Chapter 10-My Queen.

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'Dominic you have to wake up. What will we do without you? I cant lose you. Ill die. I love you. God, I love you so much.'
It felt like I had said those words a billion times for a million days. Even though it was only Friday. Two nights and three days felt like a milenia as I sat with Dominic every waking minute.
I felt smothered in the small pristine hospital room. Just staring at my husbands still body, steadily breathing. Those tubes down his throat had killed me. Still did.
Imagine what I went through as they wheeled me into this room when I demanded it on Wednesday morning.
I had gotten up, ignoring the pain I way in, and ran to his bedside. I swear I cried for hours before my mother touched me and told me I needed to rest.
Fuck no I didnt. In fact I Dont think Ive gotten ten whole hours of sleep since that moment.
"Amelia...I brought you some food." At the sound of Harper's soft voice, I looked up from staring at nothing really, just as the door shut behind her. The takeout smelled amazing but I had no interest in eating.
I was greatful that my best friend flew down here the second she had heard and even more grateful that Sarah was able to watch the boys-and Presley when Harper was with me.
"Im not hungry, thank you." I gave her a weak ass smile and looked away. I seen her put her hand on her hip through peripheral.
"You cant not eat, Am. You ate half a bagel yesterday morning. Im not gonna let you starve yourself." When I looked back up at her, her head was tilted and she looked totally serious.
"I haven't had much of an appetite." I replied, hoping she would give up. Food was so not on my radar right now. Harper sat the food down.
"Lets take a walk or something. You should probably get out of here for a bit, true?" She said. I looked up at her, expressionless. Her face however looked extremely worried. That was when the lump grew in my throat and like the thousandth round of tears came rolling down my cheeks.
"I can not do this." I sobbed quietly and let my face fall into my hands. I heard her move towards me, only by the sound her heels made on the floor, and knelt in front of me. "You are doing it though hun. I cant even come to imagine what you are going through..." She said quietly and placed her hand on my arm. "Lets walk to the cafeteria and eat. Okay?"
I looked up at her then and shook my head. I would eat here because I was not going anywhere.
"I Dont want to leave. What if he di-"
"Stop, I am not gonna listen to you talk like that. Lets take a walk Amelia." She said and rose from the floor.
"Harper-" I sighed deeply, running my fingers through my hair.
"Come on. He isn't going anywhere. And you know damn well he wouldn't want you to be like this."
Her arms were crossed over her chest. I stood up from the uncomfortable chair.
"Okay." But only because I knew she was right. As I followed Harper out of the room I glanced at Dominic. Same position he had been in twelve hours ago.
Five minutes later we were sitting in the cafeteria and I was actually eating. We didnt talk much but it did feel good to leave that room. God I fucking hate hospitals.
I wondered why this had to happen to my husband. I was taking it for granted.
"Do you want to go see Sean...and Mikey? They keep asking for you." Harper said after I was done eating and pushed the leftovers away.
"Yes, I miss them so much...maybe...maybe you could bring them in the morning?" I asked and gave her a smile. She frowned over at me.
"Are you sure you want them to..." Her sentence faded but I know what she was going to ask.
I exhaled deeply, feeling completely defeated. "No. Come get me in the morning and I will spend the day with them. But I want you to stay here with Dominic. " I suggested. In return Harper nodded and placed her hand over mine.
"Okay...we can do that.
The next morning the same doctor came in that I had met the first day. I had to keep my emotions together when he told me that there was a chance Dominic could have permanent damage. I prayed that would not happen. I prayed for the rest of that day.
Harper came shortly after. It took everything in me to leave that damn hospital.
As I got closer and closer to our house I felt further and further away from my husband. I literally rubbed the center of my chest, wanting that achy constant feeling to go away.
It did, slightly, when I entered the living-room. Sarah was sitting on the floor, playing with them and watching Presley in the bouncer.
"Mommy!" They both said and ran to me. That was the only light I saw in the whole situation. Two innocent, handsome, perfect boys with huge smiles running towards me.
I knelt down and held them both close when they reached me. I said a silent prayer in that moment. I needed my husband but most importantly his sons needed him.
"Where was you at Mommy?" Sean asked, the sentence coming out a bit different do to his developing vocabulary skills.
"I was with daddy. He got sick but its ok. His doctor is taking care of him and he will be home soon, ok?" Part of that was true and the other part I had to lie about. Was he going to come home soon? Dear God I hoped so.
"Okay." I kissed them both on the forehead and held back threatening tears.
"Why Dont we go watch a movie in mommy and daddies bed? I can make some popcorn." I suggested and they both jumped with excitement and ran down the hallway.
"How are you holding up?" Sarah asked when they were out of earshot.
"Stressed. Thank you so much for-"
"Im here whenever you need me, Amelia and you  have said thank you enough." She cut in. There wasn't  anything else to say so I just smiled and walked toward the kitchen. As I popped a snack I remembered the bacon and the blueberry pancakes. That dull ache came back.
How in the fuck was I going to do this?
"Amelia." I came awake to Harper shaking me and quietly whispering my name. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before looking over. Mikey and Sean were out for the count. I glanced at the clock. Eight PM.
"Hey...." Harper sat on the edge of the bed and smiled at me. "I have good news. I called Sarah and she said you were sleeping so I didnt want so either you. Dominic...he woke up-"
"-But after a few minutes he was out again. Thankfully they were able to take the tubes out... He is breathing on his own...." As she spoke my heart sped up and I jumped off of the bed.
"I have to go..." I said and dashed out of the room, out of the house.
Ten minutes later I was taking an elevator to the third floor. God it felt like an eternity in that damn Cart.
When I cane into his hospital room the doctor was there writing something and the nurse checking his vitals. Indeed the tubes were gone and I could see his broad chess rising and falling.
"Oh hello Mrs. Simmons..." He went on to tell me that Dominic would probably come awake soon, at the latest tomorrow afternoon. He also filled me in on what Sarah had told me.
Finally when they left I took my shoes off and got up into the hospital bed. He felt so big as I laid beside him. I felt myself drifting off and soon I was deep in sleep.
This time when I woke up it wasn't to Harper saying my name or shaking me. Something was stroking my hair slowly and softly. It took me a minute to remeber where I was and what was going on. My eyes popped open and I turned my head slightly half expecting to see Dominic still unconscious face.
"My Queen." Dominic said hoarsely . My heart stopped as I lifted my upper half,  hand flying to my mouth.
"Oh my god.." I said, staring into those damn eyes that I adored. Was this a dream?
"No, It's not a dream. Why are crying baby?" He said and wiped a tear off of my cheek. That didnt help because next I broke into a sob and he held me close. Thank God.
Hope you enjoyed.

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