Chapter 29-Amelia's game.

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"Today?" Dominic had just informed me that he would be leaving to Miami for a few days to lecture a Cognitive Neuroscience class at FIU.
"I know it is unexpected. My old professor called this morning and ask me to come." Dominic replied as I watched him rush to pack a suitcase. "If you get lonely...just call Rory. You two should get to know each other a lot better anyway." He added and gave me a wink. Damn, it was so weird to hear him say that. I did want to get know Rory a lot better....Like how had gotten into the lifestyle? He said his story was complicated.
"I don't fully understand why-"
" the four years that I have known you and loved you, I had to keep part of my lifestyle hidden away in my mind." My husband walked away from his task and walked over to me. I loved the way if felt when he held me close. "I know that you love me and only me. Rory is just there for you satisfaction." He finished and tucked some of my hair away from my face. I frowned up at him, shaking my head slowly.
"What about you? Will you be seeing anyone when you go to Miami?" I asked, my anxiety rising. Just because he was okay with sharing doesn't mean I was...I was still getting used to the idea of Rory being a part of our life, intimately.
I know it seemed selfish of me...having a lover and a husband but not wanting Dominic to be with anyone else. What. So. Ever.
"I told you already, I have no desire to be with anyone but you. The only people I will be 'seeing' in Miami are a class full of students and Creed." Dominic leaned down and kissed me. It had slipped my mind that Harper and Creed lived in Miami now with Presley. "I have to finish up. My plane will be leaving soon." He pulled away from me and went back to packing. I would not go to Rory while Dominic was away. It felt to weird. I felt like Dominic should be present in any and all of our sexual activities.
I said that I wouldn't engage with Rory unless my husband was around. But later on that day, after Dominic was long gone and Sarah had come over to help with whatever I needed her help with, I felt extremely bored. The twins played and I talked to Sarah about Elijah and other not so important things.
I had managed to sneak away. Once I had access to my cell, the first think I did was call Rory, after hesitating for several minutes. I couldn't  help but feel like a lovestruck teen as I listen to the ring and waited for him to pick up.
"Amelia...To what do I owe such a pleasure?" Rory answered. I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. I could not help but resist his charm, even if he wasn't here in person...yet.
"Hi, Rory. Dominic had to go out of town and I was wondering if you wanted to come over? I am making Pasta for dinner, it's my favorite. We could watch a movie with the boys?" I replied. For some reason I was a nervous wreck. And if I waited any longer to ask him that then I wouldn't have even asked at all.
"That sounds great. I will have to fabricate a lie to get away from Sutton."
I didn't want him to lie to her about us at all. I already knew she would be mad. In some sick way I would enjoy her being discordant about our relationship.
"Don't lie to her." I suggested and for a minute Rory was silent on the other end. I was not going to be his secret. He had in fact said that she had her lovers and had no right to be upset if he had his own.
"Fine...I will be there soon. Give me an hour." He replied and I hung up the phone. I probably had about ten minutes to get Sarah out. I tossed my phone onto the bed and made my way back into the living room. Mikey and Sean were watching cartoons and had half of my floor covered with toys.
"You can go to Elijah's now if you want. I'm just going to feed the boys and put them to bed." I lied and smiled over at my friend. She had told me Elijah wanted her to come over long ago but she wanted to check in with me first.
"It's fine, Amelia. With the way you and Dominic pay me, I should live here and be your slave." Sarah waved away my suggestion. That was true. We paid her like she was our full time nanny/maid but only because Dominic refused to give her anything less.
"I know, just go have some fun with Elijah. Come over in the morning so we can go through the storage?" I said. For the next five minutes Sarah refused to leave but in the end I won. After I showed her out I hurried into the bedroom to change.
I put on my tightest black skirt and a black v-neck shirt that presented my 36D's wonderfully. I put on a pair of my black stocking, finished with the red stilettos Dominic had got me a few months ago. I decided to go commando. Something about that was sexy...and a little slutty.
I started dinner immediately after checking in on the twins again an mixing up some margaritas. Rory arrived a little after seven PM. I answered the door after the bell rang, my stomach in all kinds of twisted, kinky knots.
"Hey." Rory smiled and I watched him look my body over once, then twice. I did the same. He was so hot, his body was especially alluring. The black t shirt showed off his defined chest and abdomen. Those torrid blue jeans and biker books were enough to take my breath away. I couldn't help but recollect how silky and luscious his long brown hair had felt felt teasing my skin yesterday at the wedding.
"Come in." I returned his smile after we had stood there for several moments staring at one another. "Dinner will be done soon...if you're hungry. Do you want a beer or something?" I asked as we made our way Into the living room. Both the boys' faces lit up when they seen Rory. To them, he was just their daddies friend. I intended to keep it that way.
"Sure, that sounds perfect." Rory took a seat on the couch as my two children started to talk his ear off.
I got his beer and took it to him before descending back into the kitchen to finish our meal. Things were pretty boring from then on. We ate along with two obnoxious toddlers and Rory sat alone when I gave them a bath and put them into bed.
He came into the kitchen while I was cleaning up.
"Sorry. My children require a lot of attention." I apologized.
I watched him lean against the counter and cross his massive arms over his chest.
"Its okay. I like them...I wish Sutton would have children." I turned away from him to finish cleaning the countertops off. I felt a little awkward hearing him addmitt that so I quickly changed the subject.
"Did you tell her you were coming here?" I asked and glanced back at him. His eyes were on every part of my body but my face.
I frowned and turned around to face him. "Why? I don't want you to keep things from her, Rory. I have no interest in being a secret." I placed my hand on my hip and scowled at him. Plus I kinda wanted her to know I could have her husband when I wanted but she had to keep her hands off of mine. And I didn't want to feel like I was doing something wrong. It made me feel like a homewrecker.
"I know...You aren't a secret." Rory pushed off of the counter and closed the little distance we had between one another. "I just didn't want to hear her bitch. It would have put me in a bad mood." I allowed him to pull my body against his.
"Ok." I shrugged nonchalantly and stared up at him. "We wouldn't want that, huh." I added when he didn't say anything to me. Rory chuckled and I met him halfway for a kiss. Why could I not shake the feeling of guilt? This was just to weird for me. But I went along with it because I wanted him.
Dominic was okay with it, Rory was oKay with it. Sutton probably wouldn't be but no one gave a fuck what she thought.
As long as she knew.
"You look really amazing tonight." Rory flashed me a dimply grin as his eyes lowered to stare at me breast.
"So do you." I replied quietly before he kissed me again. It turned from an innocent gesture to a full blown 'I want you now' makeout session in my kitchen.
"We should go in the room." I suggested, panting when his mouth moved lower onto my neck. My kids had access to the front of house. I could easily lock my bedroom door.
Rory agreed without having to say a word. I followed behind him after he took my hand and pulled down the hallway. Once behind the locked door Rory pushed me onto the bed.
"Oh no...I have something else in mind for us tonight." I said against his ear as he attempted to pull me shirt off. Rory looked down at me quizzically as I grinned deviously up at him. I was gonna take some more of Elle's advise. Switch things up little.
"I'm not really liking this idea, Amelia." I pulled on my restrains and narrowed my eyes on my brunette goddess. After a lot of persuasion I had let her handcuff my wrists to the headboard with two pairs of handcuffs. I watched her as she lit a black candle and sat it down on the nightstand.
"Don't be such a sour puss. It will be fun, I promise." Amelia winked at me and my eyes followed her as she got onto the bed and sat on her knees between my legs. She was practically nude now, except for the black skirt and stockings. I had suggested she leave on the heels but she reminded me that she was running this show.
"Well I'm usually not the one being tied down." I muttered. She didn't reply to that as she unbuttoned my jeans and grabbed onto the waistband. I lifted my hips, aiding her as she pulled them off and threw them over the side of the bed, leaving me completely naked.
"You don't trust me?" Amelia asked, her eyes showing nothing but pure innocence. I was speechless as she lowered her head until her lips were on my left hip, kissing. An ache shot through my cock and it went rigid when she lightly bit down. "Well, do you?" She asked and moved to the other side. Her hair felt wondrous as it tickled my skin. Something about it strung around my sex was hot.
"Of course I do, Love." I replied and Amelia went about teasing the other side with her lips and teeth. "You should know I do not like being teased." I said between my teeth when she ran her lips along the length of me. "Mm, that's more like it baby." I stared down at Amelia's mouth as the head of me disappeared between her full lips. She didn't stay there long, after giving it some attention with her tongue.
"I'm sure I can find something around here to keep you quiet...unless you think you can manage on your own." She lifted her eyebrow at me and I laughed. She wouldn't dare. "Well what will it be?"
"Please...continue. My lips are sealed." I promised and thrust my hips upward, silently telling her that I needed to be inside of her mouth again.
"Dominic told me to get to know you better. That's what I'm doing. You've gotten to have your fun with my body, now it's my turn." I nodded in agreement and she lowered her head again. This time her mouth fully enveloped every last last inch of me. Adrenalin roared through me and when I pushed my hips up, needing to be completely in her throat, Amelia pulled away and shook her head at me.
I happily apologized and she smiled up at me before bending back down, eyes never breaking from mine. I watched in anticipation as her hand ran  along my left thigh from my knee and on to my hip. Then her mouth was on me again swallowing me wholly and deeply. My head spun as her tongue swirled. I wanted to lift my hips from the bed again, needing to feed more of myself to her but I resisted that urge. My jaw locked when she pulled away from me and I growled my disapproval. Amelia laughed softly. "Now, now. You will get just want you want. Don't be greedy." After the words left her mouth she lunged, consuming me fully again, lips sealing around my shaft, tongue lashing wickedly.
I rattled the cuffs, desperately wanting to take hold of her hair and keep her right there. As I started to lift my hips again she retreated, giggling up at me...
"Amelia..." I hissed down at her. When I was free of the cuffs...
I wasn't going to threaten her. I was going to let her have her fun...for now. Her tongue drew up along my potent sac and all the way up, halting at the head for just a moment before encircling it with her tongue, massaging it. A groan left my throat when she lifted her head, breaking the contact. My groan turned into a growl when she raked her fingernails down my chest. I pulled against my restraints again, seeking freedom to no avail. She struck again and I slid through her mouth and into the entrance of her throat.
Amelia moaned, the humming traveled through my shaft. No more teasing.This time she got right down to business. With every plunge she increased her speed. My head fell against the headboard and I took the pleasure she was giving me. All of it. "Fuck...yes." I urged, feeling the beginning of an orgasm as my balls tightened. Suddenly, Amelia stopped and sat back on her heels, shaking her head,
"Oh no, no, don't get to come so quickly." Amelia chided me and licked her already glistening pink lips. I laughed breathlessly.
"Play nice baby." A smile threatened the corner of her mouth and she leaned in until her mouth was inches from mine.
"Hmmm, well you see that's the thing, baby this is my game. And we play by my rules. I can play dirty if I want. Im" Amelia taunted between planting light kisses along my jaw.
"Is that right? Just wait until I am out of these damn cuffs." I replied and she was close enough for me to lean in. She hissed when my teeth sunk into her neck and she jerked away from me.
"You shouldn't have done that." She told me as her hands found the bottom of the very short skirt and she pulled it up, past the ends of the black stockings and past her waist.
I licked my lips when I got a delicious view of her shaved, bare sex. Then she straddled my waist and and stared down at me seductively, lip between her white teeth and  cupped her breasts. I stared back, not wanting to miss a moment as she began to caress them, sinking her fingertips into them, pressing them together, pinching her hard nipples, teasing me in every way imaginable with her perfect, natural, magnificent breasts.
I leaned in as far as possible but she was to far away. Amelia relieved my strain and leaned in, spine caving. My lips sealed around her taught nipple and I drew her into my mouth, my tongue lashed out like a serpent. She leaned further in, rolling her hips against me, accepting what I was giving. After several seconds she pulled away and squeeled as my teeth didn't let go. 
"Rory." She gasped and I let it free so that I could give her right side the same pleasure. She sighed heavily, as  I devoured and  gave the other equal attention, licking, lashing, sucking, devouring.
Finally she pulled back and I loved the way they were swollen and glistening from the abuse.
"I want you to watch me...," Amelia said suddenly and slid off of me until she was sitting between my legs on the mattress. That had done it. Amelia was turned on. I could see it as her hands drifted from her breast,  down her belly and onto her sex. Honey seeped from her, gliding down between her cheeks. My mind went somewhere it didn't belong. That part of her was Dominic's. He had made that clear.
My eyes widened, envious of her finger as it  slid between her light crimson lips. Amelia's eyes closed and her head tipped back just  as her finger dragged across her  bulging clit. Then her finger ventured further, playing, penetrating. I needed to be there not her fucking fingers.
A quiet moan left her lips as she lightly caressed herself.  Her eyes opened again as she penetrated herself with two fingers.
"Let me give you more then that, Amelia." I uttered under my breath  but she didn't listen. She pulled her fingers away and her hand came up to my mouth to  feed them to me. "I need to be inside-" Before I could finish she was straddling me again.
We both gasped when my cock pushed inside of her.
"You shouldn't threaten me, baby." Amelia said and when she grabbed the black candle my eyes widened.
"If you-Fuck!" I hissed when she tipped the candle and a few droplets of hot wax dripped between us onto my pec.
She began to bounce hard on my unduly cock and as she did so more of the hot wax sloppily sloshed over the edge and onto my skin.
"Fuck." I growled and Amelia threw her head back and I felt her tighten, untighten, tighten around me as she came.
"Its your turn baby. Come for me." She commanded once her legs ceased shaking but her thrusts did not.
"There you go, baby," She gently cooed. "Come for me. Mmmmmm." My body started to tremble as she encouraged me. Just like that I erupted for a long time it seemed as my body went slack against my restraints and Amelia waited until every last drop was hers.
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