Chapter 1: One Sword Against Many.

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                                                                   *At the Battle Tree*

A crowd had already formed there. Zekken was already in a battle with another player. To my surprise Mr. Laser Sword A.K.A Kirto was the opponent. I saw Leafa so i hid for the while. I watch as Kirto fought. He seemed to have some trouble but, managed to lock blades with her. He was talking to her. I tried to make out what her was saying. " Deep dive" that was what i was able to make out but, it was more than enough.  As a Hospital Clown i knew what this term meant. Deep dive was the term given to patients that are in extreme pain and are given an Amusphere to cope with it. If Zekken was a Deep Diver i should talk to her just in case. Maybe i could join her guild too. I actually had an experience with a deep diver. As a hospital clown i comfort the patients to the best of my ability. One of my patients was a deep diver. She had a  life threatening disease. The medications she was given had her in serious pain so the Amusphere was given to numb it. She didn't have many friends and her family didn't want to use the Amusphere because of the Nervegear scare. I took the liberty and joined her and quickly made friends with her. She was very kind and cheerful to have company. We were very good friends. After a few months her condition worsened. I was called over to comfort her since her family member were still not willing to join. I logged on and talked to her. About how her parents were in the real world praying for her, how i'll stay with her to the end, and how her life will be better and that she shouldn't feel sad anymore. I guess it worked because she had a happy aura surrounding her. Soon her breathing was getting more labored. Her end was near. My eyes started to tear up. I guess she noticed because she wiped it and said this 

                         " Thanks for staying with me, your like i had..never had." This left an imprint on that moment i wanted to help people of all types..and help them be happy in the darkest times. Back to reality i noticed the battle was already over as Zekken struck Kirito's shoulder ;with a blinding speed;ending the battle there. "I should talk to her, maybe i can stand with her to the end." I though to myself. I watch about two more fights before stepping up to  fight.

"Ooh you look like a tough one" Zekken says to me. She looked like your average girl. She had purple/violet hair and red pupils. Her frame looked thin but, i am not one to judge.

"Why thank you" I reply while bowing like a prince. She giggles.

"So how do you want to battle? Air or Ground?"

"Ground and i have a condition for you." I chant a spell and the ground was laced with swords and daggers or all shapes and sizes. "This is my battling field. It's called "Fallen Calvary". As you can see it's covered in swords. Some are strong and rare, others are weak and common. You can choose to pick a sword or fight with your own."

"Nice, that is awesome but, i'll stick with my sword."

"Very well." I pull out some hunting needles and ready them as the timer begins the count down. I steady my breathing. This was going to be a fight where i will have to earn her trust. The timer hits 2 i look to my right, then my left. I was trying to spot the first sword to grab. The timer hits one. 


A/N: sorry for the delay...i kinda lost my inspiration to type up my story....i will try to write at least a chapter a day for four days this week. Thanks for reading and review.

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