Back to School

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A/n: sorry for not updating in so long. A lot had been happening with school and life. So i never got a chance to finish writing up the chapter. 

You can beat me up if you want. Hold that i'll do it myself.

 Hold that i'll do it myself

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Anyways without wasting anymore time-the story continues

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Anyways without wasting anymore time-the story continues.

                                                                                Yuuki's POV

Everything was dark. Asuna was having her boyfriend;Kirito; set up this mobile camera so i could go to school with her.

"Parameters blah blah learning program blah more super smart stuff". Kirito was fixing the settings while his friends were helping out. They were talking about stuff i didn't understand.

"How much longer guys? Our lunch break is about to be over." I hear Asuna ask them.

"Let's just keep this the default setting and see if it works. Hey, Uh, Yuuki can you hear okay?" Kirto asks me.

"Yep, Loud and clear" I respond back.

"Okay, i'm going to activate the lens so it might be bright. Tell me when you see perfectly"

"Fire away". The feed started up as a blurry video and began to slowly adjust. "Hold it". I was able to see crystal clear at that point.

"Okay, your ready to go. Last thing, i installed stabilizers but, their kinda janky. Try not to make any sudden moves." The feed suddenly jolts upward,kinda like those rides that shoot you upward. I yelp but, it immediately adjust itself.

"Thanks Kirito." Asuna must have jump up when he said it was ready. Asuna walked us outside of her school and walked us around for a bit. 

"Wow your school is ginormous" I tell her.

"I know right?" Asuna says chuckling. "Sorry i couldn't show you around first but, the lunch break is almost over and we don't want to be late"

"Nah that's okay. I'm just excited to check out your class."

"Sweet, now let's go to the faculty room and introduce you to my teacher". Asuna walks over to the staff room. I groan. "What's wrong?"

"It's the one part of school i don't miss, going to the faculty room"

I'll be there,for you. : A SAO FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now