The Hidden Secret

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                                                                           Calvary's POV

Yuuki opens her menu to log out but, stops. She looks toward me. I simply look away. I couldn't bear to look at her sadness. My eyes water with tears as i simply nod her a good bye. She logs out. "This is your choice then? Very well may we meet again soon." I think to myself.


When i came back inside the mood was very dank. I brought up the topic about the Monument which brought the mood back. While everyone was cleaning i pulled Yuuki outside to talk.

"Hey what's up?" Yuuki asks.

"So are you going to tell her?" I ask her.

"About what?"

"The truth....about all this" Yuuki looks away.

"I-i can't. It would break her heart if i did."

"So does avoiding a friendship with her. You hav-"

"You don't get it!!" Yuuki said startling me. "Ever since i was born my life has been a game of chance. I could be fine for weeks and all the sudden i could have an organ failure. Who knows if i will even be here tomorro-" I hug her. I couldn't think of any other way to both comfort and quiet her.

"Your like a patient i met in the hospital i work at. She had a life ending disease but, kept on fighting. She also avoided making friends and was willing to be one with me. That was probably her best decision she made. We became best friends and she became very happy. A few months later her conditions worsened so i stayed with her to the very end. At her last moments she said this...Your like a brother to me. Make other people happy like this...and thanks for staying with me....This left a huge impact on me. It changed how i see the world-how i view myself. From then i wanted to help everyone, of all types of people."

I break the hug. "So tell me this, do you want to stay and tell her yourself? or leave and let her find out herself?" I take a step back. "Just know that either way you already left an imprint on her". I wait a minute before heading to the door to help clean up. 

"Calvary.....will you be able okay with the choice i make?" she asks me.

"Yes I'll be fine with the choice you make" I tell her as i turn around. Yuuki hugs me lightly,

"She was right......your like a brother I never had before". I hug her back.

"And i'll be there for you, to the very end"

A/N: thanks again for reading. I just wanted to type up this chapter to show that there is a connection or deep friendship between Calvary and Yuuki. More info about Yuuki and Calvary will be revealed in the future chapters...just in case you haven't seen the anime/manga yet or before. See you guys next week.

P.S i had an alternation where Calvary use a black fog spell and then talked to Yuuki behind the Monument. Just thought i point that out.

I'll be there,for you. : A SAO FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin