Chapter 1 - edited

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/Hey guys now for any new readers out there, please bare with as I slowly edit the book before I post new chapters, I'm sorry for the long wait anyway, I hope this is better than the original. P.S. I made some changes to Elizabeth, after much debate I changed the kind of supernatural being she is, and that being, half Angel and half Demon./

Elizabeth's POV:
Driving up to the school, singing along to the song on the radio, my Land Rover easily making work of the icy roads. Pulling into my usual spot in the parking lot I spot three new cars, must be the new students. Oh well I can imagine the so called 'populars' have already claimed the new students. I get out of my car and all heads turn towards me, the only downside of having supernatural beauty is that I constantly get unwanted attention. Walking to my first class music is unbearable as it is a Monday which means the halls are going to be filled.
I grab my books out of my locker and avoid touching as many people as possible, walking into the music room a new scent hits me immediately, I know what it is, a vampire is in my territory. This might be a problem, I look around and instantly lock eyes with a bronze haired golden eyed vampire, my eyes widen and I'm in awe at his beauty, he looks in pain though, almost as if he has left something behind.
He is in the seat next to mine, my demon instincts going crazy to destroy this monster, my angel side going mad trying to control my demon powers. Breathing in to get used to his scent I freeze slightly, my demon side calming down instantly this vampire is my mate. He looks just as shocked as I am, then he gets a confused look on his face. "Hello, my names Edward Cullen, who are you?" His voice.... it sounds like honey, he smiles at me and I smile back, "ummm, hi I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Liz." He nods at me. We both look up, seeing the teacher walk into the class. We sneak one last look at each other before getting on with the class.

Time skip

Walking into lunch I am instantly put on edge by the distinct vampire smell in my territory, looking around the room I spot Edward and what seems to be his coven. Great there is five vampires in my territory. I walk over towards them with a scowl on my face, they look up and Edwards face lightens up slightly, but dulls again when he sees the look on my face. Stopping at the table the blonde girl looks at me with a hatred that would kill me over, I smirk at her and she seems shocked.

"What are you doing here?" I ask them my demon side wanting to destroy all but Edward. The blonde girl looks confused. "What are you talking about?" I can tell she is trying to pull my leg. "What are a coven of vampires of your size doing in my territory!?!" They all seem genuinely confused this time, I smirk and say, "you, vampires need to leave. Now!" They are shocked to say the least. Edward smiles slightly at me, "and what would you be then? Hmmmm?" Ughhhh his voice, his face. I love it but hate it at the same time. "Exactly what I said, mate, get off of my territory." The blonde girl smirked at me and goes "no" my eyes widen slightly and then narrow in anger. They glow a deep blue colour and she looks slightly scared. But tries to cover it. I huff slightly and turn away to get some food, I hear a hiss as Edward gets out of his chair to follow me from the blonde, I turn back to see him walk up behind me and sway my hips a bit more than normal. My angel Side causing the effect to be more potent as he groans slightly under his breathe, I smirk and hold my hand out to him, he hesitates slightly as if to remember something but shakes it off and grabs my hand, looking slightly guilty about it... hmmm I wonder.

What is his backstory?

My Angel (an Edward Cullen love story) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now