Chapter 17-A spanking for the taking.

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Dedicated to lovelyme7
Five days had passed since Dominic and I had woken up in one of Rory's private rooms at "Club Impulse". That place was so unorthodox. I hadn't went back there but Dominic had a few times. I guess he had to since it was half his. I, on the other hand, did not want to go back.
I was glad school was out and I was looking forward to spending my entire summer with Mikey and Sean.
We went to the park today and had a picnic, while Dominic was at his office.
I got the chance to call Harper and tell her alllll about the past week.
"Whoa, that is kind of strange but kind of hot too." She was saying as I watched the twins play with some bubbles and run around screaming. At least they were having a good time.
Of course Harper would think that. She was the type that loved to try new things with Creed. Good for them. I wasn't exactly jumping at the opportunity to be spanked with anything or by anyone. Even if my husband was thinking about it. Which by the way he had been acting the past week he was definitely thinking about it.
Locking himself away in our home office or going to the one he had uptown. Secluded and totally antisocial.
"Im not saying I have a problem with it but when you're married to someone for three years and one day you find something like that out about them. It can be a little overwhelming. Like, what if I'm not giving him what he needs?" I was on a rant. I sighed heavily and checked on my boys again. Thankfully the park was practically empty but you'd be surprised what could happen in only seconds.
"Oh, please.  Dominic practically worships you so I highly doubt your not getting the job done honey. Besides that, has he said anything like that to you?" Harper asked. I chewed on the inside of my lip as I listened to her.
"No. No he hasn't."
"Well then, there you go. I love you, I really do but maybe you should try things his way?" Little did she know we had been doing things his way all along... Her words were a little offensive but I wasn't gonna be a bitch. Advise was never a bad thing to receive. "Change isn't always bad.Maybe a little will be good for you." She added. Maybe...
I would give it a thought but I wasn't promising myself anything.
"Okay...I have to go. The rugrats need a nap. Ill call you tomorrow. Love you more."
"Love you most." After we hung up I gathered our things and managed to get the twins safely in the car.
Oh yea, I definetly needed a few things to be clarified.
Later that evening as I was preparing dinner Dominic came home and with him he brought dinner guests. Rory...and Sutton.
I was so not thrilled. It was awkward, for me anyway. The entire time we ate Rory and Dominic talked about that fucking club and sports. I thought I was gonna die. I avoided the conversations and only talked when someone asked me something.
"Would you like some more wine?" I asked Sutton when everyone's plate was empty. It was an excuse to get away from the group. Honestly,  I couldn't wait for them to leave.
"Yes I would love some more, thank you." The black haired goddess smiled at me as I got up and started to grab the dishes. "Oh, let me help you." She said and rose from her seat. She was wearing a white romper that showed her long tan legs and with it a killer pair of red stilletos. She was a total bombshell. I could see the attraction.
She followed me to the kitchen and placed the dishes in the sink behind me.
"Thank you for having us for dinner. It was delicious. Your home is lovely." Sutton said as I was grabbing the wine from the fridge. I forced a smile as I turned back to her. "Thank you." I replied and  poured the wine into  our two empty glasses. "So, how long have you known my husband?" I asked. I might not want to be around the woman but while I was I could gain a little information.
"Ah...maybe ten years. Still the same old Dominic. Charming, handsome and in control." I listened to her talk as I took a drink. In control? What was that supposed to mean? "He and Rory were friends long before I married him."
I nodded my head slowly. "In control?" I frowned at her and took another drink. A bigger drink.
She actually blushed at my question.
"What I meant was...." She let her sentence hang in the air and looked away from me. My husband has always been a rough rider...but in control?
"So did you two used to fuck?" The question took me by surprise. And from the look on Sutton's face, it had her too. I couldn't take it back so I waited for her to answer as she gaped at me.
"You don't have to lie." I interjected because what woman would admit that to another?
"Just a couple of times." She gave me a coy smile and looked down into her full wine glass. Well at least it wasn't me who was uncomfortable this time.
I knew they had, I didn't have to ask but I wanted them to admit it.
We had no chance of being friends. Not because they had slept together...but because the way she looked at him and spoke of him.
I really didn't have anything to say to her so I just turned around and went back into the dining room.
Seconds later she followed, red stilettos clicking on my hardwood floor.
"Are you ready to go my Love?" Sutton asked Rory and the guy nodded and stood up. Her eyes turned to me and she smiled. "Thank you again, for dinner. Perhaps next time I can meet the little ones." Right.
As Dominic walked the couple to the front door I checked on the twins, which were sleeping and then started the dishes.
"Im going to take a shower." Dominic said from behind me ten minutes later. I looked at him over my shoulder and smiled.
"Should I join you?" We hadn't showered together in a long time. It would be nice. But as he walked over to me I knew that wasn't gonna happen.
"Nah, its gonna be quick." He said and kissed me right behind the ear.
"Oh...ok." Wasn't gonna lie, that kind of hurt my feeling. He pulled away from me then and left the kitchen.
As I finished cleaning I had the feeling that mine and Sutton's conversation had in fact ran her off.
And to be honest I didn't really care.
I finished off that bottle of wine in the living room and just as I was about to check on the boys once more Dominic came from the hallway, dressed in slacks and a nice shirt. I frowned as he came over to me.
"Are you leaving?" I asked as he took a seat beside me.
"Rory wants me to stop by at the club. Just for a couple of hours." How strange, he was going to leave after not inviting me to the shower. Or should I say denying me. Of course like every woman the thought went through my head...What if he is seeing someone?
"I need to know what you need Dominic." Hopefully for once he would just be honest instead of beating around the bush and blowing my questions off. He rubbed his face before glancing back over at me.
"I have everything I need right here." He took my hand and gave it a little squeeze and I shook my head at him.
"Bullshit...why do you keep running away and avoiding me?"
"Im not running away from anything." He stood then and paced, like he always does when he doesn't want to talk about things.
"Except your past, right? I just want you to be honest. Do you think Im gonna judge you or love you less? Just please tell me what you want." When he didn't answer me I got up and walked over to where he stood. "Or show me." I added. Dominic stared down at me for the longest time before he said anything else.
"I have no desire to hurt you Amelia. It's just not you never has been."
Again, I shook my head as I reached up and took his face between my palms.
"This isn't about me it's about you. me, please. I want to know this part about you." He was frowning and searching my face for something it seemed.
"That part of me died way before I had you. Yes being around Rory and that club stirs up old memories but not old desires." I could tell he was lying right to my face about that one. I tilted my head slightly and shook it, again.
I was on a fucking mission and I wouldn't take no for an answer.
"Show me." I repeated. When he realised I wasn't going to give up he took my hand and pulled me back to the couch. Dominic sat down and I stood in front of him.
"I only ever want to please you, so if whenever you wish to stop...don't hesitate to tell me. Understand?" He asked and grabbed the top of my yoga pants.
"Okay." I watched him pull them down, passed my hips and down my legs until I could step out of them.
I gasped when he pulled me down, over his knees. It definitely was not the most comfortable position ever.
Next he pulled my cotton panties down, all the way to my knees which were resting on the carpet.
There was a pause in which my heart pounded in my chest, and then I felt the palm of his hand make contact with my ass for the first time.
He built up the spanks steadily, increasing the speed and intensity until I was gasping with every hit. It didn't hurt exactly, it more like an overload of sensation. I felt so exposed, even vulnerable.I had assumed that it would be the pain that would be my weakness, but I enjoyed the physical sensation, the stinging on my ass as well as the moisture on my thighs. The emotions it brought up in me were much harder to take.
"Do you want me to stop?" Dominic asked and paused to wait for my answer. I bit my lip and shook my head.
Then he resumed, his hand taking a turn at each cheek over and over again.
As it went on  I was shaking as the blows got harder and harder. I welcomed the pain but I feared the emotions, I wasn't going let them free or he would see it all.
I wasn't doing this for my pleasure, I was doing it for his. I didn't know where my mind set would be when this was over.
Then it was over, except he didn't let met me up. His fingers went much lower and he ran them up, then down my slit, toyed with the sensitive bud that was hidden under my labia.
He began to ease them in,  slowly, taking care,  and I don't think he had ever been so gentle. Then I felt another new sensation as he began to slide them in and out of me. I rubbed myself against his knee as the impending orgasm threatened to take my sanity.
And then it was too late.
I groaned deeply, feeling it all the way down to my toes, as I came on his hand. I could feel the warm liquid run down my thighs and I was sure his slacks were ruined now. 
"Oh god..." I bit out and His fingers never left me but slowly and gently coaxed me through the orgasm.
Finally when it was over and my body was trembling, Dominic pulled me up off of his knees.
I just sat back on my heels and stared up at him.
"Are you ok?" He asked me and I just nodded my head. I expected him to stop me when I went for the button on his slacks, but he didn't. If anything he thrust his hips at me and I unbuttoned him and next came the zipper.
I could see how hard he was beneath them and I  grabbed his erection, wrapping my hand around it's  thickness. Dominic sucked his breath in.
I didn't hesitate, seconds later my lips were around the head of his cock and I sucked it lazily. He grabbed a handful of my  hair and coaxed himself deeper into my mouth. I moaned and started to suck. I watched as his head fell back and I drew him in harder, back and forth.
"Fuck." Dominic growled as I grabbed his sac and gave it a nice hard squeeze.
I took him out of my mouth, still stroking him only pausing to slip my shirt over my head. Arching my back, I presented my breast to him. His eyes were still closed, clearly enjoying my attention.
"Look at me, baby. Look at me and give me your cum." I demanded and pumped him in a steady and fast rhythm.
His eyes had a glassy look as they met mine and a moment later I  felt and seen him reach his climax. I continued pumping him, milking him, seeking every drop. Soon my chest was covered and I  could feel the warm liquid sliding down my tummy. When the last spurt died away, I took him into my mouth again, sucking him hard. He gasped loudly.
"Easy, easy baby." Dominic groaned, chest rising and falling as he was panting hard.
"Let me get that" I purred up at him and licked the head of his cock clean.
He pulled me off of my feet and kissed me hard, biting my bottom lip before he pulled away and picked me up.
"I thought you were leaving?" I asked into his ear as he carried me down the hall and into our bedroom.
"Not tonight baby."
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Hope you enjoyed.
Dedicated to lovelyme7

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