Chapter Ten

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Don't kill me , I promise the next chapter will be worth the wait ;)


(Sara's P.O.V)

I seriously hated waking up n the morning, it was eight thirty and I needed to be at the office at nine for a meeting. I grabbed my purse and headed to the door, checking myself on the mirror on last time to make sure that my hair was in place; and that my dress was perfect.

As I opened the door I came face to face with Owen, he had his hand raised as if he was about to knock on my door

“Hey,” he said flashing me a bright smile.

“Hey,” I chirped, I took in his casual wear, a blue t-shirt that matched his eyes and a dark pair of jeans.

“I was… I mean I thought you might like this,” he offered me a Starbucks cup and the aroma of the coffee hit me.

“Thank you, but you didn’t have to get me one,” I took it anyways, because let’s face it this was my addiction.

“No problem, it was on my way,” I nodded as I took a sip.

“On your way?” what the hell was he doing this early?

“Yeah, I had a late surgery last night, I just got off work,” I completely forgot that he was a doctor.

“Oh, you must be exhausted,”

“Yes very, but I wanted to ask you if you would have lunch with me today?” say no… no, you have too much on your plate right now…

“I would love to, say around three,” he nodded his head and waved good bye as I ran to the elevators.

As the elevator door closed I leaned my back against the wall and closed my eyes.

What was I doing?

I can’t lead Owen on, yet there is nothing between me and Hayden; so technically I wasn’t hurting anyone. Right?

The doors opened and I rushed outside, I hailed a cab and got in. I felt like these past couple of days I was all over the place. I had too many paperwork and too many clients, I needed help. I needed my dad to get his ass back in here and help me out.

“That will be twelve dollars,” the taxi driver said, I gave him his money and got out.

Well here’s to a start of a new day…

Three hours later and I wanted to shoot myself; I had back to back meetings with two clients and no coffee to keep me going. So when it was three o’clock my door knocked and Owen came in. he changed to a black shirt and khaki pants, and his hair a sleeked back.

“Hey, ready to go?” he asked as he came to stand in front of my desk, I smiled up at him as I closed my laptop and stood up.

“Yes, I seriously need a break,”

We didn’t go far, just a few blocks away from my office to this cute little chines place. We sat by the window, facing each other.

“So… how are you?” he asked after we placed our order.

“I’m good, you?” I didn’t know why I was so nervous, this was Owen.

“Great, I’ve been a little busy with work but I guess I have to make a living somehow,” the waiter came over with our Fried Rice and Kung Pao Chicken.

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