chapter 18

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Elizabeth's POV:

Today hits the 15(4 week) mark of the pregnancy and to be honest it was a Monday and I really didn't want to have to get out of bed so I just didn't move. Baby names... what should we call him or her. "Edward," I whispered quietly I barely heard myself. "Yes love what is it?" He replied to me quietly. I snuggled up closer to him and asked "do you think we could get today off school to discuss baby names?" I heard him chuckle quietly to himself before replying to me "I bet we could, stay here and I will ask Esme." I nodded my head and he got up, going downstairs to talk to Esme and Carlisle. I smiled when I heard Esme squeal when Edward said we would be discussing baby names and she said yes immediately.

I fell back asleep knowing I didn't have to get up, I suddenly woke up to the feeling of being watched... I looked around me to see nothing so when I looked out the window I screamed seeing a woman with bright red hair with equally bright red eyes to match... vampire!

Edwards POV:

I was relaxing downstairs on the sofa with Esme when I heard my Lizzie's heart speed up... she must be having a nightmare I thought to my self. I heard a scream, it took me half a second to realise that it was Liz and I was immediately up and rushing upstairs. What I saw I wish I hadn't. Victoria had my Liz at the wall sniffing at her neck...


Sorry to leave on a cliff hanger but I am just getting to the good part I promise. Also I have made a new book cover let me know what you think about it


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