chapter 17

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Elizabeth's POV

It's been about a week since Jacob and Bella came over and today I was going back to school. I sat up in bed and cuddled up into Edward a bit before sitting up and rushing to be sick in the toilet. Oh morning sickness how I hate you. Anyways I went to brush my teeth only to have my toothbrush float up to my face without me touching it. "Edward, can you come here please?" I said calmly. He walked in only to stop as soon as he did. He looked at me confused only to have a look of recognition come across his face. "I think our child has telekinesis, this means the voltori will want the baby" this made me panic over this. I calmed down after taking deep breathes.

I walked out of the bathroom putting my hair into a messy ponytail. I then put on some light mascara and a bit of lipgloss as I couldn't be bothered to put much makeup on. I walked downstairs and said hello to Esme and she asked me if I was hungry but I politely declined saying I still felt sick from waking up. She nodded at me and Alice skipped in and up to me. "Hey sis how are you and the little munchkin?" I smiled at her and said about what happened in the bathroom and she looked shocked. "Oh wow, a mind reader for a dad and a telekinetic child and a ... wait you never told us your power, what is it?" By this time the whole family was around us including Carlisle. Um well this is awkward I thought to Edward and he snorted a laugh. "Well um my power is, well I can sorta make vampires have the ability to have child." When I said this I heard gasps come from Alice, Rosalie and Esme. "Well sorry to spoil the moment guys but we all need to get off" Edward stated to help me. Everyone nodded and smiled at me. We walked out to the cars and me, Edward, Alice and Jasper got into the Volvo and pulled off to school.

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