public sex

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My body pushed up against the cold wall. His fingers trace down my body as his eyes burn into mine. His fingers glide back up my arm removing the straps from my skirt off my shoulders. Slowly moving them down my body. His hands pull at my shirt till it comes untucked. Biting my lip trying to stop my self from blushing. His eyes never moving from mine. He tucks my shirt into my lacy red bra. Allowing him full view of my breasts and bra. Pulling my hands above my head he orders me to hold them there without speaking a word. His fingers run from my hands down my body setting everywhere he touches on fire. Reaching the bottom of my skirt i gasp in anticipation.

Placing one hand on the wall he moves his face closer to mine. Milometers between our faces. He is watching for any reaction. Im trying so hard but his touch makes me weak. His free hand slides under my skirt. Moving painfully slow up my inner thigh.

Reaching my wet panties an evil smirk creeps onto his lips that i wanted to kiss sooo bad but it was like a force stopping me. Running his fingers along them he moves in slightly so part of his body, Aka the rock hard man hood, was touching my thigh.

His lips grazed mine slightly for a second he held back before gracing my lips with his lustful lips. His tongue begs for entry. Wanting it so bad i allow access. His tong moves fast like a hungry lion. He nibbles my lip as he slips my panties over. The feeling of his finger touching my lady parts finally made a moan escape. Hearing it he began to insert a finger testing how ready i am. Feeling that i was more then ready he removes his finger. Rasing it up to his lips to clean it. I dont know why i like him doing that so much. His hands both ran down my back to the bottom of my ass. Lifting me up my legs automatically go around him. Wait when did he pull his man hood out because it is pushing on my slit. Not wasting time he braces my back against the wall pulling my arms back up giving me a 'leave them there or you will pay for it' look. His hands moving down under my skirt directing himself in. Upon entry my arms automatically flung down around grabbing his back. My mouth biting his neck. He must of liked it because he let me stay like that. His thrust were different. Much more harder and faster and rougher. Which i don't mind... i mean i secretly like it rough. Moaning his name just made him more powerful. My nails claw into his skin under his singlet. My mouth sucking hard on his neck in between moans. What ever was driving him was strong. Making me finish over and over. Not once slowing him down. Making the pleasure unbearable at times. My moans turned to screams as he made me finish over and over. His hand pulls at my hair making me feel an insainly good pleasure. Becoming weaker almost unable to hold my legs around him much longer. Not once did he show signs that he was near until my name slipped his lips in a moan. Slowing down ever so slightly as he finishes. Shotting his load into me. A couple more thrusts and he stops.

Panting heavely he turns us around so he can slide down the wall and sit on the ground. Still not pulling out. He wraps his arms around me pulling me in. Placing my head on his chest. Listening to his heart race.

My sex was dead and surprisingly his is still hard and polsing inside me. He lifts a hand to my head running his finger through my hair softly. That was so good.... even tho it was in a dark ally.

We sat there for what seemed like forever. Just holding each other only to be interupted my a buzzing phone.

"Yer... we are out the service door." Andy spoke into the phone. Seconds went by before the guys burst out the door. Smiling at us knowing what we had just done. Cc and ashley lift me up. Andys manhood sliding out of me in the process. I moan slightly. "Are you going to cum at my touch?" Ashley teases as andy packs away his length. A blush rises in my cheeks as i realise i cant stand. Cc realising my problem picks me up in a bridal hold. I rest my head on his cheast an listen to his soothing heart as he carries me to the taxi. But i never made it to the taxi before falling asleep

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