The Hidden Secret-Scratching the Surface.

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    I don't own Sword Art Online and so-on. Please share with others who seen SAO up to the Mother Rosario Arc.          

Italics for thinking                                               

                                                                           CALVARY'S POV

I sit across from Asuna. We sit in the restaurant in silence by the light of the fireplace. It has been several days ago that Yuuki "suddenly" logged out with no reason. Though i knew a little about the about the answer i kept quiet and acted as if i didn't know why Yuuki logged out. Asuna opens her menu and tries to message Yuuki again. It didn't go through.

"Asuna" I look up to see it was Siune. 

"Siune, do you know what happened to Yuuki?. It has been three days since she logged on." Asuna asks her.

"Its not just you, none of us have been able to contact her either. Asuna, I hate to say but, i think she doesn't want to see you again. I think she's doing it for your own good". We both gasp at this remark. 

"But why?" Asuna asks. Siune stays silent. "I had a feeling something was wrong. I knew everyone was avoiding getting personal. The last thing i wanted to find out that i was a nuisance but, still i don't see how this is for my sake."

"Your not a nuisance. Believe me when i say this but, we were happy when we met you. We all got a unforgettable memory and it was all thanks to you. And Yuuki I know she's grateful but,please forget you ever met us. It is really for the best thing for you and Yuuki."

"I can't ever see any of you guys again? I thought we could still be friends after the guild was gone but, was i the only one who though that?" says Asuna.

"I'm sorry". Siune opens her menu to log out.

"Siune please!" I call out to her but, i was too late. Siune's avatar faded away. "Asuna?" her heart was filled with sadness. I could feel it.

"Calvary, do you truly know why they are avoid their avoiding making a friendship with me?" Asuna asks me.

"I....i don't. I'm sorry" We stood in silence for a while. "Is it okay if i stay with you, till you log out?. I feel like you need some company."

"Thanks Calvary, that would be nice." We both sat in silence before i broke it.

"Asuna. Its a random question but, If you had only two more months to live because of anything...are you still willing to make friends?". She stayed silent. "I-I'm sorry if that sounded dark and-"

"I guess i wouldn't"


"I wouldn't want to make friends because i didn't want their hearts to hurt when i leave them forever."

"Hmm..". Soon Asuna had to log out soon so we both said our goodbyes. When i logged out i had gotten a message from Kirito. He was asking me to join Asuna at a address. "Better look it up when on the hospital directory". I think to myself. With that i got ready for work. I was able to search up the address and found out that the address led to a hospital. They carried something called a Medicuboid. Kirito stated that Asuna would go to the hospital after school ended. A few hours later my shift ended and i headed to the hospital Kirito stated me to go to.

A/N: Thanks for reading. As Calvary asked Asuna

"Would you make still friends with others if you only had two months to live?"

Send me your answers in the comment section or if your using the mobile app send me your answers to my email:

alwinaby 1(@)

P.S after about two more chapters there will a huge break in updates.

I have a book where i wrote my Sao fanfic in advance but i stopped because....well i really wrote this for fun and when i started to type this up i didn't expect to be this yeah expect a break after two more chapter....

i will also more likely write the next chapter tomorrow so look out for it

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