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Immediately when Jasper left, Alex's mood took a turn for the worse. It was as it the air got a little bit lighter when he was around, her mood heightened and she felt calmer. Well, that was all gone the second his gar drove down the road, away from her and her house.

She turned around as he left, getting scared by her mother who stood right in front of her, excitement evident in her emerald eyes. She got a flashback to her previous encounter with Rebecca who'd worn the same expression on her face.

"What?" she said, looking at her mother with a quirked eyebrow.

"Are you two...?" she said, trailing off towards the end. Alex's eyes widened.

"Definitely not," the girl spoke with a dry laugh in her undertone, shaking her head and making her red curls bounce.

"If you say so..." her mother said, obviously not convinced. "But let me just tell you, he's a very attractive young man, and he seems to accept your attitude. You might never get a chance like this again-"

"Thanks for the life advise mom, I'll see you tomorrow," Alex said, running up the stairs and away from her mother, tripping on the way up.

"Oh, was that the sound of you 'falling' in love my dear?" Petunia shouted after her daughter when she heard the thump of her falling over.

Alex's eyes widened at the attempt of a joke, before cringing. "That was the worst thing I've heard all day mom, and Tom was in school today which means I've heard a lot of shit. Thanks and goodnight," Alex said, before running up the last couple of steps.

She locked the door behind her, feeling slightly paranoid as she usually was. She began her nightly routine, first writing some things about her day in the journal stashed under her bed.

Alex couldn't remember exactly when she'd taken her sleeping pills the previous night, but she did remember the wave of sadness that had come over her when she decided to read through some of the old entries of her journal. She woke up to the sound of her clock, her cheeks stained grey from the makeup she hadn't removed the night before, mixed with tears.

She sighed before getting ready, she went into the shower to wash her body and face. She shaved her legs and washed her hair, before getting out and began to put on a new layer of makeup. She then brushed her teeth and got dressed in a skirt and a band tee along with knee socks and vans. When she was ready to go, she slung her backpack over her narrow shoulders before going down the stairs and out through the door, yelling goodbye to her parents who lazily answered her.

When she arrived at Forks high school she quickly spotted the Cullens standing by their cars. She walked over there. She had some questions, particularly aimed at Edward for obvious reasons.

"Hey you, brick head!" Alex half-yelled while walking over to him, gaining the attention of the entire family but her eyes were only focused on Edward. She walked up so she was straight in front of him, suddenly realizing how much he towered over her, just like his brothers. "What the hell was going on yesterday? I saw how you teleported to the other side of the parking lot or something, what the hell was that?"

Edward glanced up at someone, she hadn't really noted which Cullen stood where, before looking down at Alex again. Then, the feeling of irritation and confusion disappeared as if nothing had ever happened. Instead she felt calm, almost safe even. Edward then smiled.

"I understand that you're confused, but I just had an adrenaline rush. I saw the van come and got scared, so I ran." Edward spoke with such certainty, Alex felt like she had no choice but to believe him. She didn't know why, but it seemed so much more logical now than it had done yesterday.

"Oh, that makes sense I guess, sorry," she smiled sheepishly. She then turned around so she was facing the rest of them, greeting them. Everyone smiled and responded, except for Jasper. She eyed him quickly, noting that something was wrong. His eyes were almost black and his hands looked as if they were shaking.

The boy in question met Alex's gaze for a second, before he stormed away from the group. She couldn't help but to feel a little bit hurt, but put up a tough exterior. "Well, that was weird," Alex said, looking at the others who were exchanging looks. Alice then smiled at the girl, slinging an arm around her petite shoulder while starting to lead her towards the green doors.

"Jasper had quite a rough morning, don't think about it," Alice said, smiling at Alex. Alex just shrugged, but she didn't seem to notice the weird behavior of the rest of the Cullens too. The smell of blood lingered in the air, after the fight that had taken place between two seniors just a few minutes before Alex had showed up. One of them had started bleeding, leaving small droplets of blood behind on the parking lot. Even though Jasper was the one that was the most affected, they all were a bit on edge.

"So, Emmett said that you're traveling this week. Where are you going?" Alex said, changing the subject from the blonde boy.

"Well, Rosalie, Jasper and Carlisle are not going, but the rest of us are going camping with our mother Esme. We haven't been out for real in a while," Alice explained, looking at Alex with a smile. She'd seen visions of them telling her the truth behind their nature, but she knew Alex wasn't ready yet.

The conversation carried on until they reached Alex's locker, where they said their goodbyes. There Alex found Rebecca, she was standing against a wall, her wild curly hair was covering parts of her face but the smile on her lips was still evident.

"What are you so happy about? Honestly, we're in school. You shouldn't be smiling." When Alex spoke Rebecca's eyes moved away from the floor and up to meet the girls green eyes.

"Oh, I didn't see you there," Rebecca said, Alex quickly noticed the blush on her tanned cheeks.

"Rebecca, do I need to ask again or are you going to tell me?"

"Nothing Alex, I swear." Rebecca now blushed even harder, which is something the girl hardly ever did. Alex found that very amusing.

"Boy or a girl?" Alex asked after a few seconds of staring, a smile on her full lips. Rebecca sighed before smiling too, looking down at the floor.

"Girl, but not any girl Alex. It's Mandy fucking Waters." The brunette finally said, letting down her attempt to try and hide her crush. Alex chuckled at her friend's exclamation, slinging an arm over her shoulder.

"So you finally spoke to her? After 5 months of staring at that ass," Alex said, walking down the hallway with the girl under her arm.

"No, she came up to me, asked me if I wanted to go out with her sometime. Life is amazing," Rebecca said, getting a dreamy look in her dark brown eyes.

When they arrived in the literature classroom Rebecca immediately left Alex's side, and ran over to the free bench next to Mandy, who smiled and began talking to the brunette. Alex smiled, then looking out over the room. She found Jasper in the back of the room, looking at her intently. She weighed her choices, she didn't really know anyone else in that class but she was kind of annoyed with Jasper because of his mood. She narrowed her eyes in his direction when he motioned for her to get over there, and sat down next to one of Isaac's friends, Jessica.

"Oh my god, hi, you're Alex right? Hi, I'm Jessica, we're going to be great friends. Did you hear about the fight on the parking lot this morning? Yeah, crazy right?! I heard Kurt lost two teeth, but I bet he's still really hot. I mean, how could he not be, you know? I just really hate his girlfriend, she's provoking me just by breathing. Honestly, I don't-"Alex looked at the girl dead in the eye, before picking up her stuff from her bench and standing up, walking to the back of the classroom and slamming her stuff down next to Jasper.

"Don't say anything," the girl warned when she saw his amused expression. Alex looked up and could see Jessica looking at her with furrowed brows, one of them slightly raised. Alex shrugged, making Jessica turn around with a frustrated groan. No wonder that seat was free.

"Whatever you say Alex, whatever you say."

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