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"It's at the frat house?" I overhear my two classmates whispering in front of me in the library.

"It's going to be huge, I heard Dustin talking about getting a live band!"

"Oh shit. I just know there's going to be a shit ton of alcohol."

I roll my eyes and get back to my paper. All anyone can talk about is Eve's birthday party. I'm so excited for her of course, but Zayn seems to be doing alot more than I thought. I hate that i'm such a downer about it.It's just I know I can't bring a date...I shouldn't be sad about that now though, Eve is ecstatic, wanting me to meet her after class to go shopping for an outfit.

It's a week until her big bash, which apparently the entire school is invited to. I wonder if the teachers know? it's all the students are talking about it seems.

My phone starts buzzing from my purse and I quickly grab for it, looking at the caller. Lizzie! I quickly answer it, already getting up from my study hall table. After my visit at the Institute with Dean I called Aunt Lizzie that night, leaving a brief, personal message.

"Aunt Lizzie! I'm so glad you called back."

"Oh sweetie of course! it's been awhile since I've heard from you...I know you wanted space and all that," I hear the sadness in her voice and it makes me feel guilty. I need to mend my relationship with her and my cousins. How could I have been so harsh all these years? She took me in when I had no one. "How is college?" she asks,

"Oh it's good, I love my classes, I have Eve and she's keeping me occupied with activities," I laugh at that. Aunt Lizzie knows how Eve is. How much trouble Eve gets into when I'm not around to stop it.

"I can imagine." she laughs too.

"I want to come visit," I say.

There's a short moment where I can sense Aunt Lizzie's shock and happiness.

"Oh? Come see me sweetie, I miss you. And so do your cousins!"

"I am. I might catch a bus and see you this weekend? is that okay? I have Eve's birthday party Friday, but Saturday morning I can come see you."

"That sounds lovely, I'll get your room set up for you right away. I can't wait to see you Belle." Her voice is soft and motherly. I almost tear up.

"I can't wait either. I love you."

"I love you too," Aunt Lizzie sounds choked up and I hate myself for ever being so heartless after mom and dad passed. She deserved so much more than my attitude.

We hang up and I make my way to the apartments to change clothes before meeting Eve to go shopping. Ever since meeting Dean it seems I've neglected my best friend duties. We are in need of major girl time. Although I miss him now and usually all the time i'm not around him, I know I need some sort of distance and friends to balance itself. I can't be wrapped up in Dean's world 24/7. It's unhealthy.

Though, texting can't be so bad right? I send a text saying hey and then get dressed before Eve meets me here.

Dean responds within the minute and I smile knowing he misses me just the same. I think of how we spent our time together on Sunday. It came and went, both of us spending the day on the beach swimming. He promised to take me on his boat soon. I had no idea he had a boat until I noticed a dock far away from his home on the opposite side of the beach we spent our time on. I've never been on a boat before. I love his home and spending my days with him. I enjoy the company of Mrs. Potts and Cogsworth too.

My doorknob jiggles open and Eve steps in, laughing while she talks on her cell.

"Can't wait baby, I'll txt you!" She ends the call and I grab my purse from the floor so we can head out.

Belle and Her BeastWhere stories live. Discover now