Chapter 26-The Aid and The Student.

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I was feeling a bit cynical as Elle showed us to her 'sitting room' after proper introductions were made. I didn't know why I was feeling that way. But I did already like her way more then Sutton. She didn't look at Dominic like Sutton did. Actually, she didn't really pay to much attention to my husband.
As we entered the Victorian styled room there was a man sitting on the couch. He was handsome and young, with a boyish face and shaggy brunette hair.
"This is Nik, my beau."  Elle said and Nik was rose from his seat to join us. "This is Amelia Simmons."
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Nik said and took my hand. He had an accent...Welsh maybe. When he kissed the back of it I couldn't think of him any less then a gentlemen. I was curious about his relationship with Elle. I would definitely have to ask her about it.
"Nik, why don't you go play some pool or something with Dominic, before we eat." Elle suggested and took a seat. I glanced at Dominic who was frowning now and shrugged.
"Should I be feeling apprehensive?" Dominic asked Elle with a chuckle. My husband needed to get his shit together because he was always looking and sounding so damn shady. 
"Of course not." He stood there for a moment as if debating rather he should leave the two of us alone. Finally he nodded his head slowly and followed Nik from the room. "Would you like some wine?" Elle asked me when we were alone and nodded to the unopened bottle on the table that was in a bucket of ice.
"Sure, I would love some. Thank you." As I watched Elle pour the two glasses I contemplated beating around the bush of getting right to the point. Dominic hadn't told me much and neither had Rory. But I had received the same advise from both of the men; Ask her for yourself. "Thank you." I said again when she handed me a glass. I took a huge sip and never took my eyes off of her. I was far from a savage but I could pretend for a little bit, yes? "So...tell me how you how you know Dominic." It wasn't a question, it was more of a demand.
Elle smiled across at me and sat back in the chair, crossing her nylon covered legs. "You get right to it. I like that. It's quite a story..." She took one drink of her wine before sitting it onto the coffee table. "Well, I suppose I should start from the beginning. We met when he was in college and I was a professors aid. He was very charming and for weeks he tried to get me to have dinner with him and every time he asked I would decline. Finally I decided to give him a chance. Dominic was quite the gentleman the entire night. He even asked if he could kiss me good night. That was just the start of our epic love story. I fell in love him in shorter time then it took me to say yes to having dinner with him. Even though I was in love with him I had many different lovers, mainly because of my lifestyle and the things I...craved. I didn't want Dominic to think I was weird. It didn't take him to long to find out though." Elle paused and picked her glass back up. It was strange to think that at one point Dominic was as clueless and as new to all of this as I am now. Of course I thought it was weird. Very very weird. Especially the type of relationship that Zeke had with Olivia.
"How did he find out?" I asked.
"I had acted reckless and careless, perhaps I had had one to many drinks...He caught me with one of my lovers, handcuffed to a bed. He was...upset to say the least. For days he didn't talk to me, he ignored me. I suppose it had broken his heart a little. When he finally did come around he told me that he wanted me to teach him. Teach him what he needed to know to please me to the fullest. At first I was know? How was I supposed to teach him things like that?Dominic got the hang of it though, pretty quickly." How ironic, I had asked my husband to teach me as well. He wasn't teaching me how to be a submissive though, like Sutton and Olivia were. It was just things in the bedroom. Honestly, we wouldn't have time for that, being married and having kids.
"Things were really great for awhile, sex and drugs and fun...until I learned that I had cancer. Dominic wanted to stick around and care for me but he was young, hadn't lived even half of his life. So we went our separate ways. We have been friends ever since, even though my cancer is gone and we had opportunities to get back together, we didn't. I have Nik and he has you. I was really shocked when we had lunch last week and he told me he was married with a family. You got yourself a good one Amelia." Elle finished off her wine and for several minutes we sat quietly.
"How long have you been with Nik?" I finally asked when the silence was getting a little to much to bare. I knew Elle was thinking about her past with Dominic. Not that I cared, she just looked really sad.
"Ah, Nik and I...Now he is the love of my life. Three years" She said and her eyes lit right back up like they were when I had first arrived.
"Is he your dominant?"
"We like to switch it up. It certainly is never dull. Try it sometime." She advised and I almost laughed out loud. Dominic....submitting to someone? Yea, right.
"Miss Elle. Lunch is ready." I turned towards the voice at the door to see the maid standing there. Elle said thanks and she was on her way.
"Are you hungry?" Elle asked and stood up from the couch. I sat my empty wine glass down and rose as well.
"Starving." I followed her out of the room and down a hallway that was past her staircase. "Thank you for telling me about you and Dominic." I said before we reached the dining room. Elle stopped and smiled at me.
"My asked about Nik and I, I totally forgot. We are actually getting married in a couple of days. Would you like to come?" How do you forget about your own wedding, I had no clue.
"Yes, I would love to."
When we came into the dining room Nik and Dominic were already seated.
"Are you ok?" Dominic asked when I took a seat beside him. I smiled and nodded my head before leaning in to whisper.
"Not all your exes are as evil as Sutton. But if I get cancer you better never leave me, even if I ask you too."
"Not even if you asked me to." My husband replied and kissed me. I actually liked Elle...and Nik. Lunch wasn't awkward, even though I was having it with someone who had a past with my husband. I didnt know it then but Elle would become one of my most trusted companions.

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