Chapter 22 - Alone time with the girls! part 1

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Edward's POV:

I wanted to spend some time with my brothers so we was going to go out hunting for the weekend like we used to do, all I had to do was tell Liz. Speaking of whom I think it is time for her and the other women of the family to spend some time together. "Liz, baby me and the guys are going to go hunting for the weekend and I was thinking you and the girls could have a girly weekend together?" I asked her as she sat up in bed, yawning she nodded in agreement and smiled slightly at me. "I'd love to spend time with them all, though I am really tempted to ask Emily to join." I froze at that and smiled slightly remembering how Sam had reacted when he saw her, he saw her as a daughter and they instantly bonded over Emily, Sam's imprint. "Sure why don't you contact her?"

As she ran off to go and call Emily all the girls piled into the room squealing in their minds for me to suggest this. Rosalie was particularly excited to get to know her better. "Thank you sooooo much Edward for this it is amazing!!" Alice squealed loudly.

Elizabeth's POV:

I heard Alice squeal out at Edward and giggled quietly. Emily had been the one by my side when I lost my baby and she comforted me like a mother would a child and we instantly bonded. I dialed her number 'hello?' I heard a male voice on the other line, but it wasn't Sam's it was Jacob's. Still a bit upset with what he had said when we first met I replied 'hello, is Emily there?' I heard him breath slightly when he recognized my voice 'what the hell do you want with Emily?' he more or less shouted at me through the phone. 'None of your business now can I speak to Emily please.' I faintly heard footsteps and Emily's voice on the other side a bit muffled saying to hand her the phone, Jacob instantly went off on one saying I was a leach and that I was dangerous so she responded that I was no dangerous than he was and he fell silent.

'Hey bub how are you?' she asked me and I smiled slightly knowing she couldn't see me I stopped 'I'm doing good ... how would you feel about spending the weekend with us Cullen girls?' I asked her crossing my fingers. I heard her talking to Sam 'I'd love to come over, when should I head over?' she asked me and I replied 'now roughly as the boys are off hunting' she replied saying she would be straight over and hung up to go get ready.

I felt Edward wrap his arms around my waist and my smile fell a bit wishing I was still pregnant, but I quickly shook it off and turned into his chest to inhale his sent. I looked up at him and kissed him on the lips, after a few seconds I felt his tongue on by bottom lip and instantly let him in kissing him as passionately as he was kissing me.


*time skip*

We sat in the living room waiting for Emily to show up, I heard a car pull up onto the drive and was excited to see Emily again, it had been a while for us and all of us wanted to spend time together. I heard the car door shut and I jumped up to greet her. As I opened the door my smile faltered a bit seeing Bella walking behind her. "I'm sorry Liz, Jacob and Bella literally forced her into my car, you don't understand how much I want to hurt her for what she did to you." She whispered to me as she walked by and into the living room. I stood at the door and looked at Bella, angry that she would show her face at the place I call home UNINVITED! She looked up at me and smirked at me "What are you doing here Bella?" I asked cautiously.

"I am here to wait for Edward to get back to me and in the meantime I'm going to bond with my future sisters in law!" she snapped at me. Three months. Three months she had left us alone and made us think that she was no longer interested in us. I look to where she is holding her side and snorted at the sight of her stomach being slightly rounded. This means that she either wants to wait here for Carlisle and get me riled up, or she is gonna pass it off as Edward's baby. It was probably the latter.

I looked at her and sighed moving out of the way for her to get passed and as she passed me she whipped me in the face with her brown hair. She also shoved me a little bit and I lost my grip on the door. It slammed into my back and I squealed out in pain. Alice and Rose rushed in hearing my squeal growled at the sight of me on the floor and Bella smirking at me. "Why the hell are you here, Bitch!" Rose snapped out as Alice rushed to help me up. I groaned in pain as I stood up leaning up against Alice. "I'm here to see my boyfriend and have him see his child!" she retaliated... oh she had some nerve! "Isabella, how far along are you?" Alice snapped out clearly not believing Edward would go behind my back and cheat on me. "A month and a half!" she said sounding proud of herself. "You're lying." Alice and Rose said together simply "no I am not, you are just jealous that you can't get pregnant!" she shouted out! I snorted out and then winced in pain as I felt shocks go through my back. She turned around so quick to glare at me I laughed as she stumbled. "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT SLUT!!!" I stopped laughing as I looked at her with hatred in my eyes. She flinched at my glare "actually Isabella, I am laughing because you are so dumb. My gift as I am half vampire is that I have the ability to make vampires fertile and can sense who the child's parents are, and in fact that child in you is JACOB BLACK'S child, so go away now!"

She huffed and walked into the living room, I sighed and followed rubbing my back slightly and sat down next to Rose and Alice.

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