- Addiction 19 - UNEDITED

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Orlyndo Toni Braune

I hated the fact that I couldn't see her anymore. It's been a full month and I thought I would have been over her by now. But, I guess it wasn't possible.

No matter what I did- work, go out with other women (dates, no sex), therapy- nothing worked.

I couldn't bare the fact that she was with someone else. Someone who can actually make her happy, keep her stable and not confused. Someone who can give her something that she wants and needs. I'm worthless to this girl now.

"Are you still thinking about that black fat bitch, Orlyndo?" Cara asked me, putting her hands on my shoulders

Not in the mood to cuss her out, so I'll keep my sanity.

"No, just trying to figure out what to cook for dinner" I bluntly spoke

Every woman's touch on my body did not feel the same, it felt bland and boring.

Cara smiled in my face, "Are you going to cook me something too, babe?"

"You got a kitchen at home"

"You're an asshole" She sneered

Rolling my eyes, I got up "I didn't think it was obvious"

Cara stood as she grabbed her jacket, "You know what... I can leave and never come back"

"Okay?" I raised an eyebrow, "And you're still standing here"

Cara left only to leave me in this silent penthouse of mine. I walked out my bedroom to go to the living room. Looking around the place, my eyes landed on a picture of Karma and I that was put in a frame by me. My lips turned from a straight line into a frown.

I miss my babygirl.

And I know that she doesn't miss me because she moved on with another guy.

I shrugged my shoulders and headed towards the kitchen. I decided to bake some homemade German chocolate cake, since it's 11am and I have nothing to do except yearn.

While I was mixing the ingredients in the bowl, an unknown number popped up on my phone's screen. I was very hesitant to answer, but did anyway.

Putting the phone to my ear with the edge of my shoulder, I spoke, "Hello?"


I frowned as I washed my hands, "Yes?"

"Hi... I-It's Karma" She muttered

My entire body froze, the towel from between my hands falling on the tiled floor. I took my cell into my hand, turning up the volume to make sure I heard her correctly.

"I'm sorry, say that again?" I inquired

"It's Karma" She sighed, "I-"

"Why are you calling me?" I questioned

"I've been trying to call you for a while now, but you never picked up"

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