulling me to the couch. Shocking me with his touch.

"Ahh. ummm i would love to hang out but i'm working." Those words annoying me beyond compare.

Andy studying my face for a moment with his beautiful blue eyes. Turning and watching his tall body covered in black disappear into the crowd. Fuck what did i do.

"He will be back probably gone for a smoke or something." Cc says walking into the VIP area.

Still unable to move from jinx i decided to enjoy being this close to a BVB member.

Seeing Jamie appear from the crowd with Andy in toe i became nervous.

"Indy you do as these men say if they want you to sit you sit if they say drink you drink.... there will be a bonus in your pay for it." Jamie nervously spoke and leaving quickly.

Andy stood there for a moment with a smirk of satisfaction. Andy moves in close to me and flicks Jinxs arm away "Indy hey? nice to meet you."

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