Chapter 11-I need you.

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Maybe it was the pain medicine. It took Dominic a minute to come around. For several hours he fell in and out of sleep. It terrified me.
I thought he wouldn't come awake again.
The little sleep that I did get I dreamed about him never waking up and living in a world without him.
Just as the sun was rising the next morning I came awake with tears falling down my cheeks. As I glanced at Dominic while wiping my them away I resisted the urge to go shake him. But I didnt, I got up from that god aweful chair and walked to the window.
"Fuck." I whispered to myself. Just then I promised God that I wasn't gonna take anything for granted. Not Michael or Sean or Dominic. If he wanted a baby still...most definitely. I wanted to build our family bigger. Funny a week ago my mind was somewhere else with that. God, why had I been so-
"Why are you crying?" I jumped when his voice traveled through the quiet room. As I turned around I noticed he had repositioned the bed so that he was sitting up. Damn how had I not been able to hear that?
"Oh, Im okay. Just...thinking. My emotions are crazy right now." I wiped tears away that I didnt know were shed. Dominic stuck his hand out and I walked forward until I was close enough to grab it.
"Im right here baby. And Im not going anywhere. God, Im just so fucking tired and my head it pounding." He said after there was some silence. "Do you want me to leave you so you can-"
"No." He gave my hand a squeeze and smiled up at me "Never." I stood by his bedside for a very long time, his hand in mine, studying his face. Making myself memorize every last handsome feature he had, not that they weren't already marked in my brain.
His eyes had closed and I thought he was sleeping but when I tried to pull my hand from his he tightened his grip and his eyes fluttered open.
"Come lay down. Let me feel like a man instead of a veggie." He released my hand and opened his arms wide.
"You Dont have to ask twice and please, please Dont refer to yourself as a vegetable." He chuckled as I climed onto the bed and stretched out beside him. As I laid my head over his chest I inhaled deeply, loving his scent. It was strong and it made my head spin.
"Its beating so strongly." I said quietly with the rhythm of his heartbeat in my ear. "I love that sound." And the rise and fall of his strong chest under me wasnt so bad either. "You're so big." I said as I stretched my arm across his torso. His chest rumbled, somewhere between a growl and a chuckle.
"Yea? Tell me how big I am."
"Very, very big, my Love."
"Just my chest? Mmm, or maybe you could elaborate a little more, yea?" His voice was thick and I knew all the well were his mind had gone.
Annnnnnd I did not mean for that statement to be sexual what so ever.
I looked further down his sheet covered body and my eyes grew. Well at least that part of his body was working pretty well. All eleven inches give or take.
As Dominic rolled his hips he bit down on his lips. Then he hissed and groaned as he did so again. "Amelia." He bit out.
"I figured that was the last thing you would be thinking of right now. You were comatose ten hours ago." I said looking up at him.
Dominic just smiled down at me.
"'re incredibly sexy, my Queen. I cannot help myself. And I love the way you feel against me." His hand came up to my cheek and he leaned his head down to kiss me. It was...amazing. God yesterday I didnt think I would ever get the privilege of kissing him again.
"Mmm. Amelia...I want you." He murmerded against my lips. I glanced at the door which was unlocked and the machines he was hooked up to.
"Well..." I breathed and stuck my hand under the white sheet, down his ribbed stomach. His arousal was thick and long as my palm circled it. It was so smooth and the most masculine part of his body.
Im glad this part of our marriage was never dull or boring. This was just about us and absolutely no one else was welcome. Even when we were both stressed this always got us realigned. Sex is just sex, but here it was the most intament part of our entire marriage. We thrived on this, kept us going, aside from our twins.
"It would be my pleasure." I finished as my hand moved along the length of him.
Dominic set his jaw and grabbed the bed rail.
"Mount me." He demanded and I frowned up at him. "Right now...I need you."
"And these machines, your heart rate is going up." I said with a giggle. I won another groan from him just as the machines started to beep. Seconds later the nurse came in.
"Everything is fine I assure you." He said to the blonde woman and winked at me.
"Ill just have a look-" When she noticed just why his heart rate had risen she stopped, eyes wide. "Oh...nevermind."
As the nurse came around to reset the machines I jerked my hand away and sat up.
"Think you could unplug me for a bit?" Dominic asked the nurse, very determined. My face heated up real quick.
"Not a chance. We need you stabilized a little longer." She said and walked back around the bed. "You need to rest Mr. Simmons. If you need anything Im a button away." She gave us both a smile before leaving us alone again.
"Unplug me." Dominic insisted after the door eased shut behind her.
"Most definitely not." I gasped as he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. "You need to rest Mr. Simmons. Dont be a bad boy." I said as he pulled me down onto his lips.
"But I thought you liked me that way." He said, teeth nibbling my lip.
"I love you that way." I replied and pulled away from him. I was so glad he was feeling like himself, acting like himself. "I need to call Harper. Should I tell her to bring Sean and Michael? Maybe we should talk to the doctor first. See when you're gonna get out of here?" I asked him, going over to my purse and digging my cell out.
As if on cue the door opened and in came the doctor with papers and prescriptions. I was relieved when he said Dominic could go home first thing in the morning. They wanted to monitor him for one more night.
As he talked to the doctor I sat back in that hell chair and checked my texts. I had one from Harper saying,

How is everything going hun? Give me a call when you can.

Great actually, almost to great for me. I felt uneasy for some reason. It was probably just my emotions.
I shot Harper a quick reply just as the Doctor was leaving. I was so ready to get the hell out of this place.
I was fucking going crazy. Mainly because I had been stuck inside the house for a week and suffering terrible migraines ever since being released. I needed to be in my office...something.
Clouds of steam rolled from the top of the shower as I opened up the foggy mirror and grabbed the sorry excuse for pain medication from the medicine cabinet.
I popped the bottle open and took a pill out. This was the fourth one in...ah, six hours. It was not helping. After I took it I pulled my night pants off and stepped under the scolding water.
Sarah had to stay whenever Amelia was at work. I couldn't do anything when a migraine hit except lay in a dark room and suffer through it.
I made the shower quick. When I stepped from the shower I brushed my teeth, not caring to dry off.
"Are you ok?" my head snapped towards the sound of Amelia's voice. She was standing in the doorway of the bathroom.
"Yea." I replied. I found myself looking over every inch of her body. Plain t-shirt, slacks and a pair of pumps. Her hair was down around her shoulders in big brown curls. "C'mere." I said and stuck my hand out. Amelia walked to me and took my hand.
"Whats wrong?" She asked as I pulled her clothed body against my naked one.
"Nothing." I cupped her face with my hands and kissed her. That one little connection had me hard. "God, I need you baby." I groaned against her lips. She pulled back and looked up at me. I felt like I had barely seen her in a week. Thanks to the headaches that kept me locked up in our room.
"You have me." She whispered. With my hands on her hips I knelt in front of her and unbuttoned the slacks. This was long overdue, I thought as I slid her bottoms down her legs and she stepped out of them. I took a second, to kiss bellow her belly button and inhale her scent. Her skin was smooth and her smell intoxicating.
Next it was her lacy panties I slid to the floor. "I love you." I looked up at her as I said so and my eyes didn't leave her as I leaned forward and drew her in. Amelia exhaled sharply as I took my time getting her ready. Loved the way her fingers tangled in my hair and the way her moans sounded leaving her lips.
"Dominic..." All of a sudden she jerked herself off of my mouth. "I need you in me, hurry-I need you." she demenaded. Yes ma'am.
With a soft growl I took her to the bathroom floor, kissing her, letting her taste herself on my lips as I rolled us over so she could straddle me.
"Take it baby." I said, looking up at her. My thumb ran across her bottom lip and when the tip disappeared into her mouth my erection twitched between us.
Amelia sat down hard on my cock and we both cried out. Then she leaned forward to rest her hands on either side of my head and started pumping her pelvis, my erection going in and out of her as our bodies slapped together.
Our eyes locked as her hair bounced with her body and the look on her pleasure ridden face was one of utter determination. I couldn't help but adore her in that moment.
Her eyes left mine, only when she threw her head back and came, hips thrashing and racking with mine and her nails dug into my bare chest.
Before her orgasm died down I rolled us over and mounted her from on top. Grabbing onto one of her ankles, I cranked her leg up to her shoulders and went in deep. Amelia cried my name out between moans as I banged her across our bathroom floor. As my sac tightened I growled, arched up and held onto the edge of the counter for more leverage.
Seconds later I reached my climax. My wife kissed me as I pumped everything I had inside of her.
Before I finished my head started to pound and I seen stars. Fucking hell.
"" I groaned into her hair as I slipped out of her.
"What?...whats wrong?" Amelia asked, panting into my ear. I slowly got up and pulled her with me.
"Migraine. I just need to lay down." I said and left the bathroom blind. When I reached the bed I got under the covers.
"Did you need anything?" Amelia asked me softly,  brushing my hair back from my face.
"Just the waste basket. And leave me alone." I didn't mean to sound rude but I didn't want her watching me vomit and suffer. 
"K." She said and kissed my cheek before grabbing the basket and setting it beside me. As soon as she left the room I grabbed the small can and there went my lunch. This was gonna be a long ass day.

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