Chapter 16-Who are you?

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"Tell me about Sutton." It was early the next morning and I lay naked under the golden sheets, watching Dominic get dressed.
We hadn't meant to fall asleep but after Mr. Needy had his fill, I wasn't moving anywhere for at least six hours.
Dominic glanced up at me as he slipped his shoes on.
"I don't know enough to tell." I knew damn well that was a lie. The look she had given him had said a lot.
"Don't play me for a fool, baby." He looked away from me and stood up.
"Sutton is irrelevant." He said flatly and started to roll the sleeves to his dress shirt up. What a strong word...
"Why?" I asked next and Dominic exhaled deeply before coming to the bed.
"I'm gonna go find Rory. You should get dressed." He placed his hand on my cheek and leaned in for a kiss.
"Why won't you talk to me? Maybe that's our problem...yea?" He hadn't given me any explanations. None to why he wanted another child, or when I tried to ask about his past with Rory and then Sutton...
Was he ashamed of something?
" I wasn't aware we had a problem?" Dominic frowned as his hand fell sway from my face.
I waited a few minutes, trying to find the right words to say.
"Why do I have a feeling there are secrets I don't know about? I feel like a headless chicken running around in cirles, damnit."
"If there was anything worth telling, I would baby." He was trying so hard, determined. But I could tell when my husband was lying.  I had perfected that skill long ago.
"So there is something? Let me be the judge of rather its worth telling or-"
"Amelia...stop." He interrupted.  I bit my tongue, even though it took everything in me. Well, if he wasn't going to tell me there were other ways to find things out. Like Rory Shaw. I had a feeling he knew Dominic well.
"Okay." I said.
"Get dressed please." He suggested again and kissed my forehead. Who was he? Funny when you think you know so much about someone until you realize you don't know the half of it...
I didn't expect to get any answers that day. Hell...I thought it might be months...years. I never craved normality as much as I had being inside of that club, that day.
Twenty minutes later I made my way down one of those long halls, back to the main room of Rory's...and now Domimics's "private club".
I was determined to get the fuck out and hit the highway. But...As I entered that main room, I stopped, dead in my tracks. Thank god no one one was paying attention to me.
Oh no, all eyes were on Roman, the guy at the bar last night, and a pretty blonde girl. They were both in the middle of the dimply lit room, her naked and he just ones pair of blue jeans away from being naked as well. His body was fit, muscular, toned and tanned. If he was anything but a man I didn't notice.
What I did notice was the leather belt in his hand. Before I could comprehend what was happening here the belt cracked across her bare ass, making her sway on her feet. She didn't make a sound. Again the belt met her bare skin and I seen her body stiffen brace herself so that she wouldn't  fall. She was moaning as he started alternating blows up and down her legs, steady cracks of the belt. Her moans changed, becoming more pained.Her ass was a bright red now and  the red stripes up and down her legs were visible from where I stood.
I looked away from the pair to scan the room. Dominic was standing with Rory...and Sutton. All three were just staring, captivated even.
I made my exit then, quietly slipping away. I strode through the nearly empty club. A few workers were cleaning and preparing for another night. Finally when I reached the main entrance, I pushed through the doors and took a huge breath of air. It was sunny, no clouds and really warm compared to inside of the building.
What the hell was that?
I scanned the parking lot for my car. It was easy to find, as there weren't a hundred of them like last night.
"Damn it." I groaned as I realised it was locked and Dominic had my key. I didn't try the handle, the last thing I wanted was a god awful car alarm going off at nine am.
Fuck this. I made my way back into the club. I sure as hell wasn't going back into that room. The staff had probably moved to clean the bathrooms, or the locker rooms where the dancers changed.
I wasn't one to ever steal anything so it took me by surprise when I went behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of Greygoose and a shot glass.
I was surprised to find the locker room empty two minutes later and took a seat on the floor. The brick wall was so cold against my bare back.
I didn't hesitate as I poured a shot and threw it back. What was this? What was the meaning of this place Rory had and wanted to share with my husband? He certainly wouldn't be doing what Roman had been doing to that girl. With me or anyone...The way he was watching them.
I took another shot. He couldn't be into that...could he? I had about a million questions I wanted to ask my husband and he currently wasn't answering anything.
"You're going to ruin your dress." The familer voice radiated through the quiet room. Roman.
When I  looked up I was thankful to find that he was fully clothed. I watched his eyes look between me and the Greygoose before he came to me and knelt down in front of me. "I told you...poison like this isn't suitable for a lady. Esspecialy this early in the day." He grabbed the bottle from beside me and the whole time those brown and green irises didn't leave me. Something about him was so...possessive. "If you were mine-"
"Why were you doing that girl?" I asked and frowned up at him.
"Because she disobeyed me." He didn't even have to think about his answer. I wished Dominic would acquire that particular skill.
"You're  a sadist or something?" My frowned deepened. I had heard about people that like to do things like that and I didn't have a problem with it. Until I had seen it up close and personal. Why would she allow him to do that to front of so many people?
Roman chuckled a little at my question. "I am many things." Just then he rose back to his feet and stuck his hand out. I hesitated before I took it. I had a feeling he wouldn't wait forever for me to take his hand. I had a feeling Roman could get very impatient.
"Thank you." I said quietly and leaned against the wall. Roman just stood there, looking through me as he had last night. What did he want? "Why do you look at me like that?" I finally asked. He closed the distance between us, towering over me. He smelt nice. Like shaving cream even though he had a few days growth on his face.
I bit my lip and waited for an answer as he stuck his hand out and ran it along my side down to my hip.
"I want to play with you." He finally said and pulled my body hard against his. My eyes widened as I felt that he was hard.
"What?" This was all just way to much to handle. This time he didn't answer me, he kissed me nice and deep. But it didn't last more then three seconds before I turned my head away.
" cannot do that. My husband-" I gently gave his chest a push. Suddenly his finger came up and he ran it along my bottom lip.
"Mmm, say that again." His eyes were swirling with lust and he looked drunk staring down at me.
"Say my name..." He hissed into my ear and ran his nails down my back, causing me to arch into him.
"Leave her alone, asshole." I was almost glad to hear Rory's voice. Roman looked...annoyed as he set his jaw and moved away from me. "And your lucky its me instead of Dominic who is standing here. I wouldn't mess with what is his." Rory said glaring over at Roman. He was right but hadn't he been doing this exact  same thing two days ago in my guest room?
"Fair enough." Roman said and looked back at me. He rose his hand and took a lock of my hair  "Ill see you, Amelia." He said softly and walked towards Rory to leave. The two men exchanged a hostile look.
I really needed to go home. No, I needed to hang out with my two babies. Mikey and Sean. I really didn't even want to be around my husband, to be honest.
"Dominic is looking for you." Rory said when it was just the two of us. Of course he was.
"Thank you, Rory but I can take care of myself." He didn't need to be playing hero. He opened opened his mouth but nothing came out as I walked past him out of the room.
"What happened to your back?" Dominic asked as I slipped a t shirt on with some shorts. He was dressed for the office, looking extra handsome in a black button up and a black tie. He looked big and esspecialy strong. Everything about him was...powerful?
I glanced at him through the mirror, sitting on the edge of our bed with a frown on his face.
"I don't know." I lied and shrugged my shoulder lazily. He nodded his head slowly and watched as I put my hair up into a ponytail. "Why didn't you warn me? About Roman and that lady? Did you know something like that could happen at any moment?" I turned around to face him before leaning against my vanity.
"I'm sorry you had to see that. You don't have to go to the club if you don't want to-"
"You just watched, like it didn't bother you." I said and crossed my arms bellow my breasts. Dominic stared at me for the longest time it seemed like.
"It didn't bother me." He finally said. I sighed and walked over to the bed to sit beside him.
"I don't know if I want you to help Rory there." Both his eyebrows pulled down at my wishes. "Its a sex club Dominic.  I just feel like we shouldn't...All of those women there and I have no idea how many of them you have slept with. Everyone knew you...." I chewed the inside of my lip when he rose from the bed and started to pace.
"You don't need to know, Amelia. Like I said, anyone before you is now irrelevant. I have everything I need right here." I stood up then and stepped in his way so he would stop pacing and look at me. 
"I know that, I trust you, I just..." I closed my eyes for a brief moment and looked back up at him. "Did you used to do things like that with women? Like what Roman-"
"Roman? Getting a little fucking familer with the guy or what?" He scowled down at me. Why did I suddenly feel like I couldn't win for shit?
"Would you just answer me? Why are keeping things from me? Who the fuck are you?" I wanted to pull my hair. He had never been this complicated before.  I needed to know what was wrong with him.
"Yes, I did. All the time. But I have no interest in living in the past." He seemed frustrated.
"Do you ever want to do them with me?" I tilted my head slightly as he took my face into his palms.
"Sometimes...but you deserve to be treated like a Queen and I won't settle for less. Do you understand?" His voice had dropped almost to a whisper and he kissed me softly.
"Yes...I just want to know everything about you." I replied against his lips and he kissed me again.
"I know, and you will. Please go pick my children up. I miss them." He said and pulled away from me to grab his keys and his cell phone from the bed.
Damn I missed them too.
"I love you. Ill be home in a few hours baby." He kissed me quickly and I bit my lip as I watched him leave the room.
Maybe Rory had stirred something deep inside of him. Watching Roman and his woman probably didn't help. I needed to know what Dominic needed. What were his deepest desires?

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Will dedicate the next chapter to a fan!
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