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A/N: Hey people welcome to my new fanfic(one i may actually complete). So yeah enjoy Italics=Thinking-------i don't own rights to Sword Art Online

Cal Pov

"I finally did it." I look at the dummy again. It said that the skill i attacked it with produced a total damage of 1,000 HP. "If most of it strikes i should be able to do a minimum of 500". A feeling of weakness take over me. "Crap-pain-taking over". I fall face first into the ground. Some of the sword embedded in me plunge deeper. "Fudge sickles" i curse to myself. Oh sorry , I never told you who i was. The name is Calvary-Cal for short. My avatar is a boy with white hair and blue eyes. Race?...Hmm well i chose a Leprechaun race but, i do practice spells meant for Spriggan and Pooka races. In real life I'm usually the quiet type of person, listening to other people's conversations and learning bits and pieces about them. You may think the quiet person would be cold and dark goth-like but, i'm not like that. I'm actually very cheerful. I usually help others. I have a fondness for being weird. I'll be that person with that "Out of the box" idea. Since Alfheim-Online became really popular i joined the rave. I've been practicing and here i am telling my backstory to myself again. Anyways...The skill i used was called the "ONE MAN CALVARY" . It has the user plunge all the swords he has his or herself. After activating a high level defense spell of course. Then the user would spin like a top and attack the opponent in a blur of swords. Since there is sword all over the user's body it would inflict damage all over the opponents body. Even if they manage to block an attack t the head they would be hit in the legs, arm, body etc. The only problem would be the after-effect. Once the skill is finished they would feel a full-body paralysis. They would also be more likely to die from embedding themselves with the swords. Knowing i would more likely die in battle, i invested all of my skill points to my health. So it;s going to be a slow death for me. Normally i would have a friend to "spot" me. They would pull the swords out after i attacked the dummy. I couldn't wait, so now here i am. I watch as my health slowly depletes. The defense spell i activated slows my depletion so instead of it going from 200 to 10 in like 5 seconds it would take about 7 minutes.

"Oh my god-Are you okay!!?" I hear a feminine voice but, my body was too numb ti look."How are you not dead yet!?-You look like your in pain-OMG what am i to do?" I force myself to speak.

"Pull the.....swords out"

"Okay-Okay" She slowly begins to pull the sword out one by one. Soon the numbness fades and i was able to sit myself up again. I looked up and saw the girl was a blonde Sylph.

"Thanks" i said to her as i pulled out a potion.

"Can you tell me what happened to you? Were you attacked by someone?"

"No no, It was just a skill i made. I was testing it out and kinda got paralyzed in the process"

"A skill that has swords embedding your body?"

"Yeah. Look it's better if i just show you."

"What No!! i don't want you to hurt yourself again!"

"Don't worry. Just pull the swords out when i ask you to. Okay?" I stood up. She was about a few centimeters shorter than me in height. Ignoring that fact, i open my inventory and summon a bunch of the sword i had forged myself. I chanted the defense spell. I begin to stab myself with the sword i had brought out and start to spin. I spin faster and faster and become a blur of colors. I spin myself toward the dummy and yell "ONE MAN CALVARY" before striking it. Slash after slash, the dummy getting laced with strikes to the head,arms,legs and so-on. The number slowly reaches 200 as my speed decreases. In an attempt to increase the damage count i slash the dummy vertically from head to foot adding about 50 more points of damage. I soon stopped spinning and looked over to the Sylph. Her jaw would probably be on the ground like those in the cartoons. I soon felt a huge amount of numbness."Crap, get the sword out NOW!" i yell before i collapse. She kinda stood there in a daze before realizing what she had to do. A few minutes later i was back on my feet.

"Oh hey i never got to ask what your user name was?" she asks me.

"Oh right-sorry it's Calvary."

"Wait like your new skill?" she asks with a little chuckle.

"Yeah, what about you?"

"It's Leafa. Hey here's an idea how about you try facing Zekken with that skill?"

"I was planning on facing her when i perfected the skill." I look over to the time."Shoot i better get going." I activate my wings. Since Leprechaun's had mechanical wings i was able to customize them to have a steampunk look to it. As i take off i call to Leafa saying"Oh and tell Mr. Laser Sword i've been meaning to meet him again. She had a confused look but, i left keeping the mystery there.

A/N: thanks for reading

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