Chapter 23-A taste of your own medicine.

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Dedicated to honeywhy

I felt like shit the next day. I wasn't used to staying up so last. Once Amelia and I had returned home we had both hit the pillow and passed out. For some reason I woke up with a throbbing migraine and had to take two pills just to get through my sessions this morning.
By four o'clock it had finally died down. I was updating a few patient files when I received a text from Amelia.
I looked down at the text after I had opened it and immediately my eyebrow shot up. The caption said "Thank you for such an amazing evening, baby." And with it was a picture.  She was sitting on our soft white rug in front of the body mirror. She was wearing the diamond necklace I had given her a few weeks ago  and white stockings. Her legs were spread. She had way to much fucking time on her hands.
I suppressed a groan and replied to her.

Will you be waiting for me just like that in our bed when I get home?

I sent the text and a minute later a message popped up from Amelia.

The possibilities are endless.
Just don't forget about the BBQ.

I closed the message and stuck my phone into my pocket. She was a tease, my wife. I stood up and grabbed a few files before closing up. I told the receptionist to cancel my last appointment. I was now way to distracted for that.
I had replayed last night over and over again in my head all day, mainly because everytime I moved I was reminded. My entire front was tender and warm. I excepted it...I enjoyed it.
My mother had came and got the boys after lunch. At first I refused to let her take them but after thirty minutes of her practically begging she got her way. Plus she had promised them ice cream and I didn't want to upset them by saying no. I guess I just felt bad for being so 'busy' lately and not spending as much with them as I had even before I started working.
I had invited all of our friends over for a barbecue this evening. I wasn't to excited about Sutton coming but her husband was my friend and I liked his company.
I stood at the counter in the kitchen preparing the food and drinking wine when I heard the door open. Good, Sarah was here to help. That woman was my lifesaver.
I glanced over my shoulder at that all to familer voice and smiled. Definitely not Sarah.
"Oh, hey baby." I smiled at Dominic and turned back around wondering why he was home so early. That seemed to be happening often, lately. It was quiet for a moment, until I felt him behind me. His body pressed mine against the counter, one hand lightly around my neck and the other holding my hip in place.
"As much as I love you so close, I need to finish this." I didn't want our guest waiting until midnight to eat. Plus, he really need to go start the grill.
"Hmm." Dominic nibbled my ear. "I only need a couple of minutes with you." He whispered and I chuckled softly. He chose the most inconvenient times to be needy. It was kinda ridiculous.
"Sarah will be here any minute...and I really need you to go start the grill." I said and turned around to face him. His face was extremely lustfuland I shook my head at him.
"Let's  talk about-" I cut him off as I stepped on my tip toes and kissed his lips.
"It can wait." I tell him, starting to turn around but he grabbed my hips and holds me still.
"I told you I need a few, let's talk about that little picture you sent me earlier." He said, his hand coming up to tuck some of my hair behind my ear.
"We have company coming-" Suddenly, he turned me around and as I started to object again  his hand was in my skirt and down the front of my biking bottoms.
"You were just asking for it, yea?" I let out a long groan when he bit into my bare shoulder and his fingers pressed hard against my clit.
"Dont think you can just tease me...and get away with it." He kissed my neck, nibbling and licking...occasionally sucking. I bite my lip when his finger slipped  between my slit. "Mmm, you're all wet..." He pulled his hand away and pushed my skirt past my hips. When his hand meets my skin I gasp, then chuckle.
"Be nice." I say to him and glance back. A wicked smile comes across his face and he gives me another hard smack, I feel the tingle all the way in my toes.
"Be nice? That's no fun." Dominic says and when he pulls my bottoms down I can feel the cold air on me, making me shiver.
"We don't have time-"
I feel him thrust into me suddenly, stretching me and filling me up, violating my tiny opening. I gasp, unable to say anything for several moments as I lean into the surface of the counter.
"Amelia, we're here!" Sarah's voice comes from the front of the house and I hear the  door close. Dominic places his hand on my neck as I start to rise.
"We are in the kitchen...just stay put for a minute." Dominic calls back and my eyes widen. I was convinced that was when he had lost his fucking mind.
"Dominic no-" I whisper but it was to late, he covers my mouth.
"Shhh, or else they will hear you." He hisses into my ear and starts shoving his hips forward with powerful thrusts, about as hard as he could without making any excessive noise. "Don't..."He takes his hand off my hip long enough to grab my arm, which had disappeared between my legs. I wanted so badly to let my disappointment be known but I didn't  dare. "Don't you dare come...this is my did send me that picture for my pleasure, yes?" If he thought I need stimulation to come, he was a fool. I gripped the countertop and I felt myself tighten around his cock.
Then my entire body shuddered and bit down on the palm of his hand as my climax left me, onto him.
"God Damn it."  I could hear the disapproval in his voice and he jerked his hand away from me. My entire body went slack and a strangled moan escaped my lips.
"You listen so well baby." He hissed sarcastically  into my ear and at the same time Sarah asked if everything was ok. Neither of us said anything. I felt him swell inside of me and heard Sarah's heels coming closer and closer towards the kitchen. His timing was way off as he filled me with hot liquid.
No, no, no-"Oh my god, holy shit. Im so sorry." Came her voice behind us and then I heard her practically rush back into the other room.
When he was done, after an eternity, I spun around and pushed him away. Dominic had a huge jack-ass grin on his face.
"What did I tell you?" From my neck to my scalp tingled with embarrassment.
"Its okay baby." He laughed.
"Go...would you just go start the grill. You're no good." I shook my head and placed my palms on my cheeks. Indeed, they were warm.
"Oh really? Well your body tells me otherwise."
"Go." I pointed towards the back yard and he left the kitchen, chuckling. I turned back towards my task and cursed. Looks like I would be starting the potatoes over.
"Im really sorry about earlier." I said to Sarah after all of our guest had arrived and were out on the back patio, drinking and grilling.
I had come in for more wine while she was getting a platter for the food. She hadn't made eye contact with either of us.
"Its happens." She shrugged, waiving my apology. "He did warn me to stay in the living room."
"He is just um..." I tried to find some excuse. Not that I needed to, I was just embarrassed and that was an understatement.
"Its okay, Amelia. This is your home. I guess I've just become to comfortable." She smiled over at me and held the platter against her chest.
"Ok...thanks." I said and poured my glass to the rim. Dominic was so not gonna hear the end of it.
"So...I've noticed Rory won't stop looking at you." Sarah said after we stood there for a moment awkwardly. I held back a devious smile and frowned at her instead. "Really? I didn't notice." I lied.
"I didn't know he was married. She seems like a total bitch." My friend rolled her eyes Im discuss. Oh she didn't even know the half of it. The bitch had started a feud that I was definitely going to finish.
"You have no idea. She is a snake." I curled my lip and went on to tell her everything. By the time I was finished her mouth was hanging open. "So you better keep your man close before she eats him alive." I warned. I wasn't lying. I had seen the way she had checked the handsome school teacher out after she had arrived. Slut.
"Oh, I will." Sarah said and left to take the platter. Hopefully the food hadn't burned during our gossip session.
As she slipped out, Rory slipped in. His long hair was down and wet, his chest bare. He was extremely intimidating without having to say a word. "Hey." He said and went to the fridge. I watched him pull a few beers out and my curiosity got the best of me.
"Why do you keep staring at me?" I finally asked, sipping my drink. I waited for him to answer me as he turned and we faced off
"You wouldn't know that but you're staring back, Amelia." He stated, smirk on his face. Little did he know I was kinda on a mission.  I bit my lip just then and he glanced at my mouth then back at my eyes.
"Fair enough." Is all I said with a shrug. He walked up to me then, so close I could feel the heat coming off of him.
"Because you are extremely sexy. That's...why." He said in a low voice. Well, how fucking romantic.
"Oh." I smiled up at him as we stared at each other for several seconds before I pushed passed him and joined our friends.
Sutton and Olivia were sitting on my pool chairs with Sarah when I went over to them.
Olivia was wearing a one piece. So cute but I guess she had gotten herself into trouble so Zeke forbid her to wear a two piece. She had a weird thing about her clothing.
"Your husband looks really good. I don't remember him being so...toned." Sutton said with a smile on her lips. I almost rolled my eyes but I didn't. I smiled over at the woman. I knew she was just trying to get under my skin.
"He works out." I lied. "The way your husband keeps looking at me I'd say he wants to play with my ass. Hm, maybe I should ask him." I clicked my tongue as she glared over at Olivia, who had laughed.
"Please. Hun. Rory wouldn't touch you-"
"No? Ask him abou my guest bedroom. God you really are a clueless slut." I laughed and stood up. I couldn't be around her for a second longer.  As I glanced back at her I was satisfied with the look that was on her face. Two could play at that game.

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-Lu 💋
Dedicated to honeywhy

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