calming hands

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"Hello darlin, I'm rob, BVBs manager you must be the you tube girl?" The man says with a hand out stretched to me. I smile, Shaking Rob's hand. He was an older man dressed in a expensive suit. 

"Nice to meet you." I reply feeling very self conscious. What i am wearing is not proper to make a business deal. I hope he takes me serious.

"Please sit we have a lot to talk about." His hand gestures towards the booth. With out a word i slid in next to Andy Ashley sliding in after me. A stack of paper was placed in front of me. A lot of 'sign here stickers over it. Each of the other band members was handed a couple pieces of paper as well. No where near as thick as mine. I really don't want to read all of this. 

"So the boys want you to help write there next album and i'm here to make it happen." He talks with confidence . This is what he does for a living. I smile and nod letting him know i'm listening.

"So lets start by saying they wont take no for an answer." I give a little awkward giggle before Mr expensive suit continues, " You will be paid a fixed weekly rate of "$3500" plus royalties for every song. How much of the song you write will determinate the percentage of royalties. There is a break down of how it works on pages 10-45. Next thing privacy not just yours but the bands. You are not to leak any information. If you do you will be sued. You will get written confirmation on what you are aloud to say. follow it and you will be find. There is 50 pages on privacy. Do you follow?" Mr fancy pants asks. I nod at him feeling really over whelmed. He talks really fast and acts like this is nothing. "Now all the writing and creative side of things is really up to the boys and you so that leaves. oh yes. your living arrangements.  All expenses will be covered. from transport, living, any work expenses will be covered. You will have a bunk on the tour bus for when the album is released and the tour starts.  Andy has offered you a room at his house for as long as you want while the album is being created. That is a conversation to have with him. You will have full access to the studio 24/7. You are expected to attend interviews to promote the album. That is basically it from my side the contract will go into more depth. Oh and this contract is  valid for up to 2 years depending on how the album goes. We are able to revisit this in the future if need be. "

Feeling like a wave just hit me i begin to shake my leg. I cant speak. There is a lump in my throat. I am scared. Mr fancy flashy flash looks at me waiting for an answer. I cant even open my mouth. 'FUCK'

A large hand grips mine softly under the table. Its Andy. He runs his thumb over the top of my hand calming me. "OKAY" i shout a bit louder then i wanted to. The table breaks out in a cheer. Knowing i should read it first but how could i say no they are like gods to me. 

"Good cause we quit your jobs for you this morning." Cc says sipping on his drink. Try to pass it off as no big deal. I stare daggers at him from across the table. 'How dare he.' 

Mr fancy Bling hands me a pen. "Sign were it is indicated." his pen looked expensive, i bet that is real gold too. After flicking throw it signing my name a million times Fancy Smancy stands. "Well boys that's me got places to be people to see magic to make." Robs says leaving the table.

Ashley leans over and whispers. "This is going to be fun." Not really sure about what i'm doing i smile. Andys hand is the only thing keeping me sain at the moment... well really it is the thing that got me to yell out okay like a compleat idiot. "So we were expecting you to say yes. We leave we will help you pack... well we just want to see where you live. See the inside of a fan girls place." Jinxx says

Oh shit my house is like no....

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Hey Followers and Readers just letting you guys know that the chapters are being expanded a little bit. so far this makes it the first 8 chapters edited. Some of them were only like 300-400 words now they are 750-1500 will be doing the rest of the chapters and updating soon comment or vote if you like the changes <3

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