Sleeping Knight's Boss Raid part-2

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                            Italics for thinking!                                 

                                                                                       Asuna's POV

                        "Cause the Calvary has arrived". I look behind me and saw that Kirito and Calvary had actually made it. 

"Heh, bet even you can't take a horde like this" says the horde leader.

"Lets put that to the test shall we?" Kirito shoots back.

"It's your funeral-mages let him have it!" In the distance i hear the mages chant their spells.

"Watch out Kirito and Calvary" I yell to them. I hear a clatter of armor and weapons behind me. The "Sleeping Knights" were readying to attack the group guarding the boss door. I look back, Kirito had a smile on his face. Calvary had ran up beside me. A spear,arrows and energy balls were headed toward Kirito. *BOOM* They all collide with something as a big cloud of purple dust forms blocking my view of Kirito. I brace myself as the impact shook the ground. The dust clears out as i see Kirito still standing.

"I can hold them for a couple. Head to the boss room. Hurry!" Kirito yells to me. He equips himself with Excalibur and readies himself in his dual sword position. 

"Hold your ground! their's only one" the horde leader yells to the horde.

"Not even!". I hear a voice in the far back yell out. "You can't see me yet but I'm here too!"

"Klein's here too?" I glance over to Kirito and see Yui on his shoulder. She was giving me the thumbs up. I grin. Thank you, everyone. " Alright, we don't have all day so let's get to that boss room. My friends can hold them off till then"

"Right" Yuuki says to me. Me, Siune, and Calvary stand back as the rest of the guild fights to raiders blocking the boss door.

"Calvary, why don't you fight with them?" I ask Calvary.

"I shouldn't, see how in-sync they are? If i go in now i might disturb it?". He was right,they fought together for so long they seemed to work together like a brain. The battle goes on for a few minutes when i notice the enemy player started to heal.

"They have mages as well, we have to take them out" Calvary says.

"I'll do it, Siune take care of healing."

"Understood." I jump back a few feet and set myself in a sprinting position. I put away my wand and equip myself with the rapier. I charge forward with my rapier straight in front. As i gained speed i activated my skill. 

"Yuuki watch out!" i hear Calvary shout to her. Yuuki looks back and dodges as i pass her. I thrust my rapier forward cutting the air and leaving a trail of dust behind me. I hear screams of players meaning i must have knocked them out. I slide at an angle to slow down and flip to a stop in front of the mages.

"Crap it's the Berserk Healer!" one of them calls out. I activate a skill and finished them off. With the mages gone we were able to defeat the rest of the boss raiders. Calvary summons a dove and perches it onto my shoulder. "The peeping spell?" i ask. Calvary nods. We head through the boss doors. I look back and see Kirito give me the good luck symbol. "Yeah we'll beat him".  We all healed up and got ready for the battle.

"Asuna, those guys...your friends are they here just to help us?" Yuuki asks.

"They know how important this is to guys. So let's pull this raid off.

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