The Absolute Sword v.s The White Flash

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A/N: Hey Alwin here,Thanks for reading up to now. I know the last chapter was a bit crud so i made a special for this chapter. As you can see from chapter picture its Asuna vs Yuuki. So you have a choice of watching the fight or reading it. The video is below (after a little reading) if you want to watch the fight instead. Afterwards look for a bold line at the bottom of the page there is some parts you will have to read. So without wasting your time shall we begin?

             The next day I logged on and found someone had left a message. I open the message and it was from Yuuki. 

                           "Hey, thanks for an epic fight yesterday. I thought of what you said yesterday and...I would like you to join. It would be nice to talk to someone who actually knows my secret. It would also be nice if you cheered me on during my fights today.                                                                                                                                                       your new buddy,Yuuki"

This really surprised me but, i was happy she actually accepted me to join her guild. "Guess i will go cheer her on".  I check the time. "Yuuki's next fight was about to begin. I better head to the fighting site now." I flew to the island. Yuuki was about to fight a blue haired Undine fairy. It seemed to be a ground battle as well. I land beside a black haired Spriggan. Recongizing the player as Kirito, I give him a nudge on the shoulder. 

"Oh it's you, how have you been?"

"I have been well. How about you? Still dodging those bullets?" I tease. We both let out a small chuckle. "So who do you think will win? Your lady "The White Flash or Miss Absolute Sword?"

"It could go either way but, i would like Asuna to win". The fight begins.



Asuna charges with her rapier, jabbing at Yuuki-she blocks them with ease. Asuan attempts to jab at Yuuki's chest but, she strikes upward leaving Asuna open. Asuna strikes again but, this time Yuuki ducks and charges startling Asuna. Yuuki strikes upward cutting Asuna's chest. Asuna back flips twice before facing Yuuki. Her breathing was a bit labored. Kirito and his friends gasp at the speed of the attack. The two fighters stand for a few seconds. Asuna takes a breath and changes her position to a more "ready" position. She had a serious look on her face. "Now the show's about to begin" They both charge each other. They clash swords the impact was enough to shake the ground. They clash swords, attacking and blocking each other attacks. Yuuki activates her skill and spins. Asuna blocks it and sends flurry of purple dust to the bystanders. Asuna Activates her skill as well. It must have been blocked because a flurry of blue dust was shot toward us. Clash after clash-Strike after strike, the two fighters fought decreasing each others health. They were at a standstill when i noticed Yuuki flinched. Asuna had used her free hand to punch Yukki in the gut forcing her back. Asuna activates a skill in the free moment she made. Yuuki looks up. CLANG-CLANG-CLANG-CLANG. Asuna's four hit attack was blocked. Out of the dust a purple light shines. The 11-hit skill was activated. Asuna was forced back but, charges with another skill. They both struck each other. The blast had forced Asuna back but, Yuuki had charged her with the skill still active. It seemed to be the end of the fight until....A shock-wave resounds the island.  Many of the spectators had to hold their ground from the impact. I was almost tossed off my feet. The dust cleared out and i could see Yuuki had stopped  her attack short. I don't know why but, i kinda understood why she stopped. She had found the player that she was looking for. Yuuki replaces her sword and takes Asuna's hand and brings her to the sky. I stepped forward.


"It seems that Zekken has found her new guild member. The Beserk Healer Asuna!!" The spectators clapped and cheered to Asuna. I look to the sky. Asua was waving in thanks. I message Yuuki on where i was to meet them and quickly get my reply. 

"Do you mind telling us how you two met?" I turn around and see Kirito, a pink haired leprechaun and a feline animal tamer approach me. "This is Calvary, We met inthe hospital during the Death Gun scare"

"Long hair is so not your style" I tease. He chuckles nervously.

"Anyways went i got out of the game i needed a ride to Sinon's apartment so Calvary here lent me his motorcycle."  

"Seriously that's how you guys met?"

"Hey it isn't as epic as it seems but, yeah that's what happened. I 'll have to get going see you guys around." I fly off to the restaurant Yuuki had said to go to.

A/N: as always thanks for reading.

I'll be there,for you. : A SAO FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin