Yuuki's Visit

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A/N: As promised i posted the new chapter...it's kinda of a two-parter in a way. So i will be trying my best to post the next chapter tomorrow. Also please comment and check out my Unconscious Traveler series. My OC Traveler visits many dimensions and learns a thing or two from them. I have recently posted a travel entry to the Naruto world and next the Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans chapter.

Anyways no more delay. Onto the story 


 Yuuki's Visit

With the help of Kirito's shoulder camera,I'm able to view the world around me from the safety of the hospital. Since Asuna's school was closed today I thought I would join Calvin as we went to work today.
"I'm glad you wanted to join me today" says Calvin.

"No problem, it's kinda nice to see things in the outside world again." I was already at Calvin's hospital as Calvin was setting up for the day.

"So Calvin, what do you do as your job?" I ask Calvin.

"I usually act as a really cheap babysitting service until I have a patient to attend to." Calvin walks over to a play area. "Let's say the parents has to use the bathroom or check on a relative, they can leave them here and I'll keep them company". He walks over to a toddler and tickles his stomach. He laughs and jumped in joy. " This one's James. He's very ticklish and like to play with his toy truck".

"You know them?" I ask.

"A few of them, some of them are regular visitors and others are new". Calvin plays with the little ones for a while. His hair and clothing got very messy in the process.

"Piero?". I look to the owner of the voice. It was a nurse and she holding a folder to Calvin.

"Ah, thank you" Calvin says taking the folder. He opens it and looks at it's contents. "Oh!, umm Yuuki this is one of my special patients. It might very emotional so, if you want me to turn off the microphone I could..."

"It's fine Calvin. I want to listen, I want learn how you help them cope with it....you know?".

"Yeah I get it". Calvin fixes his hair as walks to a room. Someone was already there. A small boy was sitting in a chair beside the window. The room was very homey and had a calming effect to it. The patient stood up. Calvin walked up to him and they both hugged. The patient started to cry.

"Hey, hey it's okay-it's okay let it out". Calvin detached the camera and places it on a shelf. It gave me a good view of room along with Calvin and the patient. After a few minutes of crying the patient calms down.

"How are you doing Yabo?" Calvin asks Yabo.

"I'm fine,thanks" Yabo replies. Yabo looked like a young boy around the age of 7. He had black hair and he was wearing a elementary school uniform.

"Do you want anything? Juice? Water?".

"Juice". Calvin gets a cup and pours Yabo a cup of apple juice. After that they talk. Yabo's mother was killed in a car accident involving a drunk driver. Yabo was in the back seat of the car during the incident. The incident left Yabo traumatized. He was very sad about the loss of his mother and was scared to go to school. He even felt alone in the presence of his own father.

"Did you do what I asked you too?".

"Yeah,I talked to Mommy".

"And what did she say?".

"She said not to worry. Everything was going to be fine".

"And do you know why?". Yabo shakes his head. "Because she is always with you".

"Is she here now?".

"Yep,right here". Calvin points a finger at Yabo's heart. "She is here with you and always will be". Yabo covers his heart with his hands.

"Mommy is here. I can feel it".

"And she wants you to live a happy life. Don't you want her to be happy as well?".


"Then how about we go to school again?".

"Yeah,I want mommy to be happy, so I will go to school again". Calvin chuckles and says a pray. Afterwards Calvin calls in Yabo's dad and tells him that Yabo was ready for school again. He was also in tears and hugs Calvin in pure joy.

"Just doing what I can" Calvin says with a chuckle. As they leave Calvin takes a seat in a chair seemed to doze off into his own world.

"Calvin?" I call out to him. No answer. " CALVIN!" He snaps back to our world."Sorry, I was just reminiscing about the talk I had".


"Like thinking deeply about something". He goes quiet again. His eyes seemed to water.

"Calvin...if you want to talk.....well I'm here for you".

"Thanks, it's just hearing all these sad stories is kinda taking it's toll on me". Tears run down his face.

"Sorry, could you give me a minute. I'm going to go freshen up". He walks away wiping at the tears that wouldn't stop.

"Calvin listens to these stories almost everyday. And he manages to keep a happy face when he's around us...he's really-". Calvin steps back inside the room.

"I almost forgot! I never gave you a tour of the hospital". And with that Calvin mounts the camera back on his shoulder and began our tour of the hospital. As Calvin guided us around the hospital, I couldn't help think of what we could do for Calvin. To show that we care as much as he does.Then it hit me. I'll through a party for him with the help of the guild. That should knock some of the happiness into him.

"Yuuki....Yuuki?....Yuuki?!" Calvin's voice pulls me back into reality.

"Huh, what? Did something happen".

"Sorry I thought it got disconnected. You weren't saying anything so I kinda got worried".

"Sorry about that. I was reminscing about the job you do".

"You mean reminiscing?".

"Yeah, that". With out distracting myself I listen to Calvin as he continued the tour. I did keep the party plan on my mind but, I plan to surprise him another day.  

A/N: thanks for reading. As always please comment. it will tell me that i'm doing a good job and if you have any ideas or changes i should make, do tell.

see you next time.

Oh and please...please check out my Unconscious Traveler series. It's a strange sounding series but is really great.

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