Chapter 30-The End.

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One month later.
"I have an appointment I have to get to." I said, as I watched Rory make his way down my body, raising my white sheer nightie. He could do some amazing things with his mouth. Dominic was beside me, quietly watching.
We had a long night of kinky, fun sex. They loved to edge me, bringing me so close and denying me the climax I desperately sought. I liked it because when I finally could have my was bliss.
Rory stayed over several nights  a week now. Dominic loved watching us and just as much as we loved being watched by him.
"You're just going to have to be late...or you could just cancel it." Rory suggested as he nudged my legs open further and kissed the inside of my thigh. "You look delicious. I want to have a taste."
"Not an option. Plus I need to feed the children breakfast as well. They will be waking up. soon." Thankfully my kids were to young to notice that he slept in the room with mommy and daddy. They had grown very fond of Rory and he them. Rory was like...their uncle.
"We will feed them. Just lay back and relax." Dominic said before he leaned over and gave me a kiss. I was glad that the relationship Rory and I had didn't change anything between me and my husband. If it had, I probably wouldn't know what the fuck to do with myself.
My teeth captured my bottom lip when his tongue lashed out to taunt. I had to make it to my gynecologist. I needed to take my second birth control shot since I had missed it last month. If the both of them wanted to continue getting off in me, I definitely could not miss this appointment.
"I really have to go." I interrupted and sat up, pulling away from him. As much as I would love to stay...Rory squinted his eyes at me in disapproval and I gave him my best apologetic look. "Sorry." I added as I got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I thought about Sutton then. She was not happy that I had been sleeping with her husband. After several threats from her telling me I needed to terminate my relationship with Rory, I had went to him personally and told him about it. He let her sleep whoever the hell she wanted to. So, therefore, she had no right to be a jealous bitch.
I had to rush my shower. I decided to throw on some shorts and a t-shirt. No makeup, I was already late.
I smiled as I remembered Harper and I sitting in this same room with me a couple of months ago as I had gotten birth control without Dominic knowing. Damn, I missed her. I decided that I would call her after I got out of here and beg her to come visit me. I felt so distant from my best friend. So distant that she didn't even know about Rory. We had only spoken a few times in the last month. Not that I didn't want to, but between taking care of the twins and my two men, I was very busy. Plus Dominic and Rory wanted me to run the open mic night the club was having to bring in more people. The last couple of weeks we had doubled our customers. Having a few popular bands play helped a lot too.
"Okay, Mrs. Simmons, I have a couple of things I need to tell you..." When my OBGYN came back into the room without the nurse or the shot I frowned. Several things ran through my mind just then. If Rory gave me something, I was going to fucking kill him.
"Sure. Is everything okay?" I asked as my heart sped up and I waited anxiously for some bad news. I watched as he looked over my chart on his clipboard.
"Well since you missed the second shot, its in the paperwork I gave you, there was a risk for pregnancy. You're about four weeks along, still very early. I can set you up a sonogram..." He said, words trailing off as my eyes widened. As the doctor talked all I could see was his mouth moving, not hearing the words. This couldn't be...this could not be.
"Wait. Wait, I can't be pregnant..." Before I wouldn't have really minded but I was fucking two men. "Oh God." I felt nauseous all of a sudden and I had to close my eyes. This was a fucking disaster.
"Of course, you do have options. We offer abortions or we can give the contact information for several good adoption agencies." He added when he seen my reaction.
"No...No. Neither of those are options. I-I have to go. Thank you Dr. Tanner." I said and got up from the exam table, grabbing my purse. Tears threatened my eyes as I made a dash for the door.
"Mrs. Simmons-I still have a few things for you to sign."He said and I glanced back at him as my hand latched onto the door handle.
"I'm sorry, I have to go."
"I understand. Schedule a sono with me...." I didn't wait for him to finish. I just left. I needed to get out of there.  I felt like I was gonna suffocate. 
As soon as I got behind the wheel of my Mercedes, I fumbled for my cell, through my pouring tears and called Harper. 
"Hey Stranger." She didn't sound to enthused when she finally answered. I knew she had hesitated to take the call. I had been a shitty friend for the last month or more. I couldn't confide in Rory or Dominic at the moment. Sarah didn't even know about Rory and so that was a no go.
"Harp, I fucked up...." I said and for several more seconds I cried and babbled about shit that probably didn't make sense to her whatsoever.
"Calm down, Amelia. What's the big deal? You're pregnant...I thought that's what Dominic wanted." Yea, before I started screwing his best friend. I tried to calm down, relax, calm my nerves before I said another word.
"I know this is gonna sound crazy but Harper, I have been sleeping with someone else and-"
"You cheated on Dominic?" She interrupted. I was good now to start my car and back out of the parking space. 
"No I didn't cheat of him. It's a long story, but I have a lover, his name is Rory. Dominic knows about him-"
"You have a lover?  Wow I really don't know you anymore, huh?" Harper sounded a bit offended. I really didn't want her to be upset with me right now. That would just add problems to the ones I already fucking had.
"I know, I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you so long ago but I was afraid that you would judge me or think I was a slut..." That was true.
"You're my best friend, Am. I would never judge you. I might disagree and just have to get the hell over it but I would never judge you. I am in no place to do that and you know it. I just miss you and I want you to talk to me like you used to." Harper replied, by the tone of her voice I could tell she meant what she was saying.  It was quiet for awhile as I made my way home. Almost there and I was feeling like I was going to die of an anxiety attack. "Well, are you going to tell them?" She finally asked. 
As I pulled into my driveway I thought about her question. Keeping it from the two of them would just start a ton of problems...not to mention I was fucking horrible at keeping secrets.
"I have to..." I said as I cut the engine off and got out of the car. I was in no rush as I pressed the lock button on my key ring and made my way towards the front door, up the sidewalk.
"Okay, well just tell me how it goes, ok? Love you more." She said as I paused at the front door, praying that these two would would take the news alot better then I had. I felt kind of bad for running out of Dr. Tanner's office.
"Love you most. "
I hung up with Harper and stopped at the front door, debating on going back to my car and running away for a couple of hours.
I decided against that as I pushed open the door and went in.
Rory and Dominic were sitting in the living room, drinking a German beer as my twins watched a movie.
The both looked up at me, frowning.
"What's wrong?" Dominic asked. I didn't answer him at first. The tears returned and he got up and came to me.
Rory had a frown on his face the entire time Dominic asked me several times what was wrong.
"Im pregnant." I finally said. The look the two men gave me was enough to put me in a casket.  "Dr. Tanner said I could get and abortion or go with adopt-"
"Fuck no."
"What? Have to lost your mind?" 
They both said at once. Now it was my turn to look at them like they had gone insane.
For the next hour we talked about what we would do if it was Dominic's or Rory's.
The entire time I thought how the hell I would love a baby if it wasnt my husbands.
"What's wrong?" Sutton asked me several hours later as we laid in our marital bed at home. The news Amelia had announced was a fucking surprise. I wanted a child but...
"Amelia's Pregnant." I said and looked down at her.
"Okay? Why is that bothering you?" She asked and pulled away, sitting up.
"Because it could be mine." I finally said after taking my time to figure out how I should respond to that.
Sutton's eyebrows popped up and she laughed. "Are you fucking kidding me?" She asked and got up from our bed. I tried to explain things a little better but she didn't have it. For the next thirty minutes she ignored me as she packed a suitcase.
Now I was wifeless and possibly a father to be. I would love that child if it was mine. I just was not ready to give up on my marriage.
What the fuck had I done?
If I had a choice, I would choose my child first. If this child was even mine...
For the next nine months I would wonder if being around The Simmons was a compelte waste of time. In the the end it would all be worth it....

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The first chapter of "Twisted  Minds" Will be up in the next day or two so keep a look out. 

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