dry fuck

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"Aren't you with Juliet." Jinx questions already knowing the answer.

"Kind of... Aren't you with oh wait she cheated." Andy teased knowing it would shut him up.

It was cute how they bicker but i could feel the tension between the two. Quickly passing with a round of drinks. Ashley buting in flirtatiously. "come sit with me i'm single and i don't bite..... unless you are into that." Feeling that this would be less awkward sitting next to well the fuck boy of the group i slipped pass Andy and sat on the couch across from them next to Ashley.

Ashley moves closer to me so there is nothing but skin touching. "So Indie what do you drink?" Ashley asks waving over a waiteress like his the king.

"JD's on ice please." They all look at me in surprise. "what?" i question after a moment of silence. They just ignore my question. I knew why they think a young girl cant drink a "mans" drink. Sexest.
Like it was an investagation they begin to ask questions. One after another they begin to ask away. Knowing there was no way out but to answer.

"Where are you from?"

"New York"

"How old are you?"


"Does your boss know?"


"Do you drink much?"

"Now and then."

"Are you a virgin?"

"Really Ashley? No i am not."

"Good cause i don't do virgins they are clingy."

"You may be Ashley Fucking Purdy but that doesn't mean i'll sleep with you"

"We will see."

Chuckles came from around VIP.
The waiteress placing the drinks in front of us on a small table breaking the awkward laughter.

This whole time i am trying so hard not to break out into a fan girl. If i did this whole thing would end quickly. Feeling the only way i wont scream like a fan girl is to drink and drink a lot. Starting with mine and quickly continuing to everyone else's before they could object. Sitting back on the couch i feel a little calmer.

"Another round and keep them coming." CC instructs

"Are you thirsty?" Jake asks.

I nod as i pull at my dress nervously. "Its OK we like girls who can drink." A smile creeps onto my lips. Drink after drink hours passing by. Barely able to see my phone anymore.

"10 minutes till my shift ends", I announce in a drunken slur. By now i'm sitting between Andy and Ashley. Well half leaning on Andy to keep me up straight.

 Andy's fingers are tracing the top of my stockings. It was a really nice feeling even though it was so wrong. Ashley's lips by my ear whispers how bad he wants to fuck. Knowing i was just a piece of ass to them didn't stop me from enjoying there company. There fingers feel so nice on my skin and i want nothing more then to fuck them like a whore... but i am no whore.

Seeing the time i stand. "thanx... thank you.. you for the drinks but my shifts up and... and  i have work tomorrow."

"I will pay you $500 to stay." Ashley says grabbing my waist and pulling me onto his lap. feeling his arms around me made me want to stay. At the same time paying me to stay made me feel like a whore.

"i...i will pay you $600.... to...um...stay." Andy stood and pulled me off of Ashley. Which was a merical as he could barly hold him self up.

They didn't need to pay me to stay. I would have if they just asked. But gosh that's a months rent.

"OK ...OK ill stay but i'm changing. work is over and i hate this stupid dress."

Andy runs his hand over my ass as i walk off.

"I will come help." Andy announces as he chases me through the club.

"No Andy" i laugh running through a door. My mind screaming YES!!! Turning to face him he grab my waist and pulls me in looking down at me he moves in slowly and kisses me softly for what seemed like ages. Losing track of what is real i wrap my arms around him. His hands slip down to lift my ass. Swinging my legs around him. Our kiss becoming more intense as he pushes me against the wall and begins to dry fuck me... well i wasn't dry that's for sure. Becoming so consumed in wanting him and him wanting me we didn't notice the rest of the band and a phone pointing at us....not until CC started to laugh.

Andy dropped me back onto my feet and stepped back. "hurry up and change we will met you out the front." To embarrassed to look at the others i turned to the staff lockers. As they left all i could here was ,"you fucking horny bastard." and small cheers.

Needing a moment to catch myself and have a girl moment over meeting my fave band ever and kissing the lead singer i screamed and jumped around almost falling on my ass. Changing back into my clothes i tossed the bag over my shoulder and walked out the front.

The boys were calmer now and seem to be sober... ish they waiting for a taxi. Seeing Andy with a smoke and me being to poor i took his smoke from his fingers . "hey." he said turning to me and looking me in the eyes. With every puff he continued to watch me.

"If you two are done eye fucking each other get in the taxi." Feeling embarrassed i slipped in the back and Andy followed.

Ashley's hand ran my leg making me bite my lip. These two are horny and i know it.... but to be truthful so am i. Ashley began to kiss the side of my neck running his hand up my leg. Andy began to kiss along my jaw to my neck pulling my hair slightly. "Oh fucking yes." i moaned. bring to CC's attention what the other two were doing to me.

"Oi leave the poor girl alone. Andy you have a girl. Ashley not in a taxi." CC yelled from the front seat. Andy slowing down ever so slightly as Ashley began to make his way to my panties.

"Soo wet. mmm" Ashley whispered in my ear parting my legs.

Turning my head back and forth for each of them to kiss me Andy and Ashley spread my legs open further to allow them access to my goods.

"1 block to the hotel then you two can fuck her." CC says in a almost warning voice.

Neither of them stopped. They found what they wanted between my legs and they are not letting it go any time soon.

The taxi coming to a stop, stopped them for a second. Ashley pulled me out of the taxi and up onto him as he kissed me walking to the elevator. Andy pulling me off him began to once again dry fuck me against the walls of the elevator. Closing my eyes i could feel the two of them press there bulge against me. Fingers sliding up my skirt. The ding of the elevator did not stop them as they continued to throw me against any surface to dry fuck me. Finally making it to the room. They rip off my clothes of me like a pack of wolves and turn to take off theirs

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