chapter 19 Victoria?

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Elizabeth's POV:

My eyes were wide as Edward ran in, I was panicking as I was struggling to breathe as she pushed her hands into my neck slowly cutting off my air supply. It must have been obvious because Edward started to head closer to us. I tried to gasp for air as she held me tighter, I let out a silent scream of pain. I felt a huge burst of wind push her off me. When I looked up I smiled at the sight of Emmett and Edward working as a team. I pulled in a huge gasp of air and sunk down the wall, I watched them battle when suddenly I was pulled up onto my feet by two pairs of hands but I couldn't stand on my own.

I cried out in pain as my baby kicked at my ribs. Everyone suddenly froze on the spot, I saw a sickening grin on Victoria's face as she took the moment to slap Edward and run over to me. She suddenly grabbed a hold of my wrist and bit me. About a second later I heard the whole family growl, Edward ran over to me and looked at me in pain as I writhed around trying to fight off the venom. Carlisle then spoke up to Edward "Edward you need to try to suck the venom out long enough for us to get her on some pain medication." Edward solemnly nodded and lifted my wrist to his mouth. I heard an 'I'm sorry' from him before it all went dark.

Edward's POV

As she shut her eyes I started to panic as I sucked out the venom, I didn't even think about the wonderful taste of her blood I just wanted to keep her and our baby safe. I pulled away once I tasted her blood was clean and looked at Carlisle in pain flicking my gaze between him and Liz. He quickly picked her up and ran into his medical room. I briefly saw Emmett and Jasper burning Victoria's body before I ran upstairs. I couldn't hear a second heartbeat... oh god I am already a bad parent.

I run in and see her lied on the table crying slightly, he told her that the baby had been killed by the venom. I only wish I could have killed Victoria myself as revenge for her killing our little munchkin.

Liz's POV

After Carlisle told me about mine and Edwards baby being killed by the venom I cried, and cried for hours with Edward cuddling me trying to comfort me. The pain I felt turned into rage and I had to leave Edward in the medic room. I ran out into the forest feeling a blinding heat all over my body. I heard a crack as I ran into the woods and suddenly I was on all fours. I JUST TURNED INTO MY WOLF!!!

Edward ran out behind me and gasped at the sight of my wolf form. "Liz, Baby is that you?" I nodded my wolf head and he ran up to me and hugged me 'what colour am I?' I thought to him. He jumped and laughed slightly. "you are a silver wolf babe, the most fitting colour for you." I gave him a wolfy grin and tried to think about being human, I heard another crack and saw Edward cringe at the noise but then he gasped at the sight of me being naked.

He grabbed me in his arms and rushed up to our room. I walked into the closet and tried to pick out some clothes. I walked back out in my loose-fitting dress and walked up to Edward. I gave him a kiss and pulled him over to the bed where we cuddled for the rest of the day and night.

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