Chapter 9 - New car?

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Lizzie's POV

We have been in Forks for a day and I feel my 4x4 isn't cutting it, it's not my style anymore I feel like a sports car.
Me and Edward have been traveling to Seattle to a new car dealership, he thinks my current car is fine but I don't so he is coming along to see what I want.

Time skip

We pulled in and immediately I saw the car I wanted. I ran over to the car and smiled.
It was a Lamborghini Aventador in matte black. Edward came up behind me and hugged me kissing my neck as the owner went to get the keys. I moaned slightly as he kissed my spot on my neck. I turned to face him and grinned even more when I noticed the owner had seen us. I walked over taking the keys and gave him the money in cash. He grinned and walked off into the office to check it. I walked to the door of my new car and opened the door. I squealed as then engine roared to life and moaned as it dulled to a hum. I looked at Edward getting into his Volvo. He sped of and I followed him the back wheels spinning with the sudden increase in speed.

We raced down the dirt road to the house. I grinned at Emmett who whistled at my car and Rose squealed at my car and ran up to me attacking me with a hug saying I was totally taking her to school in my new car tomorrow. Edward pulled up a second later and smiled at me. We then walked up to our bedroom and cuddled until I fell asleep.

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