Chapter 1-Oh Baby!

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"Common Mikey it's time for lunch baby." I said, going into the boys room. He was at his toy box pulling toys out. Sean was already at the table eating, but he did have a bigger appetite then Michael. The twins were almost three now and boy did they favor their father in so many ways. Only difference was Mikey had my brown curls and Sean had his daddy's black straight hair.
"I wanna play mommy." He said, it actually coming out 'I won pay mommy '
"I know baby but you have to eat lunch then nap time is after. I'll take you out in the pool later ok?" I picked my two year old up and took him to the kitchen. Dominic was still at the office. He was a total shrink now. Still super fucking sexy and often substituted at the schools and campus's around the city.
I sat near the boys with a glass of wine in hand and a book in the other until they were done eating. Naps next.
This was what I do daily. Cook, clean, take care of Dominic's babies and more often then not got the pleasure of fucking my husband.
After the boys were out cold I changed the laundry out and headed for the shower. Before I had the babies I would have never showered at noon but with two toddlers I had to get in where I fit in.
I stood under the hot water for what felt like hours. If only it could wash all this stress away. I was glad Harper and Creed were flying in next week. I seriously needed some time with her and we were dying to meet their newest addition, Presley, a baby girl.
My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the bathroom door open. I expected to see one or both of my boys when I peaked out of the curtain. It was neither. My six foot plus husband was standing in the doorway, looking handsome as he always did.
"Oh, I didn't know you would be home so early." I said, shutting the water off. When I stepped out of the shower, Dominic had a towel ready for me.
"Me neither. Things were going slow at the office so I decided to come home. I'd much rather be with you and my boys." He frowned and once the towel was around me he pulled me againt him. Oh yea he was big and I could feel the muscles under his baby blue button down. "Where are they?"
"Sleeping. I just put them down." We stood there for a moment in complete silence. My husband was giving me a look. One that said 'I want you and I'm going to have you.'
"What?" I finally asked and he replied by bending down and kissing me. It was a good kiss, one that made my belly do flips. After three years he could still make me feel that way. "Dominic..." I whispered I against his lips and next thing I knew my legs were wrapped around his waist and he carried me to our bedroom.
"We need this huh?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed and letting my thighs straddle his lap. I bit my lip when he pulled the towel off of me.
"Mhm." He stared up at me as I unbottoned his shirt and slid it off of his back. I ran my hands over his tight six pack. Oh yea I needed all of this and then some.
"If we aren't careful I'm gonna be pregnant." I told Dominic later on as I prepared dinner.
I looked over at my husband, he was sipping on a glass of Brandy. Michael and Sean were deep in play in the living room.
He simply shrugged his big shoulders at me.
"So? I like it when you give me babies." He said and I looked away from him. In marriage there are always problems. The current? My husband wanted to have another baby or babies if it went like my first pregnancy. Me? Not so much.
"I don't wanna be pregnant again, Dominic." I said. He had heard it plenty of times but just recently he had stopped pulling out.
I knew that question was coming. "Because I just dont. I just want it to be the boys and I right now. I'm already stressed out. I take care of your house and your kids everyday. Like a never ending cycle.." I continued to chop the carrots because I didn't want to look at my husband. "Adding a baby to that mix just won't be good. The boys won't get enough attention. And you won't either." I finished and looked up at him. His glass was empty and he looked kinda...pissed off.
"I'm sorry your life is so fucking stressful. Doesn't sound like you're happy." He replied, jaw muscles at work. He poured some more liquor.
"I didn't say I wasn't happy, Dominic." I frowned as he started to leave the room.
"Might as well should have." Was his reply.
I bit my lip. Was this a fight? We don't fight ever.
"I wouldn't risk getting pregnant if I wasn't happy Dominic. I don't want to be. But I would because I love you and I love our babies." I finished, lip between my teeth. Fuck this fighting shit. I had fought with him enough three years ago when he was 'the prick'.
When he didn't say anything I continued. " I don't want to fight with you Dominic, ever." He still didn't day a word, just left the kitchen. God I couldn't deal with that right now.
"How's everything? I know the boys are great. How're you and Dominic doing?" Harper asked me that night after dinner. The boys were in bed. So was Dominic. I took a minute to think of how I should answer that question.
"Good. He's pissed at me right now I think. He wants to have a baby." I answered. It's not like he wasn't a good dad, because he was amazing with our boys
"So do it." She said. I gulped the rest of my wine and set the glass aside.
"I don't want another baby. Not right now...and he thinks I'm not happy because I don't want to." I answered her. Harper was silent for a moment.
"Well he should respect that. And if he is pissed, hike your skirt and remind him why you're the best wife in the world and you need respect." She finally said . I couldn't help but laugh at her logic. If I knew one things about my husband it was that his greatest weakness was me. I could get anything I wanted...all I needed to do was bite my lip and spread my legs in front of him.
"Right. Sex doesn't solve everything, Harp." I poured another glass of wine and sat down on the couch.
"It solves alot of things though..." Wow my best friend was something else. God I couldn't wait to see her. I needed some girl time.
"I just need something different. Like not a fucking baby though. Maybe a job. Or a hobby. Or my best friend to move back home because seriously my life is helish right now. Not because of the boys or Dominic...I don't know Harp." I was babbling and it felt good to say this to someone.
"Yea right, Creed is not moving back there. And maybe you should get a job..." She was saying before Presley small cry came over her end. "Call me tomorrow babe. Baby is demanding boob. Love you bunches Amelia." She said and we hung up. I sat in the living room for the longest time before getting up and checking on the boys. Out cold.
Then I made the long walk to my bedroom, dreading it. Not because of my husband but because tomorrow I would wake up and do the exact same thing I had been doing for three years.

Hope you all enjoy. I haven't been able to write for some time because I have my own son to take care of!
But please do vote and comment because this is just the beginning ♡
Lots of Love

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