Sneak Peek (last one hopefully)

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hey has everyone been?

i'm sure you might be hating (or liking) the filler chapter i'm putting in this.

i wanted to stretch the series and does anyone really want to read something so happy and emotional just to have their hearts shattered in the next chapter?

those who watched the anime will understand what i mean.

anyways i have about three more filler chapter then i'll start writing the final chapter

*sits in corner to mope* TT^TT

that will mean two things.  I'll be crying like a grown man-baby writing the final chapter about the final episode

and that this series would come to an end.

and that this series would come to an end

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you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round right round

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you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round right round

ow thanks Sakura XD

anyways i'll give a short preview and more likely post the chapter within this week.

thanks for staying up to now-oh and PLEASE COMMENT ON EACH CHAPTER!! i need your feedback someway somehow o.k?

i mean if i was to read your own story i would always leave a comment

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i mean if i was to read your own story i would always leave a comment

i mean if i was to read your own story i would always leave a comment

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crap wrong pic

p.s is the nico nii it's main trope in the anime?




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okay okay i'll put the sneak peek

                                                                     Yuuki's Visit

  With the help of Kirito's shoulder camera,I'm able to view the world around me from the safety of the hospital. Since Asuna's school was closed today I thought I would join Calvin as we went to work today.
"I'm glad you wanted to join me today" says Calvin.
"No problem, it's kinda nice to see things in the outside world again." I was already at Calvin's hospital as Calvin was setting up for the day.
"So Calvin, what do you do as your job?" I ask Calvin.
"I usually act as a really cheap babysitting service until I have a patient to attend to." Calvin walks over to a play area. "Let's say the parents has to use the bathroom or check on a relative, they can leave them here and I'll keep them company". He walks over to a toddler and tickles his stomach. He laughs and jumped in joy. " This one's James. He's very ticklish and like to play with his toy truck".

yeah kinda short i know. it is a short chapter so i can only have you guys peek at this much.

see you guys maybe tommorow?

it'll try see you then

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