Chapter 18-Prove Your Dominance.

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"Mommy, I really want to have ice cream for breakfast." Mickey said matter-of-factly the next morning, he, Sean, his father and myself were in the kitchen at breakfast.
I had just gotten some eggs and bacon out for the dish.
"Absolutely not. No ice cream for breakfast, maybe after lunch? How does that sound?" I asked, standing at the counter, cracking eggs. I had had a phenomenal night with my husband. Maybe one of the best ones yet.
"Please?" They asked and just before I could protest again Dominic spoke up as he opened the freezer and out came the Napoleon tub of ice cream.
"Common, momma. Let us have ice cream. It is the breakfast of champions." My husband gave me a wink before popping the lid off and snatched the scooper from the drawer.
"Dominic-" I began to protest but he had a scoop already into all three bowls. "Fine. But when you're all hungry in three hours cook your own lunch." I said to my husband and proceeded to crack two more eggs for myself.
I didn't quite know how I felt about last nights events. It was good and something that I would never have imagined myself doing. It was to much. To much emotion and...pain. I didn't really quite know how to take it.
Deep down I knew that Dominic wanted and needed that but honestly could I handle it on a regular basis?
I was to...basic. Not by choice...its just the way I was. Just the way I am.
"Fair enough." Dominic replied and seconds later they were all digging into the ice cream.
We had a way of solving most of our problems physically not emotionally. At least that was how it had been lately. And that is what had happened last night...
I watched my three guys eat their ice cream and tried to just ignore my emotions.
I expected Amelia to think I was a disgusting pest after last night. Matter of fact, she didn't even say anything about it. She just let me take her to our bed and make love to her. I know she didn't want me to have anything with the club so when I told her I was going into the office this afternoon for an appointment with Jackson (A teenage patient of mine) it was a lie. Rory was calling and texting, asking why I hadn't come last night. Instead of telling him my wife insisted I spank her, not that he would care, I told him one of the twins got sick.
"You definitely missed out last night, my friend." Rory was saying as we sat in the clubs office. Roman was there sitting in the corner with his..."sub". The girl really didn't talk much or look directly at anyone. That was the way Roman had taught her I suppose. Perhaps six years ago I would have been the same way but now, not a chance. Especially with Amelia.
"I bet. I guess it is a good thing I'll be around tonight, true ?" I asked. I would never come to the club just to watch one of their "shows" but if I was around when it did happen...I didn't mind and as I told Amelia it brought back old memories-some were with Sutton. It was true, I had no desire to hurt Amelia as I had many women in the past but I was up for trying new things with her, as long as she wanted to. Clearly she did, last night being a prim example. But I need to know what she thought about last night. She hadn't given anything away suggesting that she disliked it. Nothing that she liked it though either.
"Yea, to bad there isn't anything going down tonight." Rory replied. Figures, most of the people in the club were probably to shy to do anything like what Roman and Blondie had done publicly.
"What about you Dominic? Let's see you prove your dominance. Do you still have it in you?" Roman said from across the room with a smirk on his face. I frowned over at him before shaking my head. Yea, that was never going to fucking happen.
I leaned forward and rested my elbows on my knees as I gazed over at him.
"Oh, I assure you, I still have it in me but I don't need to prove shit. wife doesn't roll like that?."
"Are you sure about that?" It was Roman's turn to frown.
"What the fuck is that suppose mean?"
"Ask her..." Roman paused for a second before he chuckled and continued on. "Those scratches down her tan back look great on her..." It took me a minute to comprehend what the hell this jerk-off was talking about and then I remembered last week when Amelia was changing and I had asked her what happened to her back. "Mmm and the way she arched-"
"Hey, if I were you, I would shut the fuck up...seriously." Rory butted in and moved towards the middle of the room. Lucky for Roman because I was going to come up off that couch and show him how it felt with my fist "arching" right into the fuckers pretty face.
"So, what will it be? You have a reputation, Simmons. Let's not ruin it." Roman got up then and walked over to the only window that was in the office. "Hm, or I could break her in for you."
There are just some boundaries you just don't cross. Flirt with my wife while I am not around, fine but tell me you're gonna fuck her and we have problems. Big fucking problems.
As soon as I was on my feet heading towards him, Rory stepped in front of me and stopped me, gripping my bicep tight. "Dominic...fuck him. He is just trying to get under your skin." Rory said quiet enough so that only I could hear him. My adrenaline was pumping through me in a rage as I glared over my friends shoulder at the male with a death wish. Rory was right. He wasn't worth my time and fucking his face up wouldn't solve anything.
"Right..." I said and we all stood there in silence for a moment, probably to give me a moment to collect my wits before I freaked out. "Stay away from my wife." It was a threat but all he did was continue to smile. I backed out of the room then and Rory followed me out. Well...looks like my wife had a couple secrets of her own.
I was a little annoyed when I showed up to Dominic office and he wasn't there. Only one place he could be. When I pulled up to the club is vehicle was in the staff parking lot. Why he had to lie about where he was going I did not know, I might not like this place but he was already in and I had a feeling Rory wasn't just going to let him back out.
This early in the afternoon no one would be here except the few employees who prepped things. I went though the staff entrance that was by the locker room and the break room and a few offices. Just as I was about to reach Rory's office he and Dominic came from the room.
"Oh, hi." But I didn't get one in return as my husband breezed right past me looking madder than hell. Rory did stop, however and I frowned 'He's just having a bad day.'He answered before I could ask. He had seemed perfectly happy and fine when he had left after lunch. "Why? What happened?"
"Nothing you should concern yourself-"
"Rory." I narrowed my eyes on him and he gave me a deep sigh.
"Roman just doesn't know when to shut up." I didn't need to ask to know just what Roman had said to him. It was obvious by the way Dominic had just blew me off. I turned around then and made my way back towards the exit. By the time I reached the parking lot Dominic was opening his car door.
"You know, you're such a fucking hypocrite,Amelia." He turned to me when I had reached him and his blue eyes had darkened as he glared at me. "How dare you ride my ass for keeping shit from you when you're doing the same goddamn thing?"
"I'm sorry-" I took a step towards him but he held his hand out so I stopped in my tracks.
"Don't...don't do that. Why did you come here anyway? He's inside, so you can do whatever it is the two of you have been doing." He opened his car door then but I refused to let him talk to me that way. If he really believed something was going on between Roman and I, he was an idiot.
"That is so fucked up. You actually think that-"
"Yea I do think that." He interrupted me again. I crossed my arms and looked away from his glare. "You fucked up." He added before sliding into the car and slamming the door shut. I swear if it wasn't one thing it was another, I thought as I watched him speed off. I went back into the club then to find Rory, wishing Dominic would let me explain things. I remembered that fucking day in the locker room second by second. I didn't ask Roman to come onto me, he just did. I pushed him away when giving in probably would have been way easier. 
I found Rory in his office a couple of minutes later. Thankfully he was alone. "Didn't go well?" He asked when he looked up to see who had entered. I huffed and planted my ass in the chair in front of his desk.
"What's going on?" I asked him. Rory sat back in his chair and stared at me for awhile. 
"Roman wants you and Dominic to do a scene, here. Tonight. Something about proving his dominance...Blah blah blah." He waved his hand in the air and my eyebrows shot up. Scene?
"What do you mean?" I asked. It seemed I was asking questions that I knew the answer to. I didn't really hear much else that Rory said. Something about reputation. I left soon after to find my husband. Everyone of these men got me seriously bent if they thought I was going in front of an audience to....I could barely handle what had happened last night.
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Lots of love!
-Lu, From The City Of Sin💋

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