Chapter Twenty- Three

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(Sara’s P.O.V)

“Sara…Sara, please wake up.” I hear a soft voice whisper in my ear. I tried opening my eyes, but my lids felt heavy. “Come on buttercup show me those beautiful eyes of yours.”  I felt someone place a tender kiss on my forehead.

Not someone but Hayden.

Hayden's voice was guiding me through the darkness that engulfed me. I willed my eyes to open, to see him.

"Sara?" I felt a hand caress my cheek softly.

Finally I won and my eyes blinked open. It took me a while to adjust to the bright light; and when I did a Hayden’s handsome face came into focus.

"Hey..." He greeted caressing my cheek softly.

I tried to talk, but realized I had a breathing tube in me. I glanced at him and motioned towards my throat as in get this out of me.

“Ok hold on babe, I’ll go get the doctor."

I watched as he disappeared from the room and reappear a minute later with a grey hair man, who must be the doctor, by his side.

"Ok Sara I’m going to pull this out on the count of three I want you to cough for me, okay?" He stated, I nodded my head and waited for his cue. He garbed the tube and stated counting. “Ok one...two...three...”

I coughed, while he pulled the tube out . Once it was gone I took a deep breath in and sat up. My throat was on fire, as if feeling my pain Hayden handed me a glass of water. I smiled as I took a sip from it.

The doctor checked my vital signs and my breaths. “Everything looks good here; you gave us quite a scare.”

“Do you remember what happened?” Hayden asked quietly as he held my ice-cold hand in his.

I closed my eyes as the memories of what happened earlier came back to me. “He shot him…” I whispered, mostly to myself because the realization that I saw someone get killed in front of me was unbelievable.

“Who shot who?” Hayden asked as he raised my chin up. I blinked my eyes and focused on him.

“Tony shot Detective Garwood.” I watched as he slowly sank into the bed I was on.

“Tony? What does he have to do with anything?” he asked, confusion gracing his face.

“Tony’s my half-brother…” I inform Hayden about my discovery and what Tony had to do with everything; and how he killed Detective Garwood and dumped the body somewhere. How he tried to kill me and make it look like a suicide.

“This is unbelievable.” Hayden said after, he called the police to inform them about what happened.

“I know. Where’s Chris?” I suddenly ask remembering Tony’s threat.

“Don’t worry he’s with my parents, he won’t leave their sight.” Hayden came over and placed a sweet kiss on my forehead. “I thought I lost you… when I saw you in that tub, blue and motionless. I felt… I felt like my world just ended right then and there.”

I was speechless. I mean I knew how deeply I was in love with him and how I would do anything for this man; but Hayden never told me how he really felt about me, about us. It was heartwarming to think that he cared this much.

“It won’t happen again, I promise. I’m actually a good swimmer.” I joke, hoping to lighten up the mood a bit.

He chuckles and kisses my forehead again. “Good to know.”

“So how long was I out?” I asked as I laid my head against the dash board.

“About six hours.” He lay alongside me in the bed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “Why don’t you get some sleep, you look beat.”

He didn’t have to tell me twice, I was already drifting off into a peaceful slumber.


It was eight o’clock in the morning when a young police man came and escorted me and Hayden to Hayden’s apartment. Officer Coyle told us that there was a man hunt going on, every single police officer was searching for Tony, or Andrew to be precise.

A while later Hayden and I were lounging on his sofa watching the news. A picture of Tony flashed a couple of times with a hot line number to call if anyone spotted him. I doubt they would. Tony was smart; he would never get caught, which made me even more terrified. My father unleashed a mad man in this city without knowing it.

I glanced at the spot where Detective Garwood was shot and I would shiver. The fact that my half-brother shot him made me want to vomit. I shared the same DNA as a psychopathic murderer.

“Don’t worry they’ll get him.” Hayden whispered in my ear.

It felt weird being back here. It felt strange, I mean I almost died here yesterday; yet it was safe now with Hayden here. He made everything better.

“I hope so.” I whisper back.

“Do you want to eat something?” at the mention of food my stomach grumbles.

“Yes, please.” I smile sheepishly at him.

“Ok, I’ll make you a sandwich.” He gives me a small kiss and heads to the kitchen.

I turn my attention back to the TV and watched as a picture of detective Garwood came up. And I felt a pang of guilt, I’m the reason he is dead after all. He must have had a family, a mother and father who are heartbroken at this moment.

“Here you go.” Hayden hands me a plate with a turkey sandwich on it.

“Thanks.” I smile as he resumed his seat next to me. “Do you think we can go to detective Garwood’s funeral?” I ask as I took another bite of my sandwich.

“Umm I don’t know. I don’t think it’s a good idea with that maniac out there.” Hayden runs his hand through his growing hair.

“It’s the least I can do, he probably saved my life. And there will be a bunch of cops there. Tony wouldn’t dare show his face there.” I pleaded. I pouted my lips at him and he sigh in response.

“Fine… fine, we’ll go; but if I think for one second that you’re in danger we are out of there.” 


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Take care and Next chapter will porbably be the last.... 

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