Chapter 25: Bits and Pieces

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I ran my hands through my hair, deep in thought. Last night shouldn't have left me with mixed emotions. I still hated the devil, but my body clearly remembered his touched. My skin prickled at the thought. It wasn't a memory I recalled, though. He knew me too well for it to just be a coincidence. But as hard as I tried to remember, I could only think of one time I had sex with him, and we didn't go all the way. Tobias just touched me in a car. It was nothing like what I had felt last night.

With a sigh, I sunk down lower where I sat on the balcony. That man was too confusing.

"You've been out here a lot lately," said Nyko, leaning against the door frame.

"I can't think in there." I gazed out over the city. It served only as a wall to keep me trapped here. A maze of streets filled with people that would only hurt me.

"What are you thinking about?" He sat down at my side.

"Leaving here."

"Is that all?" He glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

I shook my head. "No."

"It wasn't too bad then?"

I shook my head again. "No, he knows everything about me." I rubbed my forehead. "I don't understand how."

Nyko folded his arms and tapped his finger. "What can you remember about hell?"

Shrugging, I went back to playing with my hair. "Bits and pieces."

"But we've talked about the village, and all your memories are still intact?"

Groaning, I felt another headache coming on. "I can't explain it. When I tried to think about it, nothing's there. Nothing's ever there."

Nyko leaned over next to my ear. "Maybe because what Tobias is telling you is the truth." He stood. "I'll find you some medicine." He disappeared inside.

I frowned at the thought. Tobias was a liar, a manipulator, yet the pieces in my head didn't match. There were too many holes. I chewed on my fingernail. It would be another two weeks before Tobias could accept the challenge to win me. My head fell back, and I closed my eyes. My forehead was pounding, and I didn't know if I had the patience to wait that long.


I slid to the ground and pulled my hood further over my eyes. It took some digging, but I found out where the devil was staying. All I needed to do was to get there without being caught by anyone else. I snuck passed the guards and into the street. Keeping my head down, I walked straight toward the inn.

The building appeared in front of me, and I was shocked by the amount of people inside and out. They were laughing and drinking. It looked like one giant party, and if this was actually the place where the devil was staying, then I did not doubt he was the leader.

Pulling my coat around my face, I crossed the street and entered the inn. Music and shouting blared through the room. I heard cheering coming from the bar. I weaved through the crowd and spotted Tobias sitting at a table with a large man having a drinking match. I arched a brow as he started chugging a pitcher. It was clear now he wasn't training for his matches, just getting drunk every night.

Stepping into the room, I removed my hood. The men and women around me lurched back, and the noise started to die down. I walked to the table and folded my arms. Tobias froze. Alcohol ran down his face. He quickly recovered before dumping the rest into his lap.


"I wanted to ask you something, but I don't think you're coherent enough to answer."

Laughter filtered through the gathering.

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