Chapter 13: Your Love is my Drug

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I suck. I know, late update.

but here you gooooooooooo!!

I've been trying with all my might, and by that I mean every ounce of restraint I have in me, to avoid Carter. But it's frigging hard, dude. I mean first of all, HE'S CARTER FLIPPING REED FOR GODS SAKES. He's attractive and equally intimating as he is enticing with his mysterious bad boy ways. He's like a magnet, attracting me even though I've put miles and miles in between us and I can still feel the ever present pull. Just to be near him, and to touch him and kiss him and hold his hand. Because, let's face it, I like him. As in like-like. As in more than friends. Way more than friends.

Secondly, he keeps popping up at random times like a whack-a-mole. It really makes me want to whack him like the mole he's being.

Not that way you dirty freak.

Okay, maybe that way...

ANYWAY. Avoiding him isn't working, because it seems no matter where I go, or think about going, or what route I try to take, or even think about taking, Carter is 10 steps ahead of me. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the way he makes his presence known each time he comes around. At first it was just a simple, 'hey, Eli!'. Then it became a mixture of hello and a huge bear hug that almost toppled me over-which, I will admit I did like, very much. Then it suddenly became more daring. And mind you, this was all when no one was around, but still, it was hell of an embarrassing scene. He'd kiss my forehead or snake his arms around my waist or blow in my ear while whispering stupid things like, 'I had pizza for dinner last night, maybe tonight I can have you', or 'did it hurt when you fell from heaven?' and-my personal favorite if I was ever forced to admit it-'I like your beard', complements of Ke$ha. (Which also lead to mortifying fact that Carter had somehow heard me singing to Ke$ha in my bedroom last night...) Or even some strange combination thingy.

I was enjoying the little play, honestly. It was sweet and it meant that he was thinking about me. But I was thinking about Carter too. I was thinking about how I knew almost nothing about him. How he would avoid my questions like the plague, or change the subject. Even answer with a question- WHICH ISN'T EVEN AN ANSWER AT ALL AND ONLY LEADS TO MORE QUESTIONS! One instance for example we were in his car and he was driving us home.

“Hey, Carter?” I turned toward him in the passengers seat.

“Yes, Elijah?” he glanced at me from the side then turned his attention back to the road.

“What kind of music do you listen to?” I asked. He never had music playing when we're in the car. Never. At first I thought he just liked the silence, but I'd seen him put in a CD when he ran an errand for his mom a few days back and was curious.


“Because, I want to know,” I answered, slightly irritated he wouldn't just answer my question.

“Why do you want to know?”

“You never play music in the car. No radio, no CD's, nothing. I just wanted to know.”

“Oh, okay.”he turned on to our street.

“Are you going to answer my question?” it's just a simple little question, why can't this hoe bag answer it??

“What was the question again?” he pulled up in front of my house and smirked.

“UGH!” I ended up jumping out his car, slamming his door and stomping up my driveway like a child. That wasn't even the worst one though, the time I asked him why he moved here now that was a spectacle. He got all tense and mean, which isn't like Carter at all normally he's all loose and I-don't-really-care-about-anyone. I think I may have touched a nerve when I asked that. But it only got me thinking even more. What if the rumors of why he transferred where true?

Once Upon a Pinky Promise (boyxboy) {on hold while editing}Where stories live. Discover now