Chapter 23: One Shot

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"You went into the city!" Nyko narrowed his eyes at me. "Have you forgotten what the last man who capture you did? You better thank god Tobias found you and brought you back."

I sat on the bed, staring at my feet.

"That was foolish, Raja." Shaking his head, he ran a hand down his face. "Please, stop doing this to yourself. We'll never make it outside the city wall. It's not even safe for us out there if we ever did."

Swallowing hard, I wrung my hands in my lap. "I'm sorry. With everything going on, I didn't think it through." My eyes met his. "Why didn't he, though?"

Nyko shrugged. "Tobias is a man I'll never understand." Walking over, he sat beside me. "Word has spread. You two are becoming quite a novelty. The devil and his pet," he breathed. "He starting to win the people over."

"Good," I said sharply. "It'll give Eadwyn a reason to kill him."

"The overlord can't do that."

I stood. "Then I hope he finds a monster that can." I hurried into the bathroom and shut the door. Leaning back against it, I slid to the ground. "Please god," I whispered. "Kill this man. Please just let me have this one thing."


I took my seat to the left of the overlord chair in the capital's arena. Nyko sat on the other side with his elbow propped on the armrest, holding up his head.

Closing my eyes, I clenched my fists. Be something big. Please, just be a monster that can rid this world of the devil forever. I'd never run away again, I promise. I'll serve Glek until I die.

The people roared, and I opened my eyes to see Eadwyn's face lit up the screens around the oval. It was louder than usual. I gazed around at the masses. Every seat was taken, and people were crowded in the walkways. Bowing my head, I breathed deeply. They came to watch him.

"Welcome!" yelled the overlord lifting his arms. "May you all find this week's entertainment to your liking. Let the festivities begin." With a swoosh of his coat, the overlord took his seat.

A servant brought him a drink.

"Lift your head, Raja," he said sternly. "This is your role. If Tobias wins, you will fill it." He took a sip.

"Yes, my lord," I whispered.

The ground pulled back, and a stage emerged from below. It was filled with female dancers. They hurried off the platform once it stopped and stood in formation. The erotic music started, and the first act was underway. Fire and lights added to their performance.

My nerves were getting to me. I usually found some enjoyment watching the pre-show, but today I could sit still. Never before had I been so anxious for a fight. The women were climbing over the barrier and into the crowd. Mostly to where the rich citizens sat. Gold coins were thrown over the railing or snapped to the magnets attached the girls' clothes. Like me, they belong to Glek but were required to earn money in another way.

The music picked up, and they weaved back to the stage. Younger girls walked along the wall, picking up the coins as the dancers finished up their routine.

Their performance ended, and they hurried out of the way so another could begin. One after another came and went. One depicted an event in Glek history as warriors killed a large boar with just knives. Holograms of great beasts were projected into the audience during the hunt. My heart was beating so heavily I felt sick. One by one the acts ended, leading up to the main event. The battle between the devil and demon, it was why so many people had come.

The final stage fell below the arena, and the ground pulled together.

Lord Eadwyn stood. "Citizens of Glek, it's time for the battle. As you know the finalist has no opponent, but we can't let him taste our treasures without proving himself."

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