Chapter 13

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Lizzie's POV:

I woke up on Monday morning feeling a bit off. I shook it off and stood up pulling on my clothes and going down into the kitchen "good morning Esme." I said with a smile. She looked up from the oven and smiled . "Morning sweetie how do you feel?" I looked at her and smiled shaking my head as she placed a plate of breakfast in front of me. I pick up some egg on my fork " I feel a bit off this morning it must be a cold coming on. I will be fine though." I swallowed the egg and my stomach unsettled. I rush to stand up and run into the bathroom throwing up. I felt his cold hands pull my hair back from my face. When I stopped being sick I sat back in his lap. I looked up at him seeing a look of worry on his face. I turn around fully and hug him. "Lizzie? Sweetie are you okay?" He asked me worry in his voice. I nod into his shoulder and get up.

Time skip

I am sat on the bonnet of the Volvo feeling a bit better. I kissed Edward as he stood in front of me. "Hey Eddie" Isabella said trying to flirt with my mate. I felt Edward cringe at the nickname she gave him. I looked up at her and she was smiling with her bitchy face... yeh I hate her after what she did to me. "Go away Isabella" he said stiffly. Looking at me with love in his eyes. I kissed his lips and hopped off the hood of the car grabbing his hand and we walked off to our first lesson... biology.

We sit near the window and I pull out a book I was reading the Woman in Black. I get half way through the page when I hear "Excuse me! You are in my seat!!"... I looked up only to see Miss Isabella Swan. Joy. I just put by head down and continued reading. I felt a movement in my stomach and felt sick. "Just go away Bella, leave her alone. Leave our family alone and go suck up to that dog of yours instead." Edward said for me, I smiled at him.

"CLASS TAKE YOUR SEATS PLEASE!" our biology teacher said and Bella's reply was. "I can't sir Elizabeth is in my seat." She tried to suck up to him by using a sweet voice. "Your new seat is next to Mr Newton. And leave her be it's only her fourth week." He responded. She huffed to herself and stomped off to her new seat.

Halfway through the lesson I start to feel sick again. Feeling something starting to move I stood up and ran out of class to the bathrooms.

Alice walked in after about two minutes of me being sick, and asked if I was okay. I just responded with 'get Edward' she agreed and walked off to go and get Edward from biology.

My Angel (an Edward Cullen love story) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now